Immunologist predicted “artificial pit” for coronavirus in Russia after the New Year

Immunologist Kryuchkov predicted an “artificial pit” for coronavirus on New Year's holidays – for reducing the volume of PCR testing. An “artificial pit” for coronavirus in Russia in an interview with “” was predicted by an immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov. During the New Year holidays, there will be an artificial decrease in the incidence (…). This is an unrealistic process – in reality, after the January holidays, an increase in the incidence may begin Nikolai Kryuchkovimmunologist According to him, a new outbreak of COVID-19 in Russia may also occur at the end of December. The immunologist called the improvement of the current epidemiological situation in the country “a shaky temporary balance”, because due to non-working days, the incidence can both decrease and increase. “In any case, if the incidence curve goes down, then the most the likely scenario, from my point of view, is a very slow fall. It is

Immunologist predicted “artificial pit” for coronavirus in Russia after the New Year

Immunologist Kryuchkov predicted an “artificial pit” for coronavirus on New Year's holidays – for reducing the volume of PCR testing. An “artificial pit” for coronavirus in Russia in an interview with “” was predicted by an immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov. During the New Year holidays, there will be an artificial decrease in the incidence (…). This is an unrealistic process – in reality, after the January holidays, an increase in the incidence may begin Nikolai Kryuchkovimmunologist According to him, a new outbreak of COVID-19 in Russia may also occur at the end of December. The immunologist called the improvement of the current epidemiological situation in the country “a shaky temporary balance”, because due to non-working days, the incidence can both decrease and increase. “In any case, if the incidence curve goes down, then the most the likely scenario, from my point of view, is a very slow fall. It is

Vucic spoke about the saved billion euros due to the price of gas from Russia

President Vucic: Serbia saved € 1 billion through an agreement with Russia on gas supplies Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the country will be able to save about a billion euros at the expense of the favorable gas price set by Russia during the negotiations, which took place on 25 November. He spoke about this on the air of the Hit Tvit program on the Pink TV channel, TASS reports. Vucic noted that he had reached an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin on an oil formula that did not always look as attractive as it does today. He explained that, according to the agreement, with an oil price of $ 82-83 per barrel, Serbia will be able to pay about $ 270-275 per thousand cubic meters of gas. At the same time, the President stressed that the country's authorities will continue to work on this issue. Serbia will

Chief US infectious disease specialist named a way to protect against the omicron strain of COVID-19

Fauci: vaccinated people need to get a booster dose of vaccine to protect against the omicron strain a way to protect yourself from the omicron strain of COVID-19. He stated this on the air of NBC. According to him, it is absolutely necessary that unvaccinated people get vaccinated, and vaccinated people receive a booster dose of vaccine. He stressed that when a person receives an additional dose of the vaccine, his level of protection rises sharply. Earlier, Fauci said that the omicron strain will sooner or later spread everywhere, including in the United States. “We haven't found it yet, but when you have a virus with this transmission rate, and there are travel-related cases that have already been found elsewhere. When we are faced with such a virus, there are practically no options that the spread will be widespread, ”Fauci estimated the chances of the virus spreading.

The European Union began negotiations with the Taliban

Representatives of the European Union held a dialogue with the Taliban in Qatar Representatives of the European Union held a two-day dialogue with the movement Taliban (terrorist organization banned in Russia) . This is reported by Interfax. The European Foreign Service clarified that the negotiations do not mean recognition by the EU of the interim government of Afghanistan, but are part of operational interaction in the interests of the EU and the Afghan people. During the dialogue, the Taliban reaffirmed their promise to ensure the safe passage of foreign citizens and Afghans wishing to leave the country, and asked for help in keeping the airports operating. Also, both sides expressed serious concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation with the approach of winter. The European Union announced its intention to continue to provide assistance to needy Afghans. The need to start negotiations with the Taliban movement, which established power in Afghanistan,

The European Union began negotiations with the Taliban

EU representatives held a dialogue with Taliban militants in Qatar Taliban (terrorist organization banned in Russia) . This is reported by Interfax. The European Foreign Service clarified that the negotiations do not mean recognition by the EU of the interim government of Afghanistan, but are part of operational interaction in the interests of the EU and the Afghan people. During the dialogue, the Taliban reaffirmed their promise to ensure the safe passage of foreign citizens and Afghans wishing to leave the country, and asked for help in keeping the airports operating. Also, both sides expressed serious concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation with the approach of winter. The European Union announced its intention to continue to provide assistance to needy Afghans. The need to start negotiations with the Taliban movement, which established power in Afghanistan, was pointed out in September by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security

Vucic spoke about the saved billion euros due to the price of gas from Russia

President Vucic: Serbia saved € 1 billion through an agreement with Russia on gas supplies Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the country will be able to save about a billion euros at the expense of the favorable gas price set by Russia during the negotiations, which took place on 25 November. He spoke about this on the air of the Hit Tvit program on the Pink TV channel, TASS reports. Vucic noted that he had reached an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin on an oil formula that did not always look as attractive as it does today. He explained that, according to the agreement, with an oil price of $ 82-83 per barrel, Serbia will be able to pay about $ 270-275 per thousand cubic meters of gas. At the same time, the President stressed that the country's authorities will continue to work on this issue. Serbia will

Russian virologist assessed the effectiveness of vaccines against the omicron strain COVID-19

Infectionist Malyshev: the available vaccines will act against the omicron strain of COVID-19 -strain COVID-19. According to Nikolai Malyshev, an infectious disease doctor, there are many indications that vaccines on the market will be effective against the new variant. Nevertheless, Malyshev stressed that they will probably act a little weaker. The professor noted that the omicron-strain appeared its own recently and it is too early to talk about its ability to be transmitted between vaccinated. Professor of Moscow State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexei Agranovsky, in turn, said that the study of the effectiveness of vaccines against a new variant could become “a real and worthy task ahead of the curve.” He noted that it is quite possible to determine in the laboratory how effectively the antibodies of vaccinated people neutralize the virus. In addition, Agranovsky added that any strain of coronavirus can be transmitted from the vaccinated, but

Homeless shelter director stole money from accounts and spent it on jewelry

Director embezzled $ 2 million from homeless shelter account for Tiffany jewelry two million dollars from the organization's accounts and spent it on Tiffany jewelry, expensive items and a gym membership. This is reported by Insider. Ethel Denise Perry admitted that she embezzled and spent on the purchase of expensive jewelry and things two million dollars out of ten allocated by the New York City Department of Homelessness for the needs of a charitable foundation. In addition, she hired her brother and nephew to the organization and paid them a salary higher than it was written in the official contract. 00:03 – 4 August 2018 01 – 24 July 2020 “What is my fault if my hands are constantly itching?” all back. He was ruined by connections with the mafia Perry also dodged taxes and underreported incomes by hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to the attorney general's office. During

To analyze the psyche of Russians decided to use artificial intelligence

Kommersant: Russia plans to use artificial intelligence to analyze the psyche on social networks reports “Kommersant”. According to the newspaper, the authorities decided to order research on the capabilities of artificial intelligence for diagnosing the personality of Russians according to data from the network. FSBI Institute for System Programming named after VP Ivannikov “announced a tender worth 36 million commissioned by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation. The government believes that such an analysis of the psyche will help fight death groups, extremism and the involvement of citizens in terrorist activities. Moscow Digital School teacher Oleg Blinov said that such collection of information contradicts legislation on the protection of personal data. Earlier, Alexander Zhuravlev, chairman of the commission on legal support of the digital economy of the Moscow branch of the Russian Lawyers Association, spoke about the legality of states' requests for personal data from social