Russian Ambassador responded to US refusal to consider departure of Russian diplomats as expulsion

Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov said that the United States is actually expelling Russian diplomats Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov responded to the US’s refusal to consider an expulsion departure of 55 Russian diplomats. According to him, this statement does not stand up to criticism. This is reported by TASS. As the diplomat noted, it was the State Department in December 2020 that unilaterally set a three-year limit on long-term business trips for employees of the Embassy in Washington and Russian consulates general in New York and Houston. At the same time, Antonov pointed out, a five-year period of stay in the United States applies to diplomatic missions of other countries. “It was clearly indicated to us that in case of refusal to comply with this requirement, the Russians would be deprived of immunity and other diplomatic privileges. Thus, we are talking about the actual expulsion, “-

Gradsky was named an indispensable mentor of “Voice”

Singer Pelageya about Gradsky as a mentor of the Voice show: there are irreplaceable people Russia, the musician Alexander Gradsky is indispensable as a mentor on the show “The Voice”. She announced this on the Let Them Talk program on Channel One. “It's not up to us to decide how the circumstances in terms of the project will turn out, but it seems to me that this is the case when there are irreplaceable people. And this is it, “she said. According to StarHit, Channel One managed to shoot several episodes of the show together with Gradsky, and they will soon be on the air. However, the channel's management has not yet announced whether a new mentor will appear in the project. Gradsky will be buried at the Moscow Vagankovsky cemetery on Wednesday, December 1. The musician passed away at the age of 72 on November 28. He was taken

The main victims of bullying in Russian women's colonies named

Human rights activist Litvinovich: murderers of children are most often subjected to violence in women's colonies suspected of killing children or attempting to kill a child. Human rights activist Marina Litvinovich told in an interview to that they often become the main victims of bullying. According to her, a cruel attitude is found even in the Moscow pre-trial detention center – women are beaten and their belongings are thrown out to the cell door with the words “go away”. In colonies, punishments can be even harsher. “Collective punishment by beating is a common practice. They also declare boycotts if a woman somehow misbehaves. They can even forcibly shave their heads, ruin things, “the human rights activist explained. According to Litvinovich, a doctor from Kaliningrad, Elena Belaya, who, according to investigators, allegedly” in order to improve the performance of the maternity hospital “deliberately killed a premature newborn by injecting him

Russian Ambassador responded to US refusal to consider departure of Russian diplomats as expulsion

Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov said that the United States is actually expelling Russian diplomats Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov responded to the United States' refusal to consider the departure of 55 Russian diplomats as expulsion. According to him, this statement does not stand up to criticism. This is reported by TASS. As the diplomat noted, it was the State Department in December 2020 that unilaterally set a three-year limit on long-term business trips for employees of the Embassy in Washington and Russian consulates general in New York and Houston. At the same time, Antonov pointed out, a five-year period of stay in the United States applies to diplomatic missions of other countries. “It was clearly indicated to us that in case of refusal to comply with this requirement, the Russians would be deprived of immunity and other diplomatic privileges. Thus, we are talking about the actual

Dr. Myasnikov named the only “weapon” against the omicron strain

Doctor Myasnikov about the omicron strain of coronavirus: the only weapon is vaccination strain of coronavirus. He wrote in his Telegram channel that vaccination is such a weapon. According to the doctor, the penetration of the omicron strain into Russia cannot be prevented, you can only delay it. Myasnikov also noted that it is impossible to prevent the next wave of COVID-19 at the end of winter. “What we must and can do is to calculate the near future. (…). During the war, the headquarters carefully calculate the sanitary losses of the operations presented. On the offensive, some, on the defensive, others. Prepare sanitary services in advance. So, our only weapon is vaccination. Apparently the omicron will greatly weaken this weapon. In the conditions of lazy, voluntary vaccination in our country, this can be very, very fraught, “the doctor wrote. Myasnikov urged to be prepared for the daily number of

Russian woman who rested in Phuket revealed the truth about the rules that frighten tourists

Tourists from Russia: to enter Phuket, you will need to pass PCR tests for 18 thousand rubles A tourist from Russia decided to go to Phuket to frightening travelers about the rules of entry and revealed the truth about the peculiarities of rest at the resort. She shared her experience and recommendations with the portal “Subtleties of Tourism”. First of all, the rested Russian woman recalled that currently only Russians vaccinated against the coronavirus can get to Phuket. This will also require a permit to enter Thailand Pas with a QR code issued on a special website, a certificate of vaccination, a SHA + hotel reservation, travel insurance with coverage of at least $ 50,000 (about 3.8 million rubles) and confirmation of payment for PCR tests upon arrival. “It is advised to fill out the questionnaire seven days before departure, we received an answer two days later. PCR tests need

Russian woman who rested in Phuket revealed the truth about the rules that frighten tourists

Tourists from Russia: to enter Phuket will need to pass PCR tests for 18 thousand rubles A tourist from Russia decided to go to Phuket despite to frightening travelers about the rules of entry and revealed the truth about the peculiarities of rest at the resort. She shared her experience and recommendations with the portal “Subtleties of Tourism”. First of all, the rested Russian woman recalled that currently only Russians vaccinated against the coronavirus can get to Phuket. This will also require a permit to enter Thailand Pas with a QR code issued on a special website, a certificate of vaccination, a SHA + hotel reservation, travel insurance with coverage of at least $ 50,000 (about 3.8 million rubles) and confirmation of payment for PCR tests upon arrival. “It is advised to fill out the questionnaire seven days before departure, we received an answer two days later. PCR tests need

The lawyer spoke about the division of Gradsky's inheritance

Lawyer Zhorin suggested that Gradsky included the actress Kotashenko and their children in the will artist, composer and singer Alexander Gradsky. This is reported by MK.RU. According to the lawyer, the artist most likely managed to draw up a will. Zhorin suggested that it mentions the musician's wife, model and actress Marina Kotashenko and their common children – seven-year-old Ivan and three-year-old Alexander. The lawyer stressed that Kotashenko's children will claim the musician's inheritance even if he did not leave a will. Zhorin added that if there was no will, then all the property that Gradsky had at the time of death would be divided among the heirs of the first order, which include children, parents, spouses. Gradsky died in the capital on November 28. He was taken to hospital with suspected stroke. The coronavirus infection suffered by the artist in September led to a deterioration in health. He was

Russian Ambassador to the United States called for mutual zeroing of all visa restrictions with the United States

Ambassador Antonov: Russia supports the mutual zeroing of all visa restrictions with the United States in recent years. This was stated by the Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov, he is quoted by TASS. According to the diplomat, Russia stands for an honest and respectful dialogue on all visa “irritants”. He expressed confidence that if there is “goodwill” all problems can be resolved quickly enough. He called on Washington to return to international obligations regarding diplomatic property and good practice in the functioning of diplomatic missions. “Our proposals remain on the negotiating table,” Antonov emphasized. Earlier, US State Department spokesman Jalina Porter said that the departure of 54 Russian diplomats, scheduled for 2022, should not be regarded as their expulsion or punitive measure. According to Porter, the United States is allegedly making Russian diplomats the same demands that Russia made to State Department officials.