Gunmen fired on a school in Aleppo: ten victims

Rebels in Aleppo shelled the school and residential areas, RIA Novosti reported. The shelling killed ten people, including 8 children. More than 70 people were injured.   According to Bakri Mansour, teacher of the school, which was attacked by militants, the attack began during class. Teachers have time to cover some children under the furniture.   “This is the first class here, children learn that 7 years. They received knowledge, when the missile flew,” — said Bakri Mansour.   The fire heavily damaged the building of the school. Shattered glass, shattered walls and furnishings.   Mansour added that the explosion occurred when the courtyard of the school was gym class. On the street at the time were 30 children.

Swiss fighter jets escorted to the border of the Russian special plane

Swiss fighter jets escorted to the border of the Russian special plane The fighters followed as close to the liner that could be considered a number of air force aircraft. Moscow. 18 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Aircraft of the Swiss air force for some time at close range was accompanied by heading from Moscow to Peru plane special flight detachment “Russia”, the correspondent of “Interfax”, on Board. On Board are Russian journalists and some members of the delegation that will accompany Russian President Vladimir Putin at the APEC summit in Lima. The aircraft, which was clearly visible flag of Switzerland, close to the Russian ship and some time accompanied him, changing places. Fighter followed so close on the passenger side, what could be considered a number of air force aircraft. The commander of the crew explained to the passengers that this route “is a common practice”. Fighters made up the