Republicans blocked draft US military budget over Russia

Republicans have blocked further passage of the country's defense budget for the next fiscal year, which includes sanctions against Russia. The Hill reports about this with & nbsp; referring to the & nbsp; session of the US Senate. So, for & nbsp; the transition of the draft defense budget to & nbsp; an amount of & nbsp; about $ 770 billion for & nbsp; the next stage of consideration in the & nbsp; Senate 60 votes were needed … However, the “ for '' 45 senators voted against 51 spoke out. Berlin urged Washington not to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2 “Republicans just blocked a law designed to & nbsp; support our troops, support our families, for the & nbsp; safety of Americans. Republican dysfunction has once again undermined bipartisan progress '', & nbsp; & mdash; said after the meeting, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer. The publication also

The Minister of the Drowning State appeals to Russia and the United States

Tuvalu Coffee Minister urged Russia and the US to switch factories to renewable sources Minister of Foreign Affairs of the island state of Tuvalu (in Oceania) Simon Coffee, who recorded an appeal for the UN Climate Summit (Cop26), standing knee-deep in water, asked the leaders of the United States and Russia to take part in solving the problem of climate change. The politician shared his opinion in a conversation with “”. The Minister urged to reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions that affect the climate. He noted that countries with developed heavy industry, including Russia and the United States, need not to completely close factories, but to transfer them to renewable energy sources. As an argument confirming the need for such actions, Coffee named natural disasters occurring in different parts of the world. “Natural disasters are happening more and more often. I think it is wrong to say that

The Minister of the Drowning State appeals to Russia and the United States

Tuvalu Coffee Minister urged Russia and the United States to switch factories to renewable sources Minister of Foreign Affairs of the island state of Tuvalu (in Oceania) Simon Coffee, who recorded an appeal for the UN Climate Summit (Cop26), standing knee-deep in water, asked the leaders of the United States and Russia to take part in solving the problem of climate change. The politician shared his opinion in a conversation with “”. The Minister urged to reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions that affect the climate. He noted that countries with developed heavy industry, including Russia and the United States, need not to completely close factories, but to transfer them to renewable energy sources. As an argument confirming the need for such actions, Coffee named natural disasters occurring in different parts of the world. “Natural disasters are happening more and more often. I think it is wrong to say

Russians warned about the rise in price of Christmas trees

RBC: retailers reported a rise in the price of Christmas trees up to 30% due to an increase in purchase prices by 30 percent, as well as real trees due to higher purchase prices and logistics costs. This is reported by RBC. The representative of the Auchan chain noted that the purchase prices for artificial spruce have increased by 20 percent this year. Co-owner of the retailer Maxidom Maria Evnevich, in turn, said that the rise in price is from 5 to 30 percent, depending on the manufacturer. Earlier in November, Russians were told the average cost of the most popular New Year's gifts on the eve of the holidays. So, Russians will have to spend 92 rubles per kilogram of sweets, the average cost of children's construction sets at the moment is about 1,300 rubles. At the same time, soft toys can be purchased for 730 rubles apiece, and

Russians warned about the rise in price of Christmas trees

RBC: retailers reported a rise in the price of Christmas trees up to 30% due to an increase in purchase prices by 30 percent, as well as real trees due to higher purchase prices and logistics costs. This is reported by RBC. The representative of the Auchan chain noted that the purchase prices for artificial spruce have increased by 20 percent this year. Co-owner of the retailer Maxidom Maria Evnevich, in turn, said that the rise in price is from 5 to 30 percent, depending on the manufacturer. Earlier in November, Russians were told the average cost of the most popular New Year's gifts on the eve of the holidays. So, Russians will have to spend 92 rubles per kilogram of sweets, the average cost of children's construction sets at the moment is about 1,300 rubles. At the same time, soft toys can be purchased for 730 rubles apiece, and

A ship sank in Yalta due to a storm

In Yalta, as a result of a storm, one ship sank and four were torn from the anchorage In Yalta, as a result of a storm, one ship sank and four sank from the anchorage. This was reported by the head of the city administration Yanina Pavlenko in her Telegram channel. According to her, ten cars were also damaged. In addition, three people were injured as a result of falling trees and were taken to hospitals. Another person was injured by an antenna blown off by the wind. Earlier it was reported that a storm warning was announced in Crimea on November 29 and 30. Due to the strong wind, about 56 thousand Crimeans were left without electricity. Local residents reported power outages in some areas of Simferopol, as well as in several surrounding villages. Due to bad weather, the work of boats in the Sevastopol Bay has been suspended.

A ship sank in Yalta due to a storm

In Yalta, as a result of a storm, one ship sank and four were thrown from the anchorage In Yalta, as a result of a storm, one ship sank and four from the anchorage. This was reported by the head of the city administration Yanina Pavlenko in her Telegram channel. According to her, ten cars were also damaged. In addition, three people were injured as a result of falling trees and were taken to hospitals. Another person was injured by an antenna blown off by the wind. Earlier it was reported that a storm warning was announced in Crimea on November 29 and 30. Due to the strong wind, about 56 thousand Crimeans were left without electricity. Local residents reported power outages in some areas of Simferopol, as well as in several surrounding villages. Due to bad weather, the work of boats in the Sevastopol Bay has been suspended.

The network got footage from thousands of hacked CCTV cameras

Izvestia: surveillance cameras in private zones have been hacked, access to videos is sold on the network Thousands of CCTV cameras, many of which are located in private zones – hotels, massage parlors, salons where intimate haircuts and depilation are done, and other similar establishments – were hacked, and the data from them leaked into the network. Igor Bederov, head of the information and analytical research department of T.Hunter, told Izvestia about this. “The owners of hotels, beauty salons and other types of business put cameras in their premises for security purposes. Often such cameras are provided directly in rooms or offices where intimate services are carried out. At the same time, they are not always properly protected, “the specialist explained. According to him, the fact of hacking is indirectly indicated by the data of Shodan and Censys services, designed to search for devices connected to the Internet. In addition,

The network got footage from thousands of hacked CCTV cameras

Izvestia: surveillance cameras in private zones have been hacked, access to videos is sold on the network Thousands of CCTV cameras, many of which are located in private zones – hotels, massage parlors, salons where intimate haircuts and depilation are done, and other similar establishments – were hacked, and the data from them leaked into the network. Igor Bederov, head of the information and analytical research department of T.Hunter, told Izvestia about this. “The owners of hotels, beauty salons and other types of business put cameras in their premises for security purposes. Often such cameras are provided directly in rooms or offices where intimate services are carried out. At the same time, they are not always properly protected, “the specialist explained. According to him, the fact of hacking is indirectly indicated by the data of Shodan and Censys services, designed to search for devices connected to the Internet. In addition,

Significant rise in milk and beverage prices predicted

Heads of industry associations announced the scale of the rise in prices for milk and beverages for changes in the parameters of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) mechanism, the heads of professional associations of manufacturers said in an interview with To make such sharp leaps, especially in conditions when the government dictates the need to limit price increases, this is just some kind of oxymoron. Prices should not rise, while conditions are created for us in which certain types of costs are actually multiply increased Maxim NovikovPresident of Soyuznapitkov The EPR mechanism was introduced in Russia in 2017 as part of the reform of the municipal solid waste management industry. The authors focused on one of the 17 UN sustainable development goals – the renewal of used resources. It assumes that manufacturers and importers selling products in Russia have a choice: to dispose of products and packaging on their