In Ukraine, the NPP power unit stopped working two hours after repair

The power unit of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in Ukraine was shut down two hours after it was connected to the network Ukrainian engineers tried to start the second power unit after scheduled repairs, but the protection system broke the connection to the power system two hours after connecting to the grid. The incident is reported by the station's press service. “On November 30, 2021, at 05:47 am after the completion of the scheduled mid-life repair, the second power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP is connected to the power system. Work was carried out to gain power. At 0747 hours, the second power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP was disconnected from the power system by the action of electrical protection during electrical tests, “Zaporizhzhya NPP representatives write. /2021/11/47c0b6e24102321eaa1ffb346b28826e.jpg “/> Corruption, nepotism and poverty. How” Eastern Switzerland “gripped the worst crisis in 170 years00: 01 – July 7 ” Let

200 students become winners of the All-Russian competition “Your Move”

All-Russian competition “Your Move”: 200 students won 1 million rubles each The names of 200 winners of the first All-Russian competition “Your Move” of the presidential platform “Russia – the country of opportunities” have been announced. They won cash bonuses of 1 million rubles, which can be used for training, launching a startup or improving housing conditions. In addition, all the winners will go on a journey across Russia: they will be able to make unique educational tours in the North Caucasus, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, the Urals and other regions of the country. The award ceremony took place in the Sirius Park of Science and Arts. It was attended by the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia Sergei Kiriyenko, General Director of the ANO “Russia – the Land of Opportunities” Alexei Komissarov, Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Ksenia Razuvaeva, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher

The Kremlin clarifies the issue of imposing large fines for refusing to vaccinate

Peskov: the Kremlin does not consider the introduction of large fines for refusing to vaccinate from vaccination against COVID-19, as was done in Austria. This issue was clarified by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, writes TASS. He noted that the authorities do not allow the introduction of such measures in Russia. Earlier it was reported that Austria was planning fine everyone who refuses to get vaccinated against coronavirus infection. So, those who do not want to get vaccinated face a fine of 3600 euros, and for refusing to pay it – a prison sentence of four months. For repeat offenders, the amount of the fine will double – up to 7200 euros.

Russian business has set a record

FinExpertiza: the profitability of the Russian business turned out to be the highest in 2.5 years The profitability of goods and services sold by Russian large and medium-sized enterprises from January to June 2021 reached a record high in 2.5 years. The ratio of profit to costs for production and sale of products was 12.5 percent, the international audit and consulting network FinExpertiza found out. The research data is at the disposal of In their calculations, the analysts relied on Rosstat data on the financial condition of large and medium-sized organizations with an average number of employees of more than 15 people. The total profit of such enterprises in Russia amounted to 10.64 trillion rubles. The business could not achieve such a high profitability either in the crisis year 2020, or in the pre-pandemic 2019. The indicator of the first half of 2021 is only exceeded by the figures

Gigantic queues formed at Sheremetyevo airport due to a new strain

The crowds of tourists in Sheremetyevo due to testing for the omicron strain were shown in the photo wait for several hours in line for testing for a new strain of coronavirus. Information about this appeared on the Moscow 24 Telegram channel. The photographs taken by one of the eyewitnesses show giant queues of tourists arriving from London. It is noted that vacationers arriving from the UK are forced to undergo a study on COVID-19 due to the detection of the first cases of infection with the omicron strain in the kingdom. Earlier on November 27, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced stricter entry rules for foreigners. He noted that the United Kingdom will introduce a mandatory PCR test for all travelers entering the country. According to him, travelers will also have to be in self-isolation until the test result is received. The first cases of infection with the new variant

Rashkin, who got to the hospital, underwent surgery

“Star”: State Duma Deputy Rashkin after hospitalization underwent surgery nerve cause of an eye disease, performed an operation. This is reported by “Zvezda” in its Telegram-channel. The politician's health status is not reported. Earlier it became known that Rashkin was hospitalized after the decision of the State Duma to deprive him of his parliamentary immunity . The secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Sergei Obukhov, believes that since November 25, when the decision was made to deprive Rashkin of parliamentary immunity, no movement has been noticeable in the case. “Now there were no searches or interrogations. While [State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav] Volodin endorses the documents, while they go to the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee may also take up the case. The investigation received permission from the State Duma, the immunity was lifted, Rashkin himself confessed and even compensated for the crime by

Russian business has set a record

FinExpertiza: the profitability of the Russian business turned out to be the highest in 2.5 years The profitability of goods and services sold by Russian large and medium-sized enterprises from January to June 2021 reached a record high in 2.5 years. The ratio of profit to costs for production and sale of products was 12.5 percent, the international audit and consulting network FinExpertiza found out. The research data is at the disposal of In their calculations, the analysts relied on Rosstat data on the financial condition of large and medium-sized organizations with an average number of employees of more than 15 people. The total profit of such enterprises in Russia amounted to 10.64 trillion rubles. The business could not achieve such a high profitability either in the crisis year 2020, or in the pre-pandemic 2019. The indicator of the first half of 2021 is only exceeded by the figures

Rashkin, who got to the hospital, underwent surgery

“Zvezda”: State Duma Deputy Rashkin after hospitalization underwent surgery nerve cause of an eye disease, performed an operation. This is reported by “Zvezda” in its Telegram-channel. The politician's health status is not reported. Earlier it became known that Rashkin was hospitalized after the decision of the State Duma to deprive him of his parliamentary immunity . The secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Sergei Obukhov, believes that since November 25, when the decision was made to deprive Rashkin of parliamentary immunity, no movement has been noticeable in the case. “Now there were no searches or interrogations. While [State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav] Volodin endorses the documents, while they go to the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee may also take up the case. The investigation received permission from the State Duma, the immunity was lifted, Rashkin himself confessed and even compensated for the crime by

Gucci family outraged by libel in “Gucci House”

The heirs of the Gucci owner said that the events at the Gucci House do not correspond to reality libel in the film directed by Ridley Scott “Gucci House”. The family's statement is published by Ansa. According to the document, representatives of the surname believe that the events described in the picture do not correspond to reality. According to them, the filmmakers did not contact the heirs of the company to clarify any details that could help to recreate the real picture of what happened. “The filmmakers featured Aldo Gucci, who was president of the company for 30 years, and other members of the Gucci family as ignorant and insensitive to the outside world, thugs, which is extremely painful from a human point of view. All of this offends the heritage on which our brand is built today, ”they said.