The girl called the police to her friend's house and destroyed her family

A Reddit user got into a fight with her friend after calling the police to her house how she decided to call the police at the home of a 21-year-old friend raising her son and quarreled with her as a result. The mother was threatened with deprivation of parental rights, after which she accused her acquaintance of destroying her family. According to the site's user, her friend became a mother a year ago. “After the birth of a child (from a casual acquaintance), my friend began to change. She became more reserved, less patient, and began to feel bad about what she had previously treated well. I thought she had postpartum depression, ”the girl shared. The narrator noted that she always tried to help her friend with the child, despite the fact that she lived in another city and worked a lot. Once the heroine of the story had to

The psychologist named the signs of male infidelity

Psychologist Devaney: Cheating Woman Feels Something Wrong explained how to understand that a partner lives in two families. She told about this in her blog. Devaney explained that men have a second family, because their relationship with his mistress over time can develop into something more than just an intimate relationship, and they do not want to give up their wife, because they are used to a certain relationship. The psychologist is sure that sooner or later the woman who is being cheated begins to feel that something is wrong. “It is not a myth that women have a sixth sense, they will definitely discover deception. Another thing is how to collect evidence, “- said the specialist. One of the signs of betrayal may be the desire to guard the phone, says Devani. If a man is afraid to leave the gadget unattended or sets a complex password on it,

Rospotrebnadzor told about concerns due to omicron-strain of coronavirus

Center “Vector” Rospotrebnadzor: a new strain of omicron raises serious concerns The new strain of omicron coronavirus raises serious concerns, it needs to be studied. Such an assessment was given to him in the scientific center “Vector” of Rospotrebnadzor. TASS refers to the center's statement. “The omicron variant, which the World Health Organization has identified as a variant of concern, has a large number of mutations in the S-protein gene. A number of mutations characteristic of the new genovariant have also been shown to play a role in evading the immune response. Thus, the new version really raises serious concerns and requires immediate and comprehensive study, “the agency quotes the text of the statement. Vektor also assessed the effectiveness of the EpiVacCorona vaccine against the new strain: experts suggested that it will be about the same as in the case of the delta variant of the coronavirus. Earlier on November

Russian Ambassador to London worries about the deployment of British troops in Germany

Ambassador Kelin: NATO troops on the border with Russia are not helping to ease tensions troops in Germany will not help ease the current military tensions between the two countries. He expressed his concern on Times Radio, as quoted by RIA Novosti. Kelin noted another ten-year movement of British troops closer to the NATO-Russia border and called this decision in line with the Western policy of recent years. The Ambassador in London recalled the recent NATO exercises in the Black and Baltic Seas, as well as the summer incident with the British destroyer Defender, which passed near Crimea. On November 25, it was reported that the UK decided to increase its global military presence in the world. In addition to Germany, the British are planning to deploy their troops in Kenya and Oman. London intends to significantly increase military spending.

Rospotrebnadzor told about concerns due to omicron-strain of coronavirus

Center “Vector” Rospotrebnadzor: a new strain of omicron raises serious concerns The new strain of omicron coronavirus raises serious concerns, it needs to be studied. Such an assessment was given to him in the scientific center “Vector” of Rospotrebnadzor. TASS refers to the center's statement. “The omicron variant, which the World Health Organization has identified as a variant of concern, has a large number of mutations in the S-protein gene. A number of mutations characteristic of the new genovariant have also been shown to play a role in evading the immune response. Thus, the new version really raises serious concerns and requires immediate and comprehensive study, “the agency quotes the text of the statement. Vektor also assessed the effectiveness of the EpiVacCorona vaccine against the new strain: experts suggested that it will be about the same as in the case of the delta variant of the coronavirus. Earlier on November

Omicron-strain of coronavirus infiltrated the Czech Republic

A case of infection with the omicron coronavirus strain has been confirmed in the Czech Republic A patient in the city of Liberec in the Czech Republic has officially confirmed a new coronavirus strain. This is the first recorded case that entered the territory of the Czech state, writes Czech Radio, citing local television reports. The woman was allegedly infected in Africa: she traveled to Namibia through South Africa and the UAE. Now she is in isolation, like the eight people who flew with her from the African continent. In addition to fellow travelers, the relatives of the woman with whom she managed to meet are also checked. A new strain of coronavirus under the code B.1.1.529 was identified in South Africa on November 11. The first confirmed cases of infection date from November 24. The strain was named with the Greek letter “omicron” and has already managed to recognize

Possible gradsky burial site named

Source: Gradsky may be buried at the Kuzminskoye cemetery next to their parents This was reported by the RIA Novosti Telegram channel. According to a source familiar with the situation, Gradsky may be buried at the Kuzminskoye cemetery next to his parents. Earlier it was reported that shortly before the death of the singer and composer a large number of antibodies to coronavirus were found in his blood. After Gradsky suffered COVID-19, he began to complain of pain in his legs and practically did not get up. The death of the musician became known on Sunday, November 28. Doctors took Gradsky to the hospital with suspected stroke. The coronavirus infection he suffered in September led to a deterioration in his health.

Possible gradsky burial site named

Source: Gradskiy may be buried at the Kuzminskoye cemetery next to his parents This was reported by the RIA Novosti Telegram channel. According to a source familiar with the situation, Gradsky may be buried at the Kuzminskoye cemetery next to his parents. Earlier it was reported that shortly before the death of the singer and composer a large number of antibodies to coronavirus were found in his blood. After Gradsky suffered COVID-19, he began to complain of pain in his legs and practically did not get up. The death of the musician became known on Sunday, November 28. Doctors took Gradsky to the hospital with suspected stroke. The coronavirus infection he suffered in September led to a deterioration in his health.

Alexander Emelianenko addressed the fans after the defeat

MMA fighter Emelianenko published an appeal to fans after the defeat by Santos Russian mixed style fighter (MMA) Alexander Emelianenko published an appeal to a fan defeats to Brazilian Marcio Santos at AMC Fight Nights 106. Post available on Instagram. The 40-year-old heavyweight apologizes to fans for the defeat. “I also want to thank you for your many words of support. Thanks everyone. I see all the messages, “Emelianenko wrote. He again remembered the words of his older brother Fedor Emelianenko. “As my brother Fyodor says: he who did not fall does not rise!” – concluded Emelianenko. After the defeat by Santos, Emelianenko expressed his readiness to hold a rematch. The Brazilian agreed. Emelianenko lost to Santos in the main battle of the AMC Fight Nights 106 tournament in Syktyvkar. This defeat was the second in a row for a heavyweight. As in the fight with Magomed Ismailov, the fight

Alexander Emelianenko addressed the fans after the defeat

MMA fighter Emelianenko published an appeal to fans after defeat by Santos Russian mixed style fighter (MMA) Alexander Emelianenko published an appeal to a fan defeats to Brazilian Marcio Santos at AMC Fight Nights 106. Post available on Instagram. The 40-year-old heavyweight apologizes to fans for the defeat. “I also want to thank you for your many words of support. Thanks everyone. I see all the messages, “Emelianenko wrote. He again remembered the words of his older brother Fedor Emelianenko. “As my brother Fyodor says: he who did not fall does not rise!” – concluded Emelianenko. After the defeat by Santos, Emelianenko expressed his readiness to hold a rematch. The Brazilian agreed. Emelianenko lost to Santos in the main battle of the AMC Fight Nights 106 tournament in Syktyvkar. This defeat was the second in a row for a heavyweight. As in the fight with Magomed Ismailov, the fight ended