Russian trucking has risen due to Chinese goods

Kommersant: trucking of goods across Russia has risen in price due to goods from China – for Chinese goods, following both to the Russian regions and to Europe. This is reported by Kommersant. So, according to the ATI.SU road freight exchange, the number of applications for transportation from the Primorsky Territory during two decades of November increased by 63 percent compared to June, in the Trans-Baikal Territory this the figure was 24 percent, and in the Amur region – 15 percent. Transportation prices for the year increased by 97, 114 and 154 percent, respectively. As explained by Evgeny Utkin, head for interaction with infrastructure and industry organizations of Delovye Linii Group, the growth in demand and rates in the Far East is associated with changes in the global logistics market. So, due to the shortage of ships and the shortage of containers, difficulties arose in the field of sea transportation

Artificial intelligence will conduct a psychoanalysis of Russians on social networks

It is designed to help fight & nbsp; death groups, citizen involvement in & nbsp; terrorist activities and & nbsp; extremism, according to & nbsp; government. But, according to the & nbsp; opinion of lawyers, the use of such technology may contradict the current legislation on the & nbsp; protection of personal data. “ b '' found on the & nbsp; government procurement portal that & nbsp; FSBI & nbsp; Institute for System Programming named after & nbsp; V. P. Ivannikov '' On November 23 & nbsp; announced a tender worth 36 & nbsp; million rubles. on & nbsp; conducting a study on & nbsp; the possibilities of using artificial intelligence for & nbsp; psychological diagnostics of a personality on & nbsp; social networks. The results of the competition will be announced on November 29 & nbsp; The contractor must complete the work by & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; September

Nutritionist named the most harmful nut

Nutritionist Panchenko: peanuts can be called the most harmful nut, although they are not The most dangerous nut can be called peanuts, although in fact and not a nut. Svetlana Panchenko told RIA Novosti about this. The expert said that peanuts, or “peanuts”, which belongs to the legume family and grows in the ground, are one of the most powerful allergens. In addition, peanuts are often exposed to molds, which can affect human health. Panchenko also warned that all nuts contain phytic acid, which can interfere with the absorption of a number of trace elements from food, including iron. Therefore, raw nuts should be soaked for several hours and then dried, the nutritionist recommended. Previously, nutritionist and endocrinologist Alena Barredo spoke about the universal benefits of the daily use of pistachios. According to her, pistachios are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol. They also contain vitamins A

Roskachestvo warned of the danger of eating raw unpeeled potatoes

Roskachestvo specialist Kotelnikova spoke about the dangers of raw unpeeled potatoes Dark and green spots in potato tubers indicate the presence of a toxic substance in vegetables. The head of the research department of Roskachestvo Lilia Kotelnikova warned about this, reports “Prime”. She clarified that solanine can cause severe poisoning. However, for the consequences to occur, you need to eat several pounds of raw unripe unpeeled potatoes or tops. Heat treatment and removal of spots with spots greatly reduces the content of solanine. Kotelnikova also recalled the possible content of nitrates in potatoes. To reduce their concentration, it is necessary to soak the peeled tubers in water for half an hour. On November 27, Executive Director of the Investment and Agrarian Fund Marina Strogaya said that this year the potato crop was “not the best” led to an increase in the price of it. The expert noted that this year

The doctor explained the effect of cloudy weather on the occurrence of headaches

Doctor Leshchenko: on cloudy days, a headache may occur due to a lack of light NI Pirogova, candidate of medical sciences and ophthalmologist Irina Leshchenko explained why a headache occurs on cloudy days. She spoke about the influence of bad weather on a person's condition in an interview with Sputnik radio. According to the expert, the level of illumination sharply decreases on cloudy or foggy days. Lack of light adversely affects the eyes and often leads to headaches. “Everybody has his own signs of eye fatigue, for example, I get drowsy. That is, the eyes want to sleep, not the head: when you lie down, they close, and the brain continues to work actively. Tired eyes constantly want to rub, scratch. You may also experience pain in the eyes or in the head, “Leshchenko said. The ophthalmologist advised to turn on the light more often in cloudy weather, regardless of

