The State Duma told about the revision of the bill on the chemical castration of pedophiles

Elective: a bill on the chemical castration of pedophiles will be submitted to the State Duma in 2022 on the finalized bill on the chemical castration of pedophiles, Izvestia reports. According to the deputy, the bill has been improved, and in 2022 it will be considered by the State Duma. Vyborny said that people with such disorders should be treated forcibly, despite the fact that earlier the initiative had been criticized by part of the public. “There is no need to confuse surgical and chemical castration. The latter is just medication to lower sex drive. In the case of pedophiles, it should be compulsory and taken by a judge's decision, “the politician noted. Earlier in Moscow, a man was arrested who attacked a schoolgirl at the entrance of a residential building on Kantemirovskaya Street. On November 21, he followed a high school student into the building, grabbed her in the

The State Duma told about the revision of the bill on the chemical castration of pedophiles

Elective: a bill on the chemical castration of pedophiles will be submitted to the State Duma in 2022 on the finalized bill on the chemical castration of pedophiles, Izvestia reports. According to the deputy, the bill has been improved, and in 2022 it will be considered by the State Duma. Vyborny said that people with such disorders should be treated forcibly, despite the fact that earlier the initiative had been criticized by part of the public. “There is no need to confuse surgical and chemical castration. The latter is just medication to lower sex drive. In the case of pedophiles, it should be compulsory and taken by a judge's decision, “the politician noted. Earlier in Moscow, a man was arrested who attacked a schoolgirl at the entrance of a residential building on Kantemirovskaya Street. On November 21, he followed a high school student into the building, grabbed her in the

Poklonskaya in a nightie took a tour of her house

Poklonskaya in a nightgown showed the interiors of her house in Crimea the interior of your home. She posted the corresponding video on her Instagram. The video shows how she lies on the bed in her nightie, then goes to the bathroom, and then brews and drinks coffee. She also showed a view of the Crimean landscape from the balcony of her house. In addition, Poklonskaya showed the public her cat. Previously, Poklonskaya starred for the December issue of the glossy magazine Tatler. In the photo posted on the website of the newspaper, the politician is sitting in an armchair against the background of the Kremlin. At the end of October, Poklonskaya for the first time posted on Instagram her photo in a diplomatic uniform and a white blouse, buttoned up to all buttons. < p> On October 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Poklonskaya as Ambassador to the African

Poklonskaya in a nightie took a tour of her house

Poklonskaya in a nightgown showed the interiors of her house in Crimea the interior of your home. She posted the corresponding video on her Instagram. The video shows how she lies on the bed in her nightie, then goes to the bathroom, and then brews and drinks coffee. She also showed a view of the Crimean landscape from the balcony of her house. In addition, Poklonskaya showed the public her cat. Previously, Poklonskaya starred for the December issue of the glossy magazine Tatler. In the photo posted on the website of the newspaper, the politician is sitting in an armchair against the background of the Kremlin. At the end of October, Poklonskaya for the first time posted on Instagram her photo in a diplomatic uniform and a white blouse, buttoned up to all buttons. < p> On October 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Poklonskaya as Ambassador to the African

Nutritionist named the most harmful nut

Nutritionist Panchenko: peanuts can be called the most harmful nuts, although they are not The most dangerous nut can be called peanuts, although in fact it and not a nut. Svetlana Panchenko told RIA Novosti about this. The expert said that peanuts, or “peanuts”, which belongs to the legume family and grows in the ground, are one of the most powerful allergens. In addition, peanuts are often exposed to molds, which can affect human health. Panchenko also warned that all nuts contain phytic acid, which can interfere with the absorption of a number of trace elements from food, including iron. Therefore, raw nuts should be soaked for several hours and then dried, the nutritionist recommended. Previously, nutritionist and endocrinologist Alena Barredo spoke about the universal benefits of the daily use of pistachios. According to her, pistachios are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol. They also contain vitamins

