Sanders promised to be an ally of trump in the struggle with the corporations

Bernie Sanders The Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders, who tried to stand as a candidate in US presidents from Democratic party, said he was ready to support the elected head of state Donald trump in the struggle with the corporations. His words are quoted by CNN. “If Mr. trump has the courage to stand up to these corporations, he gets an ally in my face,” he said. He also stated that it endorsed and other socio-economic initiatives of the future President. Speech, in particular, goes about decrease in drug prices, raising the minimum wage and an increase in duties on products of companies that move production abroad to reduce the tax burden. November 9, Sanders had already talked about the intention to cooperate with trump. According to him, the Republican “expressed anger disappearing middle class, who is sick, who is tired of the economic system, politicians and the media establishment”.

The Swiss air force is not the first time the aircraft was escorted SLO “Russia”

The aircraft of the Swiss air force is not the first time, was escorted aboard a special flight detachment “Russia”, when they fly over the territory of the country. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the press-Secretary of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation Elena Krylov.   Earlier in the Network appeared the video, which depicted the flight of fighters Switzerland near the plane with the Russian delegation, EN route to the APEC summit in Peru. To the Board with the delegation of the Russian Federation dangerously close fighters of Switzerland. The record shows, as the two fighters with the flag of Switzerland for several minutes to follow along with a Russian plane.   It also became known that journalists of the Kremlin pool will miss several events of the APEC summit in Peru because of the failure of the Il-96-300. Plane special flight detachment

Mass poisoning of schoolchildren took place in Nizhny Novgorod

Mass poisoning of schoolchildren took place in Nizhny Novgorod Moscow. 17 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — a Few students at the school N59 in Nizhny Novgorod, has addressed for medical aid with symptoms of sharp intestinal diseases, the regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor started investigation of mass poisoning. “According to preliminary data, laboratory examination of children hospitalized in the infectious diseases hospital N 23″ detected noroviruses”, — is spoken in the message of the website of the regional Department on Thursday. Currently, the school suspended the survey of pupils and teachers. A source familiar with the situation, reported the Agency “Interfax” that students began to come to the clinic on Thursday. In turn, the local media reported that, according to preliminary data, for medical aid has addressed about 20 people.

The album “Metallica”. Listen to it right here

The album “Metallica”. Listen to it right here Metallica 18 November, released their tenth album, “… Hardwired to Self-Destruct” — the first in 8 years. In the regular version of the album 12 songs, and each of them, the band shot the clip. “Medusa” has collected a playlist of these clips. You can listen to them in order in the player below, or go to the page with the entire list. Deluxe version of the album with additional tracks can be heard on “Yandex. Music” (ibid now available to all LPS groups) or Apple Music and Google Play. Album

Obama and EU leaders agreed to extend sanctions against Russia

Obama and EU leaders agreed to extend sanctions against Russia Moscow. 18 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — President Barack Obama and leaders of several EU member States at a meeting in Berlin expressed their common opinion on the necessity of extending sanctions against Russia in connection with the situation around Ukraine, transfers on Friday Agency Bloomberg. At the same time, he noted that “it is in our interest to cooperate with Russia to solve the problems in the world.” The Berlin meeting was attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.S. President Barack Obama, French leader Francois Hollande, Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may, the head of the Council of Ministers of Italy Matteo Renzi and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

Russia is waiting for clarification from Switzerland in connection with the support of Russian side fighters

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS GENEVA, 19 Nov. /Offset. TASS Konstantin Gain/. Russian Embassy in Switzerland has sent to the Federal Department of foreign Affairs (dfae) of the country note, which expressed bewilderment about the convergence of Swiss air force fighter aircraft Special flight detachment “Russia” and requested clarification on this account, told TASS in the press service of the Embassy.

Kudrin called the reaction of the Russians to win trump’s “excessive euphoria”

Alexei Kudrin Former Russian Finance Minister and head of the Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin in interview to TV channel “Russia 1” he called the reaction to trump’s victory in US elections is “excessive euphoria”. The transcript of the interview results Вести.Ru. Kudrin noted that no one knows what the real policy will be carried out in respect of Russia the newly elected President of the United States, and recalled the stumbling blocks about which the two countries still have a serious dialogue. “Key issues in relations between Russia and the USA still have the problem of NATO expansion and the problem of missile defense, and the problem of Donbass and Ukraine, the issues in Syria and a number of other geopolitical issues. Depending on them will build relations with the United States,” — said the politician. If these issues are resolved, improvement of relations should not wait Kudrin

Obama and EU leaders refused to remove anti-Russian sanctions

Barack Obama US President Barack Obama and EU leaders meeting in Berlin have agreed on its position on anti-Russian sanctions and came to the conclusion that restrictive measures should remain in force. The head of the American state said during a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said on the White house website. According to Obama, the sanctions against Moscow must be maintained as long as it is not fulfilling its part of the Minsk agreements. In the meeting, in addition to the American leader and head of government of Germany, was attended by the President of France Francois Hollande, Prime Minister Theresa may, Italian and Spanish leaders Matteo Renzi and Mariano Rajoy. 1 July, the EU extended economic sanctions against Russia until 31 January 2017. On the same day, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on extension of counter-sanctions on August 6, 2016 to

Matvienko has proposed to the authorities to encourage charitable

Photo: RIA Novosti The government should introduce additional incentives in charitable activities. About the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko said in his blog. “As you can see, charity in our country became an important part of society. I have a feeling that the state in this sphere lags behind the needs of society, the extent of his willingness to help people. It is necessary to create additional tools to improve the incentives – material and moral – charitable activities”, – stated in the message. Also Matvienko has underlined that at the moment, the dynamics of growth in the number of organizations and foundations who give to charity, is at a high level. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the Authorities support the charitable initiatives of the business.

Russia and Turkey will discuss the delivery of s-400 in the near future

It became known when the Russian Federation and Turkey will discuss the deliveries of anti-aircraft missile systems s-400, this writes RIA Novosti, citing a statement by the head of the Federal service for military-technical cooperation Alexander Fomin.   “Soon we will have the intergovernmental Commission”, – Fomin told reporters.   The head of the FSMTC confirmed that during the meeting of the mentioned Commission of the Russian and Turkish parties will discuss the supply of missile systems s-400.   It became known earlier that Turkey is interested in acquiring the latest Russian anti-aircraft missile systems. Of such intention was declared by the head of the defense Ministry of the country Fikri Işık. Photo: Konstantin Semenov/TRK Star