Significant rise in milk and beverage prices predicted

Heads of industry associations announced the scale of the rise in prices for milk and beverages for changes in the parameters of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) mechanism, the heads of professional associations of manufacturers said in an interview with To make such sharp leaps, especially in conditions when the government dictates the need to limit price increases, this is just some kind of oxymoron. Prices should not rise, while conditions are created for us in which certain types of costs are actually multiply increased Maxim NovikovPresident of Soyuznapitkov The EPR mechanism was introduced in Russia in 2017 as part of the reform of the municipal solid waste management industry. The authors focused on one of the 17 UN sustainable development goals – the renewal of used resources. It assumes that manufacturers and importers selling products in Russia have a choice: to dispose of products and packaging on their

The Russians who participated in the rescue of the miners received half a million rubles each

Listvyazhnaya: 14 mine workers received 500 thousand rubles each for rescuing victims in Kuzbass, where 51 people died during the explosion, they received half a million rubles each. This was reported to TASS in the press service of the enterprise. The report specifies that the bonus in the amount of 500 thousand rubles was paid to 14 employees by the decision of the mine owners. “Payments will continue, including In particular, the obligations for the purchase of housing, payment for the education of children who died in higher and secondary vocational institutions and credit obligations will be fulfilled. Social workers of the enterprise communicate with each family and find out all the circumstances to provide assistance, “the press service noted. On the morning of November 25, a methane explosion occurred in the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kemerovo. As a result of the emergency, 51 people died, including five mine rescuers. A

The doctor named a way to fall asleep faster and have more dreams

Doctor Raj: when sleeping in a cool place, melatonin slowing down the aging is better produced – to do this, you need to keep the temperature in the bedroom cool. He shared this information with users in his TikTok account. Related materials 18:35 – May 31, 2019 Best time of dayWhy insomnia and how to deal with it According to Raj, melatonin is produced better in cool conditions, which is responsible not only for the quality of sleep, but is also considered a hormone that slows down the aging process. To fall asleep, the body needs to lower the body temperature, and in a cool room this happens naturally, and a person falls asleep faster and sleeps better, he added. Another benefit of sleeping in the cold is dreaming, the doctor says. Since the brain does not have to spend time and effort to lower body temperature, it can relax

Ukraine wasted hundreds of millions of dollars to save the hryvnia

The National Bank of Ukraine spent a record $ 630.1 million to save the hryvnia to no avail November wasted 630.1 million dollars to save the hryvnia exchange rate. This is reported by the portal with reference to the regulator's data. Thus, the NBU continued to sell foreign currency, increasing it by more than six times compared to last week ($ 103 million). However, the efforts of the regulator were unsuccessful: the hryvnia exchange rate for the week fell to 27.10 per dollar – a maximum in five months. Since the beginning of 2021, the NBU has bought 3.6 billion dollars on the interbank market and sold 984.7 million dollars. The balance of interventions amounted to $ 2.6 billion. On November 24, Ukraine received a tranche from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for $ 699 million. The funds will go to the government's accounts with the National Bank of

The doctor named a way to fall asleep faster and have more dreams

Doctor Raj: when sleeping in a cool place, melatonin slowing down the aging is better produced British doctor Karan Raj named a way to sleep better and see more dreams – to do this, you need to keep the temperature in the bedroom cool. He shared this information with users in his TikTok account. Related materials 18:35 – May 31, 2019 Best time of dayWhy insomnia arises and how to deal with it00: 04 – June 6, 2019 “Getting enough sleep for the future is useless” Somnologist on proper sleep and sleeping pills According to Raj, melatonin is produced better in cool conditions, which is responsible not only for the quality of sleep, but is also considered a hormone that slows down the aging process. To fall asleep, the body needs to lower the body temperature, and in a cool room this happens naturally, and a person falls asleep faster

