Russians love small apartments explained

Realtors: the launch of preferential mortgages has led to an increase in demand for budget housing in Russia One-room apartments and studios in resort cities of Russia due to the fact that it is actually a ready-made rental business. For themselves, such apartments are bought by those who are looking for affordable housing. The love of Russians for small living space was explained by experts from the Moscow Real Estate Investment Agency ( has the relevant material). According to experts, the launch of the preferential mortgage program has led to an increase in demand for budget housing, and it was “odnushki” and studios that attracted the most attention of buyers. “If we talk about those who buy for themselves, then inexpensive studios and one-room apartments are interesting lots – the relatively low cost makes the first installment for them the most affordable,” the experts explained. They believe that in Russia

Russians love small apartments explained

Realtors: the launch of preferential mortgages has led to an increase in demand for budget housing in Russia One-room apartments and studios in resort cities of Russia due to the fact that it is actually a ready-made rental business. For themselves, such apartments are bought by those who are looking for affordable housing. The love of Russians for small living space was explained by experts from the Moscow Real Estate Investment Agency ( has the relevant material). According to experts, the launch of the preferential mortgage program has led to an increase in demand for budget housing, and it was “odnushki” and studios that attracted the most attention of buyers. “If we talk about those who buy for themselves, then inexpensive studios and one-room apartments are interesting lots – the relatively low cost makes the first installment for them the most affordable,” the experts explained. They believe that in Russia

Revealed the state of survivors after the explosion of a mine in Kuzbass

Deputy head physician Agalaryan: the state of the survivors after the emergency at the Listvyazhnaya mine is stable area. This was announced by the deputy chief physician of the Kuzbass Clinical Center for the Protection of Miners' Health Alexander Agalaryan, he is quoted by RIA Novosti. According to him, the surviving rescuer will be transferred to Kemerovo as a result of the telemedicine session. Gas explosion on mine “Listvyazhnaya” occurred on the morning of November 25. 52 people were killed, 63 were injured. On the same day, the Governor of Kuzbass Sergei Tsivilev announced a three-day mourning in the region for the miners and rescuers who died at the mine. It will run from 26 to 28 November.

The future of paper bills in Russia is predicted

First Minister of Economy Nechaev: Paper money in Russia will not be taken out of circulation soon ru predicted the possible future of paper banknotes in the country. According to the ex-minister, despite the fact that Russians use paper banknotes less often when paying for goods and services amid the widespread use of electronic money and the introduction of new technologies, they will not be withdrawn from circulation soon. “There are some calculations directly between people. There is quite a micro-business that finds it expensive to have terminals and be connected to the payment system, “Nechaev explained. Speaking about cryptocurrencies and electronic money, he admitted that they will not be able to displace paper money from the usual circulation of people. but they can become a vehicle for investment or be used for criminal purposes. Earlier, economist Leonid Khazanov predicted that it would hardly be possible to abandon metallic money

The future of paper bills in Russia is predicted

First Minister of Economy Nechaev: paper money in Russia will not be taken out of circulation soon ru predicted the possible future of paper banknotes in the country. According to the ex-minister, despite the fact that Russians use paper banknotes less often when paying for goods and services amid the widespread use of electronic money and the introduction of new technologies, they will not be withdrawn from circulation soon. “There are some calculations directly between people. There is quite a micro-business that finds it expensive to have terminals and be connected to the payment system, “Nechaev explained. Speaking about cryptocurrencies and electronic money, he admitted that they will not be able to displace paper money from the usual circulation of people. but they can become a vehicle for investment or be used for criminal purposes. Earlier, economist Leonid Khazanov predicted that it would hardly be possible to abandon metallic money

The impossibility of destroying the Kursk by an American submarine has been explained

Defense24: Russian submarine Kursk could not be wrecked because of the United States Russian submarine Kursk, wrecked in August 2000 year in the Barents Sea, could not sink due to a collision with American submarines, since it was significantly larger than them. The impossibility of destroying a Russian vessel by US submarines is explained by the Polish edition of Defense24. The publication claims that at the time of the Kursk accident (with a displacement of 23,900 tons), American submarines Memphis (6900 tons) and Toledo, as well as the British submarine Splendid (4900 tons) were in the region. The publication reminds that in size and displacement western ships are much inferior to the Russian ship, so their collision with the latter would have led to problems for the first. Thus, Defense24 commented on the statement of the former commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Vyacheslav Popov, who previously stated that the

The impossibility of destroying the Kursk by an American submarine has been explained

Defense24: Russian submarine “Kursk” could not be wrecked because of the USA Russian submarine “Kursk” wrecked in August 2000 year in the Barents Sea, could not sink due to a collision with American submarines, since it was significantly larger than them. The impossibility of destroying a Russian vessel by US submarines is explained by the Polish edition of Defense24. The publication claims that at the time of the Kursk accident (with a displacement of 23,900 tons), American submarines Memphis (6900 tons) and Toledo, as well as the British submarine Splendid (4900 tons) were in the region. The publication reminds that in size and displacement western ships are much inferior to the Russian ship, so their collision with the latter would have led to problems for the first. Thus, Defense24 commented on the statement of the former commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Vyacheslav Popov, who previously stated that the Kursk

Ovechkin got several stitches after hitting the puck in the face

Hockey player “Washington Capitals” Ovechkin: put several stitches, did not lose a single tooth that he received multiple stitches after hitting the puck in the face in a National Hockey League (NHL) match against the Florida Panthers. He spoke about this at a press conference, the video was posted on the team's website. Ovechkin's first hat-trick of the season helped defeat Florida 4-3. In the first period of the match, the Russian went to the locker room after the puck ricocheted into his face. “It was a kind of signal to wake up. Thank God I haven't lost a single tooth. Nothing serious, “the Russian said. It was also reported that Alexander Ovechkin overtook players Guy Lefleur and Brandan Shanahan in the list of the best scorers in the National Hockey League (NHL) of all time. The Russian with 1355 points bypassed Lefler (1353 points) and Shanahan (1354), taking 26th

The documents of the last inspection of the Listvyazhnaya mine have been published

REN TV: last inspection of Listvyazhnaya mine revealed 10 violations of safety rules Last inspection of Listvyazhnaya mine a week before the explosion, the victims of which were 52 people, revealed 10 violations of safety rules. The results of the check are published by REN TV. Among the violations were the longwall power supply scheme not approved by the engineer and the missing methane control sensors. The documents also show that the violations were eliminated on the day of the inspection on November 18. “On that day, there were only 11 or 12 violations, they immediately eliminated them. They had nothing to do with the accident at all, there were transport violations. And this is gas, “the inspector explained. According to the specialist, 139 violations were revealed at the enterprise during the year, but there were no problems related to gas there for a long time. The mine worked for

Ovechkin got several stitches after hitting the puck in the face

Hockey player “Washington Capitals” Ovechkin: put several stitches, did not lose a single tooth that he received multiple stitches after hitting the puck in the face in a National Hockey League (NHL) match against the Florida Panthers. He spoke about this at a press conference, the video was posted on the team's website. Ovechkin's first hat-trick of the season helped defeat Florida 4-3. In the first period of the match, the Russian went to the locker room after the puck ricocheted into his face. “It was a kind of signal to wake up. Thank God I haven't lost a single tooth. Nothing serious, “the Russian said. It was also reported that Alexander Ovechkin overtook players Guy Lefleur and Brandan Shanahan in the list of the best scorers in the National Hockey League (NHL) of all time. The Russian with 1355 points bypassed Lefler (1353 points) and Shanahan (1354), taking 26th