Died former deputy head of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Deputy Khinshtein: former deputy director of the FSIN Nikolai Barinov died to freedom in 2020. This was announced in his Telegram channel by the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Alexander Khinshtein. Barinov was 63 years old, in the FSIN he was responsible for logistical and financial and economic issues. He held this position for 12 years, from 1998 to 2010. Several years after he retired, he was tried and found guilty of accepting bribes. Khinshtein did not name the cause of death. The investigation established that Barinov had entered into an agreement with the general director of the contractor for the construction of the Kresty-2 prison, Viktor Kudrin, and the head of another contractor of government agencies, Ruslan Khamkhokov. It is believed that he received from them more than 44 million rubles from public money.

Datsik gave advice to Alexander Emelianenko

Russian MMA fighter Vyacheslav Datsik commented on the defeat of Alexander Emelianenko tournament AMC Fight Nights 106. The video is available on the YouTube channel True Gym. The 44-year-old athlete noted that Emelianenko was clearly experiencing difficulties in preparing for the fight. According to Datsik, the 40-year-old heavyweight was overcoming the consequences of a long binge, which affected his performance against Marcio Santos. Datsik also admitted that he did not see Emelianenko in MMA. He advised his compatriot to act according to the rules of boxing in order to avoid parterre. Datsik also said that he was ready for a duel against Emelianenko. Alexander Emelianenko lost in the main fight to AMC Fight Nights 106 in the absolute weight category. He turned out to be 11 kilograms heavier than his Brazilian opponent, and lost by surrendering. Datsik gained popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In his first official

Datsik gave advice to Alexander Emelianenko

Russian MMA fighter Vyacheslav Datsik commented on the defeat of Alexander Emelianenko tournament AMC Fight Nights 106. The video is available on the YouTube channel True Gym. The 44-year-old athlete noted that Emelianenko was clearly experiencing difficulties in preparing for the fight. According to Datsik, the 40-year-old heavyweight was overcoming the consequences of a long binge, which affected his performance against Marcio Santos. Datsik also admitted that he did not see Emelianenko in MMA. He advised his compatriot to act according to the rules of boxing in order to avoid parterre. Datsik also said that he was ready for a duel against Emelianenko. Alexander Emelianenko lost in the main fight to AMC Fight Nights 106 in the absolute weight category. He turned out to be 11 kilograms heavier than his Brazilian opponent, and lost by surrendering. Datsik gained popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In his first official

Germany urges US to drop sanctions against Nord Stream 2

The German government urged the United States not to impose sanctions for the certification of Nord Stream 2 Nord Stream 2. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to Berlin, the pipeline does not pose a threat to Ukraine as long as gas is being transported through its territory. At the same time, the support of the project from the government of the Federal Republic of Germany does not in any way affect the state's foreign policy towards Russia, it remains unchanged. Earlier it was reported that the administration of American President Joe Biden expressed concerns about the introduction of tougher actions on the project, since feared to anger Germany, which is “an important European ally in the fight against climate change and to limit China's growing influence in the world.” Therefore, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken decided to lift the sanctions for the certification of Nord Stream 2.

Kyrgyz parliament member detained in connection with seizure of power

Kyrgyz MP Bakytbek Zhetigenov was detained in a criminal case about an attempt to seize power authorities, reports K-News, citing its own sources. According to journalists, the parliamentarian is in jail. According to the investigation, Zhetigenov entered into an agreement with the leader of the El Yntymagy association, Askat Temraliev. They were preparing mass protests in Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which a violent seizure of power was to take place. “They counted on the support of certain political forces, including those who could lose the parliamentary elections. The people's deputy, together with other members of the movement, wanted to nominate representatives of the Chui region to the highest political positions, ”the sources said. Elections for the new parliament of Kyrgyzstan started on November 28. On November 26, the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security (GKNB) announced that it had thwarted an attempted violent seizure of power. Several people have

Kyrgyz parliament member detained in connection with seizure of power

Kyrgyz MP Bakytbek Zhetigenov was detained in a criminal case about an attempt to seize power authorities, reports K-News, citing its own sources. According to journalists, the parliamentarian is in jail. According to the investigation, Zhetigenov entered into an agreement with the leader of the El Yntymagy association, Askat Temraliev. They were preparing mass protests in Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which a violent seizure of power was to take place. “They counted on the support of certain political forces, including those who could lose the parliamentary elections. The people's deputy, together with other members of the movement, wanted to nominate representatives of the Chui region to the highest political positions, ”the sources said. Elections for the new parliament of Kyrgyzstan started on November 28. On November 26, the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security (GKNB) announced that it had thwarted an attempted violent seizure of power. Several people have

