The cost of housing in Russia was proposed to increase

The standard cost of a “square” of the total area of ​​housing in Russia will reach 70.6 thousand rubles In 2022, the standard for the cost per square meter of the total area of ​​housing in Russia will be established. The indicator has reached almost 70.6 thousand rubles, according to RIA Novosti. Thus, the country actually proposed to increase the cost of housing – the new figure is 27 percent higher than the standard for the second half of 2021. Document also determines the indicators of the average market value “square” of the total area of ​​housing by region. They were identified for the first quarter of 2022. They wanted to establish the highest rates for Moscow (265.8 thousand rubles), St. Petersburg (162.9 thousand rubles) and the Sakhalin region (116.5 thousand rubles). The lowest values ​​were proposed to be introduced for the Republic of Ingushetia (42.1 thousand rubles), Orenburg (42.3

В России за сутки выявили 33 946 заразившихся COVID-19

Регионы—лидеры по числу новых случаев: Москва — 3430 (за все время — 1 937 409); Санкт-Петербург — 1879 (780 916); Московская область — 1867 (583 069); Самарская область — 1056 (177 007); Воронежская область — 759 (175 007). За день в России умерли 1239 заболевших, что на четыре человека больше, чем вчера (1235). Общее число умерших достигло 271 531. За день выздоровели 36 494 человека, всего — 8 237 465. Регионы—лидеры по числу смертей: Москва — 96 (с начала пандемии — 33 917); Санкт-Петербург — 70 (26 001); Подмосковье — 53 (10 280); Краснодарский край и Ростовская область — по 42 (8 774 и 8 621); Красноярский край — 38 (7 395). На этой неделе ученые выявили новый штамм коронавируса, получивший название омикрон. Всемирная организация здравоохранения закрепила его как «вариант, вызывающего обеспокоенность». Его распространение началось в Африке, случаи заболевания уже выявлены в Гонконге и Бельгии. Из-за нового штамма Россия с 28 ноября ограничит въезд иностранцев из ЮАР, Гонконга, Ботсваны, Лесото, Намибии, Зимбабве, Мозамбика, Мадагаскара, Эсватини и Танзании. Евросоюз обсуждает закрытие полетов из южной части Африки.

Prospecting work resumed at the Listvyazhnaya mine

Governor Tsivilev: a search and rescue operation resumed at the Listvyazhnaya mine At the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass gas, resumed prospecting. Acting head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Alexander Chupriyan and Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev spoke about the beginning of the operation, TASS reports. According to the authorities, there is no fire in the mine, which will facilitate the conduct of the search operation. “We have resumed the search and rescue operation. The first section went to the mine, but we do not know what is there. Now our task is not to lose a single person again, we no longer have the right to do this, “Tsivilev said. The Emergencies Ministry noted that they did not abandon the idea of ​​cooling the mine by drilling a hole to the explosion site. Such a measure should speed up the process of finding miners. The Governor stressed

The Russian woman was suspected of contempt of court because of the postal envelope

Krasnodar activist was summoned to court because of David's painting on a mail envelope – for the image on the postal envelope in which she sent the letter to the Fourth General Jurisdiction Court of Cassation. She announced this on her Facebook page. Related materials00: 02 – 20 November 2019 The most humane in the world Russia was able to create an exemplary court and where he disappeared00: 02 – 15 January 2018 The judge is venal in an envelope with a picture of Gerard David “Skinning a Corrupt Judge” depicted on it. After that, the Krasnodar activist was summoned to court with a demand for explanations to exclude disrespect for the court (Article 297 “Disrespect for the court” of the Criminal Code of Russia) and to consider the existence of grounds for imposing a court fine, and also threatened to transfer the envelope to the preliminary investigation authorities. The

In “Togliattiazot” told about the arrest of the general director of the enterprise

Law enforcers detained acting General Director of Togliattiazot Andrey Bobkov the general director of the enterprise Andrey Bobkov. This is reported by RBC, with reference to information received from the company. According to the newspaper, law enforcement officers detained him on the eve of the company's shareholders meeting, which was initiated a few days ago by Uralchem's minority shareholder Dmitry Mazepin. “At present, lawyers are investigating the reasons and circumstances of the detention,” the message says. It is noted that before the arrest Bobkov sent a statement to the FSB and the Investigative Committee about Uralkhim's attempt to carry out a raider seizure of the enterprise. Togliattiazot is one of the largest producers of ammonia and urea in Russia. Uralchem ​​became a minority shareholder in Togliattiazot in 2008. It is known that the company transferred most of its stake in Togliattiazot (9.7 out of 9.97 percent) to Khimaktivinvest, which was