The doctor warned of the danger of baldness after suffering COVID-19

Dermatovenerologist Potekaev: 40 percent of COVID-19 patients experience baldness Nikolai Potekaev, the chief freelance specialist in dermatovenerology and cosmetology of the Russian Ministry of Health, spoke about this in an interview with Izvestia. According to him, hair loss is one of the most common complications after illness. The doctor said that, on average, it occurs seven to eight weeks after recovery. He explained that this could be due to both high fever during illness and the negative effect of anti-cytokine drugs or problems with blood vessels that nourish the hair. In addition, the dermatovenerologist explained that for postcoid alopecia, use the same treatments as for normal hair loss. So, he said that there are drugs that improve the nutrition of the hair follicle due to local vasodilation, as well as containing follicle growth factors. Plasma therapy using the patient's own blood is also a popular method, the doctor added. Earlier,

The Russians were warned of a possible increase in prices for household appliances

Russian manufacturers said that household appliances could rise in price by 15% Izvestia. ” According to the newspaper, Russians need to prepare for the fact that goods from this segment will rise in price by about 15 percent due to the new ban on the export of all types of scrap and waste containing precious metals. Because of the ban, businesses will not be able to dispose of their products according to EPR (extended producer responsibility – editor's note) , so they will have to pay eco-tax. As Izvestia writes, electronics and household appliances in 2021 have already risen in price by 10-15 percent. This figure could increase by another 13 percent once the law comes into force in 2022. Experts also said that there are other reasons for the increase in prices: for example, problems with container transportation and communication with other countries due to the pandemic. According to

The reserve colonel disclosed the reasons for Russia's ignorance of US provocations

Reserve Colonel Igor Korotchenko: Russia will not respond with maneuvers to US provocations Chief Editor of National Defense magazine Igor Korotchenko revealed the reasons why Russia ignores US provocations. He spoke about this in an interview with the publication URA.RU. According to the military expert, Russia does not need to respond with maneuvers, since it protects its maritime borders and ensures their safety. “There is no military or political expediency in this. The main thing for us is to ensure the security of our perimeter and borders, ”he explained. According to Korotchenko, any actions by Russia will be legitimate to suppress provocations, but the Russian command will not go through provocations. Military observer and Russian reserve colonel Alexander Zhilin added that the military doctrines of Russia and the United States differ. “In the open part of the American doctrine, if you read carefully, you will see that the American army

WHO warns COVID-19 patients about possible infection with omicron strain

WHO: the risk of infection with the omicron strain in those who have had coronavirus may be higher infection with a new omicron strain, which was discovered in South Africa and Botswana. This is reported by TASS. According to preliminary data, the risk of infection with a new strain in patients with coronavirus may be higher. At the same time, it is emphasized that information on this matter is limited. People who have previously suffered from COVID-19 may more easily become infected with omicron compared to other options of concern World Health Organization on the infectiousness of the new omicron-strain of coronavirus According to the information available, South Africa has a higher hospital admission rate. However, it may not be associated with omicron infection, but with an increase in the number of sick people in general, the WHO explained. Related materials17: 19 – 27 November A new strain of coronavirus

In an African country, they decided to make the study of the Russian language compulsory

CAR President Touadera said that the Russian language will become compulsory in local universities said the president of the CAR Faustin-Archange Touadera, RBC reports. According to the publication, the innovation will affect African students of both bachelor's and master's degrees. Earlier, during the reign of former President Jean Bedel Bokassa, Russian was already studied at the country's universities. It is reported that in 2019 it was decided to return it to the secondary school curriculum, and next year it will be made compulsory at universities. Local media note that the initiative is part of a plan for cooperation between Moscow and Bangui – in January in Russia a meeting of education ministers is planned. They will probably discuss sending Russian teachers to the CAR, RBC reports. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Ukraine of eradicating the Russian language, as well as burning out the information field by closing TV