The headquarters of the trump and the hotel Clinton defended trucks with sand

The staff of the candidate in US presidents from Republican party of Donald trump and the hotel in which he lives his opponent — Democrat Hillary Clinton — protected trucks with sand. This resource tells Townhall. — Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) 08 November 2016, 16:42 It is known that trump began the day of voting in the Trump Tower skyscraper at 5th Avenue. Official event on the occasion of the election of a Republican will hold at the Hilton on 6th Avenue. — Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) 08 November 2016, 16:47 Clinton, in turn, decided on election day to stay at the Peninsula just two blocks from the headquarters of her opponent. The official event after the election, she’ll be in the conference center Javits.

The deputies were forbidden to travel outside of Moscow beyond 50 km

Photo: RIA Novosti Deputies of the State Duma has forbidden to travel outside of Moscow on the service vehicle further than 50 km from Sources in the state Duma, wished to remain anonymous, told RT that this oral order which is not regulated by legal acts. Experts attribute this measure to the new exchange rate management implemented in an updated state Duma. As disciplinary deputies at RT. Members of the lower house of the Parliament was forbidden to travel outside of Moscow on the service vehicle further than 50 km from the border of the city. This told RT from three sources in the State Duma. “It’s not in the rules and regulations or Federal laws, were not spelled out clear limits to how many kilometers inland of the region can follow the Deputy. But there is an oral order that the administrative boundaries of Moscow to the Moscow region

Get rid of Yatsenyuk and begin to live as Poroshenko tried to keep Saakashvili

Mikheil Saakashvili explained why he is leaving the post of head of the Odessa region until now. The former Governor complained to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. According to Saakashvili, he promised him that things would get better after the resignation of the government Arseniy Yatsenyuk. About it reports TV channel “112 Ukraine”.   “In April I went to the President and said I can’t continue to work, we all deceive people, all his promises that we together gave when he introduced me before the local elections, nothing is done. He said to me, “you’ll see. Together we will get rid of Yatsenyuk and alive. All will be well”, – Saakashvili said.   However, after Yatsenyuk’s resignation, nothing has changed, said Saakashvili. He stressed that he wanted to leave early, but Poroshenko stopped him, promising to give the opportunity to work.   Earlier it was reported that Mikhail Saakashvili

In Ivanovo decided to demolish destroyed by gas explosion of a residential house

In Ivanovo decided to demolish destroyed by gas explosion of a residential house Moscow. 6 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Apartment building in the city of Ivanovo on the street of Minsk, partially destroyed in a gas explosion Sunday, will be demolished after the end of the investigation, reported “Interfax” the head of the city Vladimir Sharypov. “Hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia 8 (493) 229-91-84″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia for information on victims in the explosion read More The website of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia on the Ivanovo region According to him, the experts recognized the house 63B at the Minsk emergency and, in accordance with their conclusion, the interdepartmental Commission decided to demolish the house. “The house will be demolished and residents resettled, but only upon completion of all investigative actions. Now the house and surrounding area under heavy guard by the police,” said Sharypov. At 04:15 Sunday

Yakutsk became the winner of rating of the best cities of Russia

Yakutsk became the winner of rating of the best cities of Russia In the first place in the ranking of the best cities in the country was Yakutsk. Second place went to Moscow, and the third — in Saint Petersburg. YAKUTSK, Nov 8 — RIA Novosti. Yakutsk has headed a rating of the best cities of Russia, which is based on the outcomes of the all-Russian action “Marathon of good deeds”, said RIA Novosti the representative of the press service of the government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). “In the first place in the ranking of the best cities in the country was Yakutsk. Second place went to Moscow, and the third of Saint-Petersburg”, — said the Agency interlocutor. “Marathon of good deeds”, organized by the Public chamber of the Russian Federation together with the Association of volunteer centres, Repatriation and the Russian peace Foundation, was held from 11

The United States will not coordinate the release of Raqqa with Russia and Syria

The United States will not coordinate the release of Raqqa with Russia and Syria Moscow. 7 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the US is not going to coordinate efforts for the liberation of Raqqa from Syrian militants of the terrorist group “IG” (banned in Russia) with the Russian government and Syria, said state Department spokesman mark Toner. “We have no plans to coordinate (the liberation of Raqqa — if) regime (of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad — if) or with Russia”, — he told journalists on Monday. He noted that the United States “are working in close coordination with the members of the SDF (“Syrian democratic forces” — if), and with partners, including Turkey, about how to release, how to install local power.” “We expect that external forces will be withdrawn,” said Toner. He also added that the US is still working on a multilateral basis in Geneva and hope to achieve a

“Freezing” the fog will come to Moscow

At Metropolitan the met office spoke about “freezing” the fog that envelops the city on the night of November 9. The same situation will repeat the next day, announced on Tuesday, November 8, TASS reported. This fog causes icing of roads, trees and cars. Visibility will not exceed one kilometer. The temperature in some areas will drop to eight degrees below zero. Earlier, November 8, weather forecasters talked about “snow Apocalypse” in the capital. As expected, 10 November to Moscow will come the Balkan cyclone in the next two days will be dropped a third of the monthly norm of precipitation. “Traffic jams are provided, this applies to cars, and airplanes. From home these days better not to go out, it will be a real snow Apocalypse”, — said the representative of the center weather “Phobos”. It is expected that the weather is normal by the weekend.

In the South American state of Utah has broken voting machine

Malfunction of the voting machines in the southern part of Utah forced the members of the precinct electoral Commission to issue ballot papers. Reported by the Associated Press Tuesday, November 8th. According to employees of election Commission, we are working on Troubleshooting the machines. According to the Agency, technical failures were also observed in the States of Pennsylvania and Texas. In particular, in one of the suburbs of Houston because of a computer crash about 100 people lined up, waiting for repair of equipment. As a result, many of them left. On 26 October it was reported that the residents of Pennsylvania during the election of the President on November 8, will Express their will by means of voting machines of the 1980-ies. The failure of this technique can create problems if necessary, a recount machines do not issue paper copies of the results, and the manufacturer no longer exists.