Listvyazhnoy miners talked about the sensors glued to reduce readings

The miner said that the management of the Listvyazhnaya mine underestimated the methane readings on the sensors methane concentration sensors so that they show underestimated gas readings. RBC was told about this by a driver from a contracting organization that deals with these sensors at the mine. According to him, the sensor was glued from the inside with double-sided tape so that no air could enter there, and the device showed underestimated data. “The management just bridges these sensors and that's it. Everyone saw it, ”the driver noted. He stressed that the devices are given to the miners before the shift and returned after work. It is assumed that this was done so that the employees of the contractor organization did not refuse to work. The brother of the deceased miner, who also works as a miner, confirmed the problems with the sensors, and that “a lot is hidden” at

Political scientist called the future German chancellor a problem for the United States

Political scientist Rahr: future German chancellor Scholz opposes US nuclear weapons in Germany Future German chancellor and leader of the Social Democratic Party ) Olaf Scholz opposes the presence of American nuclear weapons in Germany. Such a problem for the United States represented by Scholz was stated by the German political scientist Alexander Rahr in an interview with the Internet publication .jpg “/> Lack of democracy. Power is changing in Germany. Who will lead the country to the future and what will it be? 00:01 – September 22 Russian gas: what did Germany get over the 16 years of Angela Merkel's rule? The expert noted that the SPD have always been more critical of Washington, in contrast to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Rahr noted that difficulties in relations can also cause defense budget issues. “The government coalition agreement does not say, as it was under the Christian Democrats,

South Korea proposes to oblige the unvaccinated to pay for treatment for coronavirus

South Korean authorities want to oblige the unvaccinated to pay for part of the treatment for COVID-19 for treatment for coronavirus infection. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to a source close to the authorities, with the help of the innovation they want to increase the level of vaccination against COVID-19 in the country. At the moment, the indicator has reached 79.4 percent of the total population and 91.2 percent among adult citizens. However, the authorities considered the indicators to be insufficient. “This was discussed, the government will consider the legislative aspect and how citizens will accept it. When we collect opinions, in December it will be possible at the next parliamentary session to edit the content of the bill that the government pays for treatment, “a source told Newsis. In South Korea, the state fully pays for the treatment of citizens on the basis of the law on

Listvyazhnoy miners talked about the sensors glued to reduce readings

The miner said that the management of the Listvyazhnaya mine underestimated the methane readings by sensors methane concentration so that they show underestimated gas readings. RBC was told about this by a driver from a contracting organization that deals with these sensors at the mine. According to him, the sensor was glued from the inside with double-sided tape so that no air could enter there, and the device showed underestimated data. “The management just bridges these sensors and that's it. Everyone saw it, ”the driver noted. He stressed that the devices are given to the miners before the shift and returned after work. It is assumed that this was done so that the employees of the contractor organization did not refuse to work. The brother of the deceased miner, who also works as a miner, confirmed the problems with the sensors, and that “a lot is hidden” at the enterprise,

Russia refused to challenge Dina Averina's silver at the Olympics in CAS

Match TV: Russia will not appeal the result of Dina Averina at the Olympic Games due to the regulations Judgment (CAS) results of the individual all-around in rhythmic gymnastics at the 2021 Olympics. This was reported by Match TV, citing a source. The reason was a legal error. It is noted that for the proceedings it was necessary to comply with the temporary rules for filing a claim, but Russia did not have time to collect the documents in time. At the Tokyo Olympics, Russian woman Dina Averina missed the victory in the individual all-around. She was preceded by an Israeli Lina Ashram, who dropped an object during her speech. The failure of the Russian gymnast provoked talk of biased refereeing at the tournament. President of the All-Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation Irina Viner-Usmanova called refereeing at the Games a complete collapse and shame. It was noted that Russia will challenge

Russia refused to challenge Dina Averina's silver at the Olympics in CAS

Match TV: Russia will not appeal the result of Dina Averina at the Olympic Games due to the regulations The Russian side refused to challenge Judgment (CAS) results of the individual all-around in rhythmic gymnastics at the 2021 Olympics. This was reported by Match TV, citing a source. The reason was a legal error. It is noted that for the proceedings it was necessary to comply with the temporary rules for filing a claim, but Russia did not have time to collect the documents in time. At the Tokyo Olympics, Russian woman Dina Averina missed the victory in the individual all-around. She was preceded by an Israeli Lina Ashram, who dropped an object during her speech. The failure of the Russian gymnast provoked talk of biased refereeing at the tournament. President of the All-Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation Irina Viner-Usmanova called refereeing at the Games a complete collapse and shame. It

Russians were taught to recognize an illegally issued loan

Ponomarev's lawyer: you can learn about an illegal loan from unexpected calls You can recognize an illegal loan due to unexpected calls and financial messages organizations. Lawyer Anna Ponomareva spoke about this in a conversation with the radio station “Moscow Talking” demanding a refund. In such cases, microfinance organizations will also report that the loan was overdue. According to the lawyer, there are nine bureaus in the register that contain information about issued loans. “In your personal account on the State Services website, you can get a list of all bureaus for free, which contains information about your credit history. It is recommended to periodically check your credit history in order to prevent unpleasant financial consequences in a timely manner, “Ponomareva taught the Russians. The Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), they can get on the twin sites of the department. In such cases, you need to pay attention

Russians were taught to recognize an illegally issued loan

Ponomarev's lawyer: you can learn about an illegal loan from unexpected calls organizations. Lawyer Anna Ponomareva spoke about this in a conversation with the radio station “Moscow Talking” demanding a refund. In such cases, microfinance organizations will also report that the loan was overdue. According to the lawyer, there are nine bureaus in the register that contain information about issued loans. “In your personal account on the State Services website, you can get a list of all bureaus for free, which contains information about your credit history. It is recommended to periodically check your credit history in order to prevent unpleasant financial consequences in a timely manner, “Ponomareva taught the Russians. The Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), they can get on the twin sites of the department. In such cases, you need to pay attention to the domain name of the site.

В Перу нашли связанную веревками 800-летнюю мумию

#Archaeologists Find 800-Year Old Mummy in #Peru — MTV Lebanon News (@MTVLebanonNews) November 27, 2021 Археологи в Перу обнаружили древнюю мумию, которой не менее 8 сотен лет. Находка была сделана в подземной гробнице на окраине города Лима, сообщает Reuters. Более точный возраст захоронения можно будет узнать после радиоуглеродного датирования. Мумифицированные останки принадлежали человеку, который жил в высокогорных районах Анд. Главной особенностью мумии является то, что все тело перед погребением связали веревками. Умерший был похоронен в позе эмбриона и прикрывал лицо руками. Такая поза — часть местного похоронного ритуала, рассказал археолог Питер Ван Дален Луна из Государственного университета Сан-Маркос. В гробнице также были найдены ритуальные подношения, в том числе керамика, остатки овощей и каменные орудия труда. Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного об археологии

A miner from the Listvyazhnaya mine accidentally missed his shift on the day of the emergency

A miner from the Listvyazhnaya mine who was late for his shift helped save several people shifts on the day of the explosion and helped save several comrades. The miner's story is published by the SHOT Telegram channel. Related materials 00:05 – 26 November “The director will get rid of, he has a lot of money »Former miner of the Listvyazhnaya mine on what led to the death of 52 people 15:26 – 26 November “People were declared dead in advance” The tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine is not the first. Why do hundreds of miners die in Kuzbass? According to Bulbis, he took overalls from the wash, so he came to the second watch. As the miner was about to descend into the mine, the crew heard a pop, and black smoke poured from the entrance. “[From the mine] the first man came out all covered in mud, dust,