Woman breastfeed a cat on the plane

The Sun: a passenger on a flight to the USA breastfed a cat during the flight aboard. This is reported by The Sun. A woman and her pet flew to Atlanta, Georgia (USA). During the flight, she took the cat out of the carrier, breast-fed him, but did not put the pet back in the bag, despite the crew's requests. As a result, the pilot of the aircraft transmitted information to the airport about the woman's refusal to return the pet to the carrier … After landing, she was interviewed by the security personnel. The woman was warned. In February 2021, an aggressive cat forced the pilots to land a plane that was en route from Sudan to the capital of Qatar, Doha. The pet unexpectedly appeared in the cockpit half an hour after the flight. The animal is believed to have got on the plane during cleaning or inspection.

Woman breastfeed a cat on the plane

The Sun: a passenger on a flight to the USA breastfed a cat during the flight aboard. This is reported by The Sun. A woman and her pet flew to Atlanta, Georgia (USA). During the flight, she took the cat out of the carrier, breast-fed him, but did not put the pet back in the bag, despite the crew's requests. As a result, the pilot of the aircraft transmitted information to the airport about the woman's refusal to return the pet to the carrier … After landing, she was interviewed by the security personnel. The woman was warned. In February 2021, an aggressive cat forced the pilots to land a plane that was en route from Sudan to the capital of Qatar, Doha. The pet unexpectedly appeared in the cockpit half an hour after the flight. The animal is believed to have got on the plane during cleaning or inspection.

The Russian government has determined the rules for determining the poverty line

Ministry of Labor: the government of the Russian Federation approved the procedure for determining the poverty line in the country The corresponding decree appeared on the official Internet portal of legal information. It comes into force on the day of its publication and applies to legal relations that have arisen since January 2021. The resolution proposed to introduce a new concept in the country – “poverty line”. The poverty line will complement the already existing indicator of the subsistence minimum (SL). The new indicator is supposed to be calculated by multiplying the previous PM value for the quarter by the overall inflation for the corresponding period. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia, the new indicator is introduced solely for statistical purposes and will not affect the size of government support measures for socially disadvantaged strata of the population. The press service of the department added

The Russian government has determined the rules for determining the poverty line

Ministry of Labor: the government of the Russian Federation approved the procedure for determining the poverty line in the country The corresponding decree appeared on the official Internet portal of legal information. It comes into force on the day of its publication and applies to legal relations that have arisen since January 2021. The resolution proposed to introduce a new concept in the country – “poverty line”. The poverty line will complement the already existing indicator of the subsistence minimum (SL). The new indicator is supposed to be calculated by multiplying the previous PM value for the quarter by the overall inflation for the corresponding period. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia, the new indicator is introduced solely for statistical purposes and will not affect the size of government support measures for socially disadvantaged strata of the population. The press service of the department added

Political scientist called the future German chancellor a problem for the United States

Political scientist Rahr: future German chancellor Scholz opposes US nuclear weapons in Germany Future German chancellor and leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD ) Olaf Scholz opposes the presence of American nuclear weapons in Germany. Such a problem for the United States represented by Scholz was stated by the German political scientist Alexander Rahr in an interview with the Internet publication 47news.ru Related materials 00:02 – 28 September Lack of democracy. Power is changing in Germany. Who will lead the country to the future and what will it be? 00:01 – 22 September Russian gas: what did Germany get over the 16 years of Angela Merkel's rule? The expert noted that the SPD have always been more critical of Washington, in contrast to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Rahr noted that difficulties in relations can also cause defense budget issues. “The government coalition agreement does not say, as it

Danger of new COVID-19 strain compared with Ebola

World Medical Association head: omicron strain can be as dangerous as Ebola compared the danger of a new strain of coronavirus with Ebola. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to Monggomery, experts do not yet have accurate information about the risks associated with the omicron mutation, but it is known that it is rapidly spreading around the world. “Most of all, I fear that this strain may become as infectious as delta, and as dangerous as Ebola,” said the chairman of the medical organization. According to him, initially, humanity underestimated the danger of coronavirus and compared it to the flu. Many believed that it would be possible to achieve herd immunity, but then the delta strain appeared. Montgomery admitted that in the future people will have to be vaccinated every year. On November 26, it became known that experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized a new COVID-19

Russian biathlete made 10 mistakes and took 109th place in the World Cup

Davidova won the individual race at the World Cup, Russian Nigmatullina finished fifth race at the World Cup stage in Ostersund, Sweden. The results are available on the website of the International Biathlon Union (IBU). The athlete had ten penalties and was 11 minutes and 36 seconds behind the leader. The winner was the Czech Marketa Davidova, who had no misses and overcame the race in 43 minutes and 43.5 seconds. The second place is taken by the Austrian Lisa Teresa Hauser. The third place was taken by the German woman Denise Hermann. Uliana Nigmatullina became the best of the Russian women, who came in fifth. Kazakevich is the bronze medalist of the Russian championship in the relay. Also on her account is the bronze of the world championship among juniors. The stage in Ostersund will end on November 28 with a men's ten kilometers sprint. The race will start

Russian biathlete made 10 mistakes and took 109th place in the World Cup

Davidova won the individual race at the World Cup, Russian Nigmatullina finished fifth race at the World Cup stage in Ostersund, Sweden. The results are available on the website of the International Biathlon Union (IBU). The athlete had ten penalties and was 11 minutes and 36 seconds behind the leader. The winner was the Czech Marketa Davidova, who had no misses and overcame the race in 43 minutes and 43.5 seconds. The second place is taken by the Austrian Lisa Teresa Hauser. The third place was taken by the German woman Denise Hermann. Uliana Nigmatullina became the best of the Russian women, who came in fifth. Kazakevich is the bronze medalist of the Russian championship in the relay. Also on her account is the bronze of the world championship among juniors. The stage in Ostersund will end on November 28 with a men's ten kilometers sprint. The race will start

The Czech Republic remembered about the “no chance in battle” Soviet tank

iDnes: Soviet T-35 tank was good only in parades T-35 tank was good only in parades. In battle, the “Soviet monster” had no chance. The Czech edition of iDnes recalled the T-35 tank. According to InoSMI.Ru, the main advantage of a multi-turret tank was considered to be the ability to fire several targets at once. “The armament of the T-35A tank consisted of three cannons and five 7.62 mm machine guns. Thus, each turret had one machine gun with or without a cannon. Since 1936, sometimes a sixth cannon was installed on the roof of the main tower, designed to fire at low-flying aircraft, ”the newspaper writes. According to iDnes, the presence of several towers increased the size and weight of the tank. “But the T-35 tank's armor was too thin, for example, on the sides and front of the turret it was 20 millimeters, which, combined with the large

The Czech Republic remembered about the “no chance in battle” Soviet tank

iDnes: the Soviet T-35 tank was good only in parades The T-35 tank was good only in parades. In battle, the “Soviet monster” had no chance. The Czech edition of iDnes recalled the T-35 tank. According to InoSMI.Ru, the main advantage of a multi-turret tank was considered to be the ability to fire several targets at once. “The armament of the T-35A tank consisted of three cannons and five 7.62 mm machine guns. Thus, each turret had one machine gun with or without a cannon. Since 1936, sometimes a sixth cannon was installed on the roof of the main tower, designed to fire at low-flying aircraft, ”the newspaper writes. According to iDnes, the presence of several towers increased the size and weight of the tank. “But the T-35 tank's armor was too thin, for example, on the sides and front of the turret it was 20 millimeters, which, combined with