Revealed the capabilities of the modernized Russian “Pantsir”

Bekkhan Ozdoev: The Pantsir-S1M air defense missile system is capable of combating all types of unmanned aerial vehicles Pantsir-S1M is capable of fighting all types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including the shock one. Such capabilities of the complex in an interview with TASS were revealed by the industrial director of the arms cluster of the state corporation “Rostec” Bekkhan Ozdoev. According to him, as a result of the modernization, “Pantsir”, in particular, is capable of effectively detecting and destroying all types of attack UAVs, in service. In turn, Deputy General Director of the High-Precision Complexes holding, part of Rostec, Sergei Mikhailov, said that the modernized air defense missile system is capable of becoming the basis of tactical air defense, covering any military units from small-sized and shock UAVs, high-precision weapons and military aviation – planes and helicopters, and can also hit small drones. Mikhailov noted that Pantsir-S1M fully complies

Revealed the capabilities of the modernized Russian “Pantsir”

Bekkhan Ozdoev: The Pantsir-S1M air defense missile system is capable of combating all types of unmanned aerial vehicles Pantsir-S1M is capable of fighting all types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including the shock one. Such capabilities of the complex in an interview with TASS were revealed by the industrial director of the arms cluster of the state corporation “Rostec” Bekkhan Ozdoev. According to him, as a result of the modernization, “Pantsir”, in particular, is capable of effectively detecting and destroying all types of attack UAVs, in service. In turn, Deputy General Director of the High-Precision Complexes holding, part of Rostec, Sergei Mikhailov, said that the modernized air defense missile system is capable of becoming the basis of tactical air defense, covering any military units from small-sized and shock UAVs, high-precision weapons and military aviation – planes and helicopters, and can also hit small drones. Mikhailov noted that Pantsir-S1M fully complies

In Russia told about the Chinese modernization of the T-72

In Iraq, Soviet T-72 tanks were modernized with the help of Chinese developments development. Some samples of T-72 tanks were modernized with the help of Chinese developments. Rossiyskaya Gazeta spoke about the modernization of Soviet tanks. Despite the difficult relations between the Soviet Union and China, Iraq simultaneously used the developments of the two countries. The T-72 “Ural” and the T-72M1 were used simultaneously with the Chinese Type-59-I and Type-69-IIG. Later, elements of the Chinese vehicles were used on the Iraqi T-72. Soviet tanks were equipped with Chinese-made side screens, which increased the protection of combat vehicles. Standard aluminum screens were replaced with Chinese parts. Also, Iraqi T-72s were equipped with Chinese-made optical jammers. The publication notes that these systems are considered a simplified analogue of the “Shtora” optical-electronic countermeasures complex. The publication emphasizes that Chinese developments led to the advantage of Iraqi tankers in the confrontation with Iran. Earlier,

Millionaire pedophile's girlfriend accused of raping minors

Prosecutor Pomerantz: Epstein's girlfriend Maxwell was involved in the abuse of minors This is reported by MarketWatch from the courtroom. Prosecutor Lara Pomerantz said that Maxwell was involved in the violence against minors with Epstein from the very beginning. “She was involved from the very beginning. The accused, along with Epsteen, lured the victims with the promise of a brilliant future and exploited them for sexual purposes, ”said Pomerantz. According to her, the woman was de facto the mistress of the millionaire's house. After they ceased to be lovers, they remained “best friends,” Pomerantz added. The arrest of the businesswoman for alleged complicity in pedophilia took place on July 2, 2020. The Maxwell Opinion contains six charges, including persuading minors to engage in illegal sex and perjury. She faces up to 35 years in prison. American financier Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of creating a criminal network that allowed him to

Unusual symptom of blood cancer named

Express: bruises on the skin may indicate the development of blood cancer Bruises on the skin may indicate the development of blood cancer. Express writes about this with reference to the charitable organization Blood Cancer UK. “At first they look like red spots that change color over time, darken and often start to hurt. They are more difficult to detect on dark skin, “the doctors said. Among other symptoms of blood cancer, doctors named unexplained weight loss, bumps on the body, shortness of breath, night sweats, pallor, severe infections, fever, rash or itching , as well as pain in bones and joints. According to doctors, symptoms of blood cancer appear slowly, and in some they may be completely absent. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Physician of the Lapino Cancer Center -2, M.D. Mikhail Davydov named the most important symptom of lung cancer. In his opinion, it