Ukraine wasted hundreds of millions of dollars to save the hryvnia

The National Bank of Ukraine spent a record $ 630.1 million to save the hryvnia to no avail November wasted 630.1 million dollars to save the hryvnia exchange rate. This is reported by the portal with reference to the regulator's data. Thus, the NBU continued to sell foreign currency, increasing it by more than six times compared to last week ($ 103 million). However, the efforts of the regulator were unsuccessful: the hryvnia exchange rate for the week fell to 27.10 per dollar – a maximum in five months. Since the beginning of 2021, the NBU has bought 3.6 billion dollars on the interbank market and sold 984.7 million dollars. The balance of interventions amounted to $ 2.6 billion. On November 24, Ukraine received a tranche from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for $ 699 million. The funds will go to the government's accounts with the National Bank of

The Russians who participated in the rescue of the miners received half a million rubles each

Listvyazhnaya: 14 mine workers received 500 thousand rubles each for rescuing victims in Kuzbass, where 51 people died during the explosion, they received half a million rubles each. This was reported to TASS in the press service of the enterprise. The report specifies that the bonus in the amount of 500 thousand rubles was paid to 14 employees by the decision of the mine owners. “Payments will continue, including In particular, the obligations for the purchase of housing, payment for the education of children who died in higher and secondary vocational institutions and credit obligations will be fulfilled. Social workers of the enterprise communicate with each family and find out all the circumstances to provide assistance, “the press service noted. On the morning of November 25, a methane explosion occurred in the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kemerovo. As a result of the emergency, 51 people died, including five mine rescuers. A

Что изменится в жизни россиян с 1 декабря

В начале декабря в России должен заработать закон «о бесплатном интернете» — по нему доступ к ряду сайтов можно будет получить даже при нулевом балансе. Кроме того, операторы не смогут предоставлять услуги мобильной связи в случае, если в единой системе нет данных о конкретном физическом лице, на которого зарегистрирован тот или иной номер. А сайты финансовых мошенников по просьбе Центробанка теперь смогут блокировать без суда. об этих и других нововведениях — в традиционном обзоре «Известий». Бесплатный «социальный интернет» Доступ к социально значимым интернет-ресурсам для россиян с начала месяца должен стать бесплатным. Это значит, что открыть их можно будет даже при нулевом балансе на счете. Пенсионерам повысят предновогодние бонусы: Сколько составят выплаты и компенсации Мера предусмотрена поправками о так называемом бесплатном «социальном интернете», внесенными в федеральный закон «О связи». Идея обсуждается с прошлого года. В экспериментальном режиме бесплатный «социальный интернет» начали тестировать еще весной 2020-го. Летом этого года тестовый период решено было продлить до декабря. Перечень ресурсов, которые попадают под действие закона, утвержден правительством. Такие сайты должны контролироваться или быть созданными гражданами России, осуществляющими свою деятельность на территории страны, и размещаться в зонах .ru, .рф, .su или

Decline in demand for mortgage in Russia is predicted

Central Bank: after 2025, the demand for mortgages for new buildings may collapse sharply The high rate of spread of housing lending worries the Central Bank (CB). This is stated in the analytical note prepared by the regulator “On the assessment of potential demand for mortgages.” … It is expected that the current mortgage demand may be exhausted by 2025, and in 2026-2030 it will be replenished extremely slowly. The document states that the active stimulation of demand for mortgages in the coming years may lead to a sharp drop demand in 2026-2030. This will have a negative impact on the housing market and the construction sector. According to the Central Bank's forecasts, the outflow of demand will partly compensate for the growth of incomes of some families. For example, it is expected that by mid-2025, about one million households will start earning enough to think about mortgages. This will

Decline in demand for mortgage in Russia is predicted

Central Bank: after 2025, the demand for mortgages for new buildings could collapse sharply This is stated in the analytical note prepared by the regulator “On the assessment of potential demand for mortgages.” … It is expected that the current mortgage demand may be exhausted by 2025, and in 2026-2030 it will be replenished extremely slowly. The document states that the active stimulation of demand for mortgages in the coming years may lead to a sharp drop demand in 2026-2030. This will have a negative impact on the housing market and the construction sector. According to the Central Bank's forecasts, the outflow of demand will partly compensate for the growth of incomes of some families. For example, it is expected that by mid-2025, about one million households will start earning enough to think about mortgages. This will increase the potential demand to 3-4 million families. The Central Bank said that