Woman kicked out of cafe because of her husband's joke with Apple Watch

The spouse of a Reddit user was kicked out of the cafe because he said a curse on Apple Watch Reddit the story of how he made fun of his wife using an Apple Watch. The narrator used the gadget as a walkie-talkie, which is why his wife was kicked out of the cafe. According to @chillydownfiregang, he and his wife have an Apple Watch. The couple liked the function of the gadget, which allows the watch to act as a walkie-talkie. “We fooled around with the walkie-talkie until my wife met her friend one day,” the author of the publication shared. The man's wife took a watch with her to the meeting. In her absence, @chillydownfiregang decided to check if the radio would work when his wife was away. He turned on the option and uttered a curse. The narrator's partner at that moment was with her friend in

Woman kicked out of cafe because of her husband's joke with Apple Watch

The spouse of a Reddit user was kicked out of the cafe because he said a curse on Apple Watch Reddit the story of how he made fun of his wife using an Apple Watch. The narrator used the gadget as a walkie-talkie, which is why his wife was kicked out of the cafe. According to @chillydownfiregang, he and his wife have an Apple Watch. The couple liked the function of the gadget, which allows the watch to act as a walkie-talkie. “We fooled around with the walkie-talkie until my wife met her friend one day,” the author of the publication shared. The man's wife took a watch with her to the meeting. In her absence, @chillydownfiregang decided to check if the radio would work when his wife was away. He turned on the option and uttered a curse. The narrator's partner at that moment was with her friend in

To analyze the psyche of Russians decided to use artificial intelligence

Kommersant: Russia plans to use artificial intelligence to analyze the psyche on social networks reports “Kommersant”. According to the newspaper, the authorities decided to order research on the capabilities of artificial intelligence for diagnosing the personality of Russians according to data from the network. FSBI Institute for System Programming named after VP Ivannikov “announced a tender worth 36 million commissioned by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation. The government believes that such an analysis of the psyche will help fight death groups, extremism and the involvement of citizens in terrorist activities. Moscow Digital School teacher Oleg Blinov said that such collection of information contradicts legislation on the protection of personal data. Earlier, Alexander Zhuravlev, chairman of the commission on legal support of the digital economy of the Moscow branch of the Russian Lawyers Association, spoke about the legality of states' requests for personal data from social

Homeless shelter director stole money from accounts and spent it on jewelry

Director embezzled $ 2 million from homeless shelter account for Tiffany jewelry In New York, USA, homeless shelter executive stole two million dollars from the organization's accounts and spent it on Tiffany jewelry, expensive items and a gym membership. This is reported by Insider. Ethel Denise Perry admitted that she embezzled and spent on the purchase of expensive jewelry and things two million dollars out of ten allocated by the New York City Department of Homelessness for the needs of a charitable foundation. In addition, she hired her brother and nephew to the organization and paid them a salary higher than it was written in the official contract. 00:03 – 4 August 2018 They played big They stole millions from McDonald's and gave out to friends, children, the poor and sick 01 – 24 July 2020 “What is my fault if my hands are constantly itching?” all back. He was

Russian virologist assessed the effectiveness of vaccines against the omicron strain COVID-19

Infectionist Malyshev: the available vaccines will act against the omicron strain COVID-19 -strain COVID-19. According to Nikolai Malyshev, an infectious disease doctor, there are many indications that vaccines on the market will be effective against the new variant. Nevertheless, Malyshev stressed that they will probably act a little weaker. The professor noted that the omicron-strain appeared its own recently and it is too early to talk about its ability to be transmitted between vaccinated. Professor of Moscow State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexei Agranovsky, in turn, said that the study of the effectiveness of vaccines against a new variant could become “a real and worthy task ahead of the curve.” He noted that it is quite possible to determine in the laboratory how effectively the antibodies of vaccinated people neutralize the virus. In addition, Agranovsky added that any strain of coronavirus can be transmitted from the vaccinated, but the