In a Russian clinic, a patient attacked a doctor with a pistol from behind a queue

In a polyclinic in the Volgograd region, a patient attacked a doctor with a pistol because of a queue In turn, the patient made a scandal and attacked the doctor with a pistol, according to the website of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is noted that the therapist made a remark to the Russian woman, then the woman took an object from her bag that looked like a pistol and threatened to kill doctor. The medic called the police. “The suspect was detained, she confessed. A starting sports pistol was seized from her. The forensic ballistic examination showed that it is impossible to shoot from it, because it lacks spare parts, “the report says. The police will continue to clarify all the circumstances of the incident. Previously, a resident of the Amur region attacked an ambulance paramedic who came to her. According to

The Ministry of Health announced the effectiveness of vaccination against the omicron strain of COVID-19

Specialist of the Ministry of Health Drapkina: vaccination will protect against a severe course of the disease with “omicron” diseases when infected with the omicron strain. This was stated by the director of the National Medical Research Center of Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the chief freelance specialist in therapy and general medical practice of the Ministry of Health Oksana Drapkina on the air of the YouTube channel Soloviev LIVE. According to her, scientists around the world understand that the vaccine is effective against the new strain. It will protect a person from a severe course and death, a specialist from the Ministry of Health explained. Rospotrebnadzor said that a new version of COVID-19 has not been found in Russia. At the Gamaleya Center, Russians were urged not to panic over the omicron strain, as the country retains all preventive measures against COVID-19, including wearing masks,

Sberbank opened a credit line for Aeroflot for 46 billion rubles

Sberbank opened a five-year credit line to Aeroflot in the amount of 46 billion rubles Sberbank opened a credit line to Aeroflot in the amount of 46 billion rubles secured in the form of a state guarantee of Russia. Andrey Shemetov, Senior Vice President of Sberbank, Head of SberCIB, told reporters about this. He specified that the loan was issued for five years. “The funds within the line will be used to finance the company's activities in 2022. Aeroflot is our key partner in the field of air transportation, and we are pleased to continue financing the company, which will further develop our partner's business and strengthen its position in the air transportation market, “Shemetov added. Earlier in November, Sberbank announced a reduction in rates for the program of preferential mortgages for families with children with a down payment of 20 percent by 0.3 percentage points. The rate for registering

Khovansky's girlfriend spoke about the psychological state of the blogger

Khovansky's girlfriend Maria Nelyubova: Yura has changed a lot, became a little desperate Blogger Yuri Khovansky's Dubrovka Maria Nelyubova told about his psychological state. As the Telegram-channel “Told on Echo” clarifies, the journalists of “Echo of Moscow” talked to the chosen one of the popular blogger. “I saw him a week and a half or two ago. It was a one-hour meeting in a pre-trial detention center. Yura really changed a lot, became very serious and a little desperate, “Nelyubova said. She added that Khovansky is in a” rather depressed state. ” In addition, according to Nelyubova, the blogger does not yet understand how to react to the events taking place in his life: to the visit of the investigator, to the proposed deal, and also to the fact that all the materials collected by the defenders are ignored by the investigator himself. Earlier, the blogger wrote an open letter

Kadyrov called on “harsh and strict horsemen” to show respect for women

The head of Chechnya Kadyrov called on “severe horsemen” to be softer towards women Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov »Not be harsh and respectful of women. He wrote about this on his VKontakte page. According to him, people who do not understand the intricacies of Islam believe that misogyny prevails in Chechen society. “You don't have to be so hard on the fair and weaker sex. It’s not easy for them anyway, ”Kadyrov stressed. In addition, the head of Chechnya responded to those who accuse Muslims of gathering together and celebrating non-Muslim dates. He cited Mother's Day as an example. “It seems to me that such ignoramuses do not know how to be grateful even to their mothers, who gave them life! For them I explain: our celebrations are not feasts with drinking alcoholic beverages or discos in night bars, “Kadyrov specified. Earlier, the head of Chechnya said

Areas of Moscow with the largest number of traffic cameras named

2GIS: the largest number of traffic cameras in Moscow are installed in the central regions , Tagansky and Presnensky. They account for 154, 115 and 105 devices, respectively. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to a study of the 2GIS service. The top 5 of the list also includes the Ramenki and Danilovsky districts, where 99 and 91 cameras were installed, respectively. Dorogomilovo (81 cameras), Mozhaisky (77 cameras), Khamovniki (76 cameras), Mitino (75 cameras) and Sosenskoye (72 cameras) were also named as areas with a large number of traffic control devices. As for the spheres , which control cameras, then in the Tverskoy district there are most of the devices recording parking violations (86 cameras). In Taganskoye – the same number of cameras for parking (35 devices) and for speed control, the largest number of dummies in the city (nine) and traffic light cameras (21 devices) were also found

Kadyrov called on “harsh and strict horsemen” to show respect for women

The head of Chechnya Kadyrov called on “severe dzhigits” to be softer towards women »Not be harsh and respectful of women. He wrote about this on his VKontakte page. According to him, people who do not understand the intricacies of Islam believe that misogyny prevails in Chechen society. “You don't have to be so hard on the fair and weaker sex. It’s not easy for them anyway, ”Kadyrov stressed. In addition, the head of Chechnya responded to those who accuse Muslims of gathering together and celebrating non-Muslim dates. He cited Mother's Day as an example. “It seems to me that such ignoramuses do not know how to be grateful even to their mothers, who gave them life! For them I explain: our celebrations are not feasts with drinking alcoholic beverages or discos in night bars, “Kadyrov specified. Earlier, the head of Chechnya said that the Ingush descended from the Chechens

Khovansky's girlfriend spoke about the psychological state of the blogger

Khovansky's girlfriend Maria Nelyubova: Yura has changed a lot, became a little desperate Blogger Yuri Khovansky's Dubrovka Maria Nelyubova told about his psychological state. As the Telegram-channel “Told on Echo” clarifies, the journalists of “Echo of Moscow” talked to the chosen one of the popular blogger. “I saw him a week and a half or two ago. It was a one-hour meeting in a pre-trial detention center. Yura really changed a lot, became very serious and a little desperate, “Nelyubova said. She added that Khovansky is in a” rather depressed state. ” In addition, according to Nelyubova, the blogger does not yet understand how to react to the events taking place in his life: to the visit of the investigator, to the proposed deal, and also to the fact that all the materials collected by the defenders are ignored by the investigator himself. Earlier, the blogger wrote an open letter

Areas of Moscow with the largest number of traffic cameras named

2GIS: the largest number of traffic cameras in Moscow are installed in the central regions , Tagansky and Presnensky. They account for 154, 115 and 105 devices, respectively. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to a study of the 2GIS service. The top 5 of the list also includes the Ramenki and Danilovsky districts, where 99 and 91 cameras were installed, respectively. Dorogomilovo (81 cameras), Mozhaisky (77 cameras), Khamovniki (76 cameras), Mitino (75 cameras) and Sosenskoye (72 cameras) were also named as areas with a large number of traffic control devices. As for the spheres , which control cameras, then in the Tverskoy district there are most of the devices recording parking violations (86 cameras). In Taganskoye – the same number of cameras for parking (35 devices) and for speed control, the largest number of dummies in the city (nine) and traffic light cameras (21 devices) were also found