In Russia, revealed 33 860 cases of coronavirus

In Russia, 33,860 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day Over the past day, 33,860 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia. Thus, the total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9,604,233. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Monday, November 29. A day earlier, 33,548 infections were recorded in the country.

Russians eat less

Food safety expert of RANEPA: consumption of food has decreased in Russia Food consumption has decreased in the country. Anatoly Tikhonov, head of the Center for International Agribusiness and Food Security of the Higher School of Corporate Governance (GSKU), RANEPA, told that Russians are eating less. He noted that the decline in incomes of the population began in 2014, a pandemic everything aggravated, so the question of economic accessibility arose. “Fewer and fewer citizens allow themselves some kind of excesses. In some families, the share of spending on food reaches over 50 percent, which is very high, in the country as a whole, within 30 percent, “Tikhonov said. Valery Mironov, Deputy Director of the Center for Development Institute, National Research University Higher School of Economics, believes that that the authorities should help the “poorest” with food. He added that it is profitable for Russian manufacturers to send a lot

Russians eat less

Food safety expert of RANEPA: consumption of food has decreased in Russia The consumption of food has decreased in the country. Anatoly Tikhonov, head of the Center for International Agribusiness and Food Security of the Higher School of Corporate Governance (GSKU), RANEPA, told that Russians are eating less. He noted that the decline in incomes of the population began in 2014, a pandemic everything aggravated, so the question of economic accessibility arose. “Fewer and fewer citizens allow themselves some kind of excesses. In some families, the share of spending on food reaches over 50 percent, which is very high, in the country as a whole, within 30 percent, “Tikhonov said. Valery Mironov, Deputy Director of the Center for Development Institute, National Research University Higher School of Economics, believes that that the authorities should help the “poorest” with food. He added that it is profitable for Russian manufacturers to send

An explosion occurred at a thermal power plant in Ukraine

State Emergency Service of Ukraine: explosion knocked out the power unit of Burshtynskaya TPP human. The explosion and fire at the station became known in the morning of November 29 from a message from the State Emergency Service (GSChS) of Ukraine. The explosion was reported to the State Emergency Service on November 28. According to information from the rescuers, as a result of the depressurization of the boiler of the seventh power unit of the TPP, a gas-steam mixture was released. The release affected five people who were admitted to a local hospital. The mobile-operational group of the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service for Ivano-Frankivsk region left for the scene. Due to the accident, the seventh power unit of the station had to be stopped. Its functions were taken over by the fourth power unit of the Burshtyn TPP, the power supply to the region is not disturbed.

Virologist allowed human adaptation to omicron and end of pandemic

Virologist Altstein admitted that a person will adapt to the omicron and the pandemic will end Altstein admitted in a conversation with that a person will adapt to the new strain of COVID-19, called omicron, and the pandemic will end. “Most likely, this is the virus that we have been waiting for for a long time and which will be adapted to a person and will not cause serious consequences for him. I think that if it really spreads well around the world, this will all end there, “said the virologist. ” We have viral genomes included in our genetic material, all people have it, and this viruses are non-infectious, and infectious ones also very often strike us, we get them, but we get them and do not even notice, and this one will be the same. Well, what is a virus that causes a loss of energy for

The lawyer spoke about the possible prison terms for the detained CSKA fans

Lawyer Bushmanov: the organizers of the riots at the CSKA match may be charged with Article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation kindling pyrotechnics during the match with Zenit. He is quoted by RIA Novosti. According to the lawyer, everything will depend on what article the detainees will be charged with. “We can talk about petty hooliganism and administrative punishment up to 15 days, and the organizers can be charged with Article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“ Organization of mass riots accompanied by violence, pogroms, arson ”),” Bushmanov admitted. At the same time, Article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for imprisonment for a term of eight to 15 years. Earlier on November 29, the number of CSKA fans arrested after the match with Zenit was named. According to journalist Sevastian Terletskiy, a total of 408 people went

An explosion occurred at a thermal power plant in Ukraine

State Emergency Service of Ukraine: explosion knocked out the power unit of Burshtynskaya TPP human. The explosion and fire at the station became known in the morning of November 29 from a message from the State Emergency Service (GSChS) of Ukraine. The explosion was reported to the State Emergency Service on November 28. According to information from the rescuers, as a result of the depressurization of the boiler of the seventh power unit of the TPP, a gas-steam mixture was released. The release affected five people who were admitted to a local hospital. The mobile-operational group of the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service for Ivano-Frankivsk region left for the scene. Due to the accident, the seventh power unit of the station had to be stopped. Its functions were taken over by the fourth power unit of the Burshtyn TPP, the power supply to the region is not disturbed.

The lawyer spoke about the possible prison terms for the detained CSKA fans

Lawyer Bushmanov: the organizers of the riots at the CSKA match may be charged with Article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation kindling pyrotechnics during the match with Zenit. He is quoted by RIA Novosti. According to the lawyer, everything will depend on what article the detainees will be charged with. “We can talk about petty hooliganism and administrative punishment up to 15 days, and the organizers can be charged with Article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“ Organization of mass riots accompanied by violence, pogroms, arson ”),” Bushmanov admitted. At the same time, Article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for imprisonment for a term of eight to 15 years. Earlier on November 29, the number of CSKA fans arrested after the match with Zenit was named. According to journalist Sevastian Terletskiy, a total of 408 people went

Virologist allowed human adaptation to omicron and end of pandemic

Virologist Altstein admitted that a person will adapt to the omicron and the pandemic will end Altstein admitted in a conversation with that a person will adapt to the new strain of COVID-19, called omicron, and the pandemic will end. “Most likely, this is the virus that we have been waiting for for a long time and which will be adapted to a person and will not cause serious consequences for him. I think that if it really spreads well around the world, this will all end there, “said the virologist. ” We have viral genomes included in our genetic material, all people have it, and this viruses are non-infectious, and infectious ones also very often strike us, we get them, but we get them and do not even notice, and this one will be the same. Well, what is a virus that causes a loss of energy for

In the center of Gamaleya urged not to raise panic over the omicron strain of COVID-19

Gamaleya center scientist Gushchin urged not to raise panic over the omicron strain of coronavirus coronavirus. The head of the laboratory of mechanisms of population variability of pathogenic microorganisms of the Gamaleya Center Vladimir Gushchin called for this on the air of the TV channel “Russia 24”, he was quoted by RIA Novosti. The specialist explained that there is no need to panic, since all preventive measures remain in the country from COVID-19, including wearing masks, primary and booster vaccinations.