Kosachev: the incident with the Russian aircraft requires a comprehensive explanation of Swiss

Konstantin Kosachev © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, November 19. /TASS/. The Chairman of the foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of Russia Konstatin Kosachev believes that the incident with the support of the Russian spitzbart fighter jets of the Swiss air force requires comprehensive clarification, since this is not the first case of the convergence of military aircraft in this country with the plane of the Russian delegation. This opinion he expressed in an interview with “Life. The sound”.

In the Moscow region because of the weather declared a “yellow” level of risk

The “yellow” level of risk declared in Moscow, the Moscow region and several other regions on Sunday, November 20, due to the bad weather. This is evidenced by the data on the website of the hydrometeorological center. According to this information, in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in almost all areas (except for Bryansk and Kaluga) in the Central Federal district is expected a strong wind. In the Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Orel and Smolensk are also projected fog. At the same time, the Agency “Moscow” in the complex urban said that utilities capital translated into clock mode because of the expected sleet and freezing rain. Code yellow means the weather is “potentially dangerous”, and occupies the third position in the scale for the “orange” and “red” levels.

Abrahamse Obama the President of the Philippines admired the leadership skills of Putin

Rodrigo Duterte and Vladimir Putin The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte at a meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Peru, admired his leadership qualities and added that Putin is a great country, reports on Saturday, November 19, “Interfax”. Duterte also noted that today “the Western Nations are trying to attack small countries and bully them, that speaks about their bigotry”. As an example, he called the US aggression that are creating conflicts in different countries of the world — in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan. “This destructive policy,” he said. Putin, in turn, congratulated the Philippine counterpart on victory in presidential elections held on 9 may. He recalled that in Russia this day celebrate the anniversary of the victory in the great Patriotic war. “For you personally, now it is also the day of the victory”, — said the Russian leader. Earlier Duterte have made strong statements, in particular,

The West has completely split in relation to Russia – media

The visit of the incumbent President Barack Obama in Europe showed a split in attitudes to Russia in Washington and in European countries. He writes about this Time.   One vivid example is the reception of the patrol ship of the black sea fleet “Sharp-witted” Greece, a member of the European Union and a NATO member. He arrived in the Greek port at the end of October, but nobody in the West during his visit Obama expressed the Athens protest, despite the fact that the US and EU imposed anti-Russian sanctions. Some just expressed that the actions of Greece as “unacceptable” and “it is not befitting a member of NATO”. And Obama said only about “the importance of maintaining the sanctions,” while in Ukraine, the conflict continues.   The publication writes that Obama’s behavior regarding the application of restrictive measures is clear. Because the United States and Germany are the

The former Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg was charged in the theft

The former Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg was charged in the theft The investigator charged the former Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Marat Hovhannisyan embezzling 50 million rubles in the construction of the football stadium “Zenit arena”. This is stated in the message of Investigatory Committee of Russia, received on Thursday, November 17, in edition”.ru”. During interrogation, the accused refused to testify. In the near future the investigation will go to court for election to it measures of restraint in form of detention. Previously, on 17 November it was reported about hospitalization of Hovhannisyan. During questioning he told investigators about a bad feeling He had aggravated a chronic disease, in connection with what was called the ambulance, which took the former official in the hospital. Former Deputy Governor was detained November 16, in the case of fraud in the construction of the football stadium “Zenit arena”. TFR found that in 2014, it

Peggy Whitson was the elderly an astronaut in the history

Peggy Whitson was the elderly an astronaut in the history The American space record holder, 57-year-old Peggy Whitson, took off on his third mission to the International space station from Baikonur cosmodrome, becoming the most senior woman in space in the history of its development. The spacecraft “Soyuz” will deliver it to the ISS together with Russian Oleg Novitsky and French astronaut Thomas Sands, for which the space flight — first. See alsothe French astronaut will be brought to the ISS lobster and veal cheeks On Saturday, they will arrive at the station with one American astronaut and two Russian cosmonaut. Until may 2017, they need to conduct a series of experiments in orbit. Whitson was born in Iowa, trained as a biochemist and worked at NASA in various positions until 1996 when she became an astronaut candidate. In 2002 she made her first flight into space, and five years

Cash in Venezuela is limited to five dollars a day

Cash in Venezuela is limited to five dollars a day Venezuelan authorities have banned public and private banks to lend through branches and ATMs more than 10 thousand bolivars (about five dollars) a day. This writes the newspaper El Nacional. The restrictions will take effect from 1 December, but the population and legal entities have difficulty obtaining funds from mid-November, the newspaper notes. The country’s Central Bank took such a decision due to lack of cash. Over the last month inflow of cash in public and private financial institutions decreased by 50 percent. The controller waits for receipt of new banknotes of large denominations, which should be included in circulation from 15 December. The first will be released banknotes in denominations of 200 and 500 bolívares, then one, five, 10 and 20 thousand bolivars. October 24, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that he intends to invite US to the next

Lifeguard stabbed to death a colleague from women’s showdown

The employee of the Moscow Central Board MOE fatally stabbed a colleague during a quarrel in Sergiev Posad district of Moscow region. About the Agency “Moscow” have informed in a press-service of the main Directorate of the Ministry. The victim died before arrival of physicians. Both participants of fights were not in the performance. In the regional head office of the Investigative Committee said that the conflict between the two Ministry staff, one of which is listed in the service of capital management Department, and other local, occurred in the town of Krasnozavodsk. “According to preliminary data, the first quarrel happened between the wife of one and sister of another. Later intervened in the conflict men. At the moment, are the causes of the death of one of the rescuers, conducted preliminary examination”, — said senior assistant head investigation Department Elena Fokina. Edition kp.ru reports that upon the death of