In “Togliattiazot” told about the arrest of the general director of the enterprise

Law enforcers detained acting General Director of Togliattiazot Andrey Bobkov the general director of the enterprise Andrey Bobkov. This is reported by RBC, with reference to information received from the company. According to the newspaper, law enforcement officers detained him on the eve of the company's shareholders meeting, which was initiated a few days ago by Uralchem's minority shareholder Dmitry Mazepin. “At present, lawyers are investigating the reasons and circumstances of the detention,” the message says. It is noted that before the arrest Bobkov sent a statement to the FSB and the Investigative Committee about Uralkhim's attempt to carry out a raider seizure of the enterprise. Togliattiazot is one of the largest producers of ammonia and urea in Russia. Uralchem ​​became a minority shareholder in Togliattiazot in 2008. It is known that the company transferred most of its stake in Togliattiazot (9.7 out of 9.97 percent) to Khimaktivinvest, which was

The Russian woman was suspected of contempt of court because of the postal envelope

Krasnodar activist was summoned to court because of David's painting on a mail envelope – for the image on the postal envelope in which she sent the letter to the Fourth General Jurisdiction Court of Cassation. She announced this on her Facebook page. Related materials00: 02 – 20 November 2019 The most humane in the world Russia was able to create an exemplary court and where he disappeared00: 02 – 15 January 2018 The judge is venal in an envelope with a picture of Gerard David “Skinning a Corrupt Judge” depicted on it. After that, the Krasnodar activist was summoned to court with a demand for explanations to exclude disrespect for the court (Article 297 “Disrespect for the court” of the Criminal Code of Russia) and to consider the existence of grounds for imposing a court fine, and also threatened to transfer the envelope to the preliminary investigation authorities. The

Details of a series of explosions at an ammunition plant near Nizhny Novgorod have emerged.

REN TV: a workshop at the Sverdlov plant in Dzerzhinsk partially collapsed after the explosions , where a series of explosions occurred, the building partially collapsed. The details that have appeared are given by REN TV in its Telegram channel. It is reported that the area of ​​the fire is about one square kilometer, it was assigned the third rank. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fire alarm went off at the plant, then there were several pops. Telegram-channel Mash adds that the epicenter of the explosion was the workshop for the production and regeneration of acetone. It is noted that in July at the plant in one of the shops a container with acetone was depressurized, as a result of which an explosion also occurred. An emergency at the Sverdlov plant occurred in the morning of November 27. Several explosions thundered there. According to preliminary data, a

Details of a series of explosions at an ammunition plant near Nizhny Novgorod have emerged.

REN TV: a shop at the Sverdlov plant in Dzerzhinsk partially collapsed after the explosions At the Sverdlov plant for the production of ammunition in the Dzerzhinsk region , where a series of explosions occurred, the building partially collapsed. The details that have appeared are given by REN TV in its Telegram channel. It is reported that the area of ​​the fire is about one square kilometer, it was assigned the third rank. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fire alarm went off at the plant, then there were several pops. Telegram-channel Mash adds that the epicenter of the explosion was the workshop for the production and regeneration of acetone. It is noted that in July at the plant in one of the shops a container with acetone was depressurized, as a result of which an explosion also occurred. An emergency at the Sverdlov plant occurred in the

Volodin promised to study all opinions on QR codes

State Duma Speaker Volodin will study all comments on draft laws on QR codes State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin promised to study all opinions QR codes. He shared the details of the work in his Telegram channel. According to the speaker, over the past few days he received a huge number of messages about bills. “I didn’t expect that there would be so many of them,” Volodin wrote. He noted that he would not be able to cope with such a volume alone and would organize the work in such a way as to study all comments and take into account constructive suggestions. The speaker thanked the subscribers for their opinions. According to Volodin, in the future, the authorities also plan to learn the opinions of citizens about important topics, using the capabilities of social networks. Previously, researchers at TGStat concluded that Volodin's post, in which he asked for feedback