В Госдуме прокомментировали планы «Роскосмоса» выращивать растения на орбите

По словам депутата, в сельскохозяйственной отрасли есть более приоритетные задачи, чем эта. Он отметил, что следует заняться их решением. «То фильм в космосе снимают, теперь еще дурь одну придумаем. Давайте здесь то, что под ногами лежит, что под рукой, брать и использовать», — прокомментировал планы «Роскосмоса» Кашин. Ранее Рогозин рассказал, что семена и ростки на орбите будут подвержены сильному влиянию космической среды — радиации, яркому потоку ультрафиолетового излучения. Не исключено, что эксперимент будет проведен при помощи 3D-биопринтера, уточнил глава госкорпорации. Кроме того, он раскрыл планируемые названия новых модулей перспективной российской орбитальной служебной станции (РОСС). Рогозин отметил, что они будут названы в честь российских субъектов.

Составлен топ знаменитых домашних животных 2021 года

今年の顔芸ベスト3#私の猫ベストショット pic.twitter.com/Vn8OHIJGsf — ヤマネコ (@ymnc_rf) November 3, 2021 Пес, притворяющийся хромым В Лондоне пес Билл начал хромать из сочувствия к своему хозяину. Рассел Джонс сломал ногу и вынужден был ходить в гипсе. Все это время его пёс тоже хромал, а осмотр у ветеринара показал, что Билл просто «косплеит» своего друга-человека. Грустный кот Степан В TikTok стали популярными ролики с котом Степаном из Харькова, который сидит за столом и смотрит на коктейли под грустную музыку. Он стал настоящей звездой соцсетей. Недавно фотографией Степана поделилась даже Бритни Спирс. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Britney Spears (@britneyspears) Художник, заработавший состояние Пес по кличке Хантер из Канады заработал своей хозяйке 22,8 тыс. канадских долларов (почти 1,4 млн рублей), рисуя картины кисточкой на холсте. Собака породы сиба-ину «работает» художником с 2017 года. За четыре года у Хантера купили почти 300 картин. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от H U N T E R (@shiba.art.online) Самый старый кот в мире 26-летний кот по имени Сэмми из США в 2021 году был признан старейшим котом в мире. Скоро это официально подтвердят в Книге

The colonel of the Moscow police and his father were killed in an accident in the Oryol region

The head of the department of the Department of Electronic Security and Corruption of Moscow and his father were killed while driving a BMW X7 in the Oryol region metropolitan police and his father. This was reported on Tuesday, November 30, by the MK edition. According to the newspaper, the accident occurred on November 29 on the Livny-Brod-Verkhovye highway. The BMW X7 car, driven by the 39-year-old head of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (UEBiPK) of Moscow, flew into a ditch. From the impact, both men flew through the broken glass and died at the scene. At the time of the tragedy, the colonel was on vacation. On August 18, it was reported that two people died on the highway in the Altai Territory in an accident involving the head of the district traffic police department.

Revealed a way to disable tracking on Android 12

Android 12 found a feature to disable personalized ads Wired reporters listed the main privacy settings that need to be applied in Android 12. About this available on the website of the publication. The authors noted that in the new OS from Google, you can disable the personal advertising identifier, which allows applications to receive data from the device and actually follow the user. This setting can be found in the “Confidentiality” section, where the “Advertising” item with the “Remove advertising identifier” button is located. “This does not mean that you no longer see ads, it just will not be based on your behavior and personal data,” the journalists explained. Also, experts have revealed a way to control permissions for applications in Android 12. In the section “Privacy Control Panel” you can choose the privileges that certain programs have. Also in this section you can see what information about the

The State Duma lists rappers who do not violate anti-drug laws

Deputy Drapeko: rappers propagandizing drugs will have to answer for their words Rappers Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) (Mirny Vakulenko) and Oksimedi priborov in the lyrics of their songs to the propaganda of narcotic substances, and hip-hop performers who have violated Russian law will have to “answer for their words.” This statement was made by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Elena Drapeko on Tuesday, November 30, at the Moscow Talking radio station. “We have legislation that prohibits drug propaganda, and therefore, if there really is propaganda , our security officials have the right to involve under this article. I want to say that Basta and Oksimiron, as far as I remember, did not have this in their lyrics. They sang about something else, “the official listed the artists. Drapeko stressed that if rappers allow themselves to give out such things to the public information space, then they

Lavrov called US confrontational schemes to contain other countries

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov reproached the United States for using confrontational schemes in the APR APR) to contain other countries. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov reproached Washington for violating “constructive, unifying tendencies in the APR”, reports TASS. Related materials 15:35 – September 16 The United States, Britain and Australia have united in a military bloc. What tasks will the new alliance solve? 00:02 – October 15 A perfect storm. China and the US are pulling military forces into the South China Sea. How will the battle for regional dominance end? Nevertheless, the minister named partners who share Moscow's approach to politics in the region. “This is our closest circle. This is the EAEU, CSTO, CIS, but also broader partnerships, primarily the key Eurasian organization – the SCO and such a new association as the BRICS, ”the diplomat noted. Lavrov also emphasized the importance of the RIC

Czech Republic called on NATO and Russia to return to the negotiating table

Czech Foreign Minister Kulganek called on the Russian Federation and NATO to sit down at the negotiating table and restore dialogue Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulganek called on Russia and NATO to sit down to the negotiating table. His words are reported by TASS. Related materials 16:32 – June 17 So we talked. How the meeting between Putin and Biden will change relations Russia and the United States? 00:01 – 27 July Diplomatic acrobatics. Turkey does not recognize Crimea and sells weapons to Ukraine. How does she manage to be friends with Russia? “Russia must abandon unnecessary provocations [in Eastern Europe]. It will be difficult, but at the same time Russia and NATO must strive to return to the negotiating table and to restore dialogue, “the Czech Foreign Minister said ahead of the meeting of the heads of the NATO foreign affairs agencies in Riga. According to Kulganek, now the

In Ukraine, the NPP power unit stopped working two hours after repair

The power unit of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in Ukraine shut down two hours after it was connected to the network The power unit of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant (ZNPP) was automatically shut down in Ukraine. Ukrainian engineers tried to start the second power unit after scheduled repairs, but the protection system broke the connection to the power system two hours after connecting to the grid. The incident is reported by the station's press service. “On November 30, 2021, at 05:47 am after the completion of the scheduled mid-life repair, the second power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP is connected to the power system. Work was carried out to gain power. At 07:47 am by the action of electrical protection during electrical tests, the second power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP was disconnected from the power system, ”write representatives of Zaporizhzhya NPP. Materials on the topic 00:01 –