Apple's new wireless charger revealed

Apple May Resurrect Canceled AirPower Charging This is reported by the 9to5mac edition. Related materials00: 02 – May 26 Safety factor. Apple released iPad with a processor from a computer. Why does he need such power? 00:02 – March 18 More expensive than moneyJournalists cite Bloomberg author Mark Gurman, who revealed Apple's plans. In his report, Gourmet noted that top managers of the American corporation are going to revive the canceled AirPower charging. In 2019, Apple stopped development of the device because it did not meet “high company standards.” According to Gurman, this will be a full-fledged Qi-device that can simultaneously charge several gadgets. The author also said that the company's engineers are working on a new technology that allows charging devices over short and long distances. In this case, Apple can completely abandon wired charging. In addition, in the near future, brand devices will be able to charge from

Blogger Khovansky complained about threats and blackmail in jail

Yuri Khovansky in an open letter from the pre-trial detention center complained about blackmail by the investigation blogger Yury Khovansky wrote an open letter from the pre-trial detention center to the public and the media, in which he complained about threats and blackmail from the investigation. Photos of the letter were published in the Telegram channel “Khovansky is not a terrorist”. In the appeal, the blogger said that he and his girlfriend Maria Nelyubova are threatened with problems if the conditions of the investigators are not met. According to Khovansky, the head of the investigation group in his case, without notifying the blogger's lawyers, came to the prisoner secretly and made the following demands: to testify that he sang a song about Nord-Ost in 2018, and not in 2012, to give up his lawyers and take the lawyers of the investigation team. The investigator, as Khovansky writes, promised that if

Lukashenka called the thesis about Russia's plans to attack Ukraine as invented

Lukashenko: if Russia was going to attack Ukraine, Belarus would know about it that Russia is allegedly planning to attack Ukraine. BelTA informs about it. “Once again our“ partners ”, as they are called in Russia, our rivals, as I said, enemies are trying to“ rebuild ”Russia. Therefore, they came up with the thesis that Russia is going to attack Ukraine. If you intend to, put the facts on the table and confirm this thesis, “Lukashenko said. He noted that he had no information about Moscow's aggressive plans. “But if there were such plans, the Belarusian military, including me, would know about it. We would be informed. But I say it again: facts are on the table, “Lukashenko concluded. Earlier, the President of Belarus accused the West of using the migration crisis to contain the Belarusian army in the event of a Russian-Ukrainian conflict. According to him, the West understands

Sechin proposed to combine the efforts of Russia and China in low-carbon technologies

Sechin suggested that Russia and China join efforts in low-carbon technologies and AI Russia and China have significant potential for low-carbon energy. Therefore, it would be advisable to consider the possibility of combining efforts to develop and implement high-tech low-carbon technologies and artificial intelligence systems in the oil and gas industry. This was stated by Igor Sechin, executive secretary of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the development strategy of the fuel and energy complex and environmental safety, the head of Rosneft. “Our countries have significant potential for low-carbon energy, and hydrocarbon production is also becoming more and more technological. In this regard, I would consider it expedient to consider the possibility of combining our efforts to develop and implement high-tech low-carbon technologies and artificial intelligence systems in the oil and gas industry, “Igor Sechin said at the opening of the 3rd Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum.

Российский гусеничный робот прикинулся камнем

Наземных роботов сегодня разрабатывает целый ряд компаний, а некоторые из них уже проходят испытания в войсках. Например, южнокорейский Intelligent UGV и американские RCV-L. Военные ожидают, что роботы помогут снизить потери во время боя, эффективнее вести разведку и точнее наносить удары. Курсанты воронежской военно-воздушной академии разработали разведывательного робота на гусеничной платформе. Он выглядит как камень. Робот может находиться в режиме ожидания почти сутки и активируется при срабатывании сигнала от датчика движения. Он способен собирать, обрабатывать и передавать информацию в течение 15 часов. При этом оператор должен находится в двух километрах от аппарата. На разработку робота у курсантов ушло три года, сейчас они его испытывают. Найдет ли робот-камень применение в настоящих миссиях — неизвестно. Анна Качалова

Photo of the wife of the President of Turkmenistan appeared in the media

The Turkish edition published a photo of the wife of the Turkmen President Berdimuhamedov Her photo was published in the Turkish edition of Son Dakika. Journalists released an article covering the meeting between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which took place on November 27 in Ashgabat. К They attached a joint photo of the leaders of the two countries with their spouses, Emine Erdogan and Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova. Earlier, a video appeared on the network in which the President of Turkmenistan plays mini-football with the ministers of the republic. During the match, Berdymukhamedov easily sent one ball after another into the goal, and after the game he shared with reporters the secret of training with various sports equipment.

Lindsay Lohan announced her engagement to an Arab financier

Actress and singer Lindsay Lohan will become the wife of Arab financier Bader Shammas American actress and singer Lindsay Lohan announced her engagement . The 35-year-old star announced that she would become the wife of the Arab financier Bader Shammas. She posted several joint photos with him – in the frames you can see that she has a wedding ring on her hand. “My love. My life. My family. My future, ”the artist signed the pictures. At the height of her fame in 2005, Lindsay Lohan was considered one of the most promising young actresses in Hollywood. When she turned 20, she began to act less often, but regularly got into scandalous stories: she was treated for alcohol and drug addiction, ended up in the dock for traffic violations and theft. In 2016, the actress said that she was studying Islam and is thinking about converting to another faith. In

Turkey is ready to become a mediator between Russia and Ukraine, Erdogan said

“We are & nbsp; for & nbsp; peace in & nbsp; region & hellip; We & nbsp; many times discussed these issues with & nbsp; friendly Russia and & nbsp; especially with & nbsp; Mr. (President & nbsp; RF Vladimir) Putin. We are & nbsp; ready for & nbsp; mediation, negotiating with both & nbsp; Ukraine and & nbsp; & nbsp; Mr Putin. We & nbsp; would like & nbsp; to participate in & nbsp; solution of this issue & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Erdogan told Turkish journalists in the & nbsp; plane, returning to & nbsp; home after a visit to & nbsp; Turkmenistan. He is quoted by the NTV channel.