Russian ambassador accused the United States of distorting the facts about the expulsion of diplomats

Russian Ambassador to Washington Antonov: US distorts facts and expels Russian diplomats requirements for Russian diplomats to leave the country. He said that it was about the actual expulsion of diplomats, he was quoted by RIA Novosti. He recalled that it was the State Department in December 2020 that unilaterally set a three-year limit on long-term business trips for employees of the embassy in Washington and the general consulates of Russia in New York and Houston. “Once again, the State Department is cunning. The American side is trying to mislead the local and world community by deliberately distorting the facts. We are credited with something that has nothing to do with reality. The situation is exactly the opposite, “the statement says. According to Antonov, the statement that the departure of 55 Russian diplomats cannot be regarded as expulsion does not stand up to criticism. He explained that if they refuse

Millionaire pedophile's girlfriend accused of raping minors

Prosecutor Pomerantz: Epstein's girlfriend Maxwell was involved in the abuse of minors This is reported by MarketWatch from the courtroom. Prosecutor Lara Pomerantz said that Maxwell was involved in the violence against minors with Epstein from the very beginning. “She was involved from the very beginning. The accused, along with Epsteen, lured the victims with the promise of a brilliant future and exploited them for sexual purposes, ”said Pomerantz. According to her, the woman was de facto the mistress of the millionaire's house. After they ceased to be lovers, they remained “best friends,” Pomerantz added. The arrest of the businesswoman for alleged complicity in pedophilia took place on July 2, 2020. The Maxwell Opinion contains six charges, including persuading minors to engage in illegal sex and perjury. She faces up to 35 years in prison. American financier Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of creating a criminal network that allowed him to

In Russia told about the Chinese modernization of the T-72

In Iraq, Soviet T-72 tanks were modernized with the help of Chinese developments development. Some samples of T-72 tanks were modernized with the help of Chinese developments. Rossiyskaya Gazeta spoke about the modernization of Soviet tanks. Despite the difficult relations between the Soviet Union and China, Iraq simultaneously used the developments of the two countries. The T-72 “Ural” and the T-72M1 were used simultaneously with the Chinese Type-59-I and Type-69-IIG. Later, elements of the Chinese vehicles were used on the Iraqi T-72. Soviet tanks were equipped with Chinese-made side screens, which increased the protection of combat vehicles. Standard aluminum screens were replaced with Chinese parts. Also, Iraqi T-72s were equipped with Chinese-made optical jammers. The publication notes that these systems are considered a simplified analogue of the “Shtora” optical-electronic countermeasures complex. The publication emphasizes that Chinese developments led to the advantage of Iraqi tankers in the confrontation with Iran. Earlier,

Unusual symptom of blood cancer named

Express: bruises on the skin may indicate the development of blood cancer Bruises on the skin may indicate the development of blood cancer. Express writes about this with reference to the charitable organization Blood Cancer UK. “At first they look like red spots that change color over time, darken and often start to hurt. They are more difficult to detect on dark skin, “the doctors said. Among other symptoms of blood cancer, doctors named unexplained weight loss, bumps on the body, shortness of breath, night sweats, pallor, severe infections, fever, rash or itching , as well as pain in bones and joints. According to doctors, symptoms of blood cancer appear slowly, and in some they may be completely absent. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Physician of the Lapino Cancer Center -2, M.D. Mikhail Davydov named the most important symptom of lung cancer. In his opinion, it

The man lost his wife and found out an unpleasant secret

A Reddit user found out after his wife died that he was not the father of his child learned an unpleasant secret. The man said that his wife, before her death, left him a note, where she admitted that he may not be the father of their child. According to the author of the post, his wife died ten months ago. Shortly before that, she wrote a letter in which she told that she had cheated on him a few days before the wedding. “It was written in it that our four-year-old son might not be from me, because at her bachelorette party she got drunk and spent the night with a stranger,” the hero of the story told. He clarified that some time after the wedding, his wife became pregnant and did not know who really is the father of her child. “She thought it would be better to