Создан студенческий совет финала Всероссийского конкурса «Твой Ход»

Финалисты Всероссийского конкурса «Твой Ход» смогут внести свои дополнения и изменения в программу финала, а также высказать идеи по улучшению мероприятий. Для этого, по предложению организаторов проекта, ребята создали студенческий совет. В него вошли 35 человек из разных регионов России. Председателем была избрана финалистка конкурса, студентка Иркутского государственного университета Софья Рукавишникова. Студсовет будет ежедневно встречаться с оргкомитетом конкурса и обсуждать актуальные вопросы. Во второй день финала «Твоего Хода», 28 ноября 2021 года, студенты продолжат участие в конкурсных испытаниях и внеучебных сервисах. На суперлекции «Твой ошибки. Как научиться использовать свои слабые стороны и превращать их в силу» профессиональным и личным опытом с финалистами поделились Директор по связям с вузами VK Сергей Марданов, вице-губернатор Оренбургской области, победитель конкурса «Лидеры России» Игнат Петухов, основатель и генеральный директор компании «Моторика» Илья Чех, основатель компании Genotek Артем Елмуратов. Сергей Марданов порекомендовал финалистам конкурса совершать больше действий и поступков. По его мнению, ошибок, которые при этом возможны, бояться не стоит: их надо научиться исправлять, самому расти и совершенствоваться. Сергей Марданов также рассказал о том, что VK поддерживает многие проекты президентской платформы «Россия — страна возможностей», помогая школьникам и студентам в профессиональной

Ukraine predicted the loss of new regions

Journalist Skachko: Ukraine may lose new regions Refusal to fulfill the Minsk agreements will lead to further fragmentation of Ukraine and the loss of new regions. Such a future for the country was predicted by journalist Vladimir Skachko on the air of the Topinform channel. He believes that first, Donetsk and Lugansk regions will completely break away from Ukraine, including those areas that are now under the control of Kiev, and then “the path of Crimea and Donbass “will be repeated by other regions of the southeast of the country. Skachko also expressed the opinion that Moscow will never abandon the Minsk agreements, since only they” keep Ukraine from becoming anti-Russia. ” p> Earlier in November, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a telephone conversation with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, accused Kiev of provocations in Donbass. He stressed that Ukraine refuses to fulfill the Minsk agreements and the agreements of

Ukraine predicted the loss of new regions

Journalist Skachko: Ukraine may lose new regions Refusal to fulfill the Minsk agreements will lead to further fragmentation of Ukraine and the loss of new regions. Such a future for the country was predicted by journalist Vladimir Skachko on the air of the Topinform channel. He believes that first, Donetsk and Lugansk regions will completely break away from Ukraine, including those areas that are now under the control of Kiev, and then “the path of Crimea and Donbass “will be repeated by other regions of the southeast of the country. Skachko also expressed the opinion that Moscow will never abandon the Minsk agreements, since only they” keep Ukraine from becoming anti-Russia. ” p> Earlier in November, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a telephone conversation with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, accused Kiev of provocations in Donbass. He stressed that Ukraine refuses to fulfill the Minsk agreements and the agreements of

Omicron strain found in 13 passengers arriving in the Netherlands from South Africa

13 cases of infection with the omicron strain were detected in passengers who arrived in the Netherlands from South Africa A new omicron strain of coronavirus was detected in at least 13 air passengers who arrived in the Netherlands from South Africa. This is reported by TASS. At the moment, the study of the samples taken is ongoing. The authorities checked 642 passengers. According to the test results, coronavirus was detected in 61 of them. All of them are in isolation. Earlier in the Netherlands, a lockdown was introduced due to the coronavirus. As the acting Prime Minister of the country Mark Rutte noted, now the pressure on the healthcare system is again “extremely great” due to the increase in the number of cases. A new strain of coronavirus, code B.1.1.529, has been identified in South Africa 11 November. The first confirmed cases of infection date from November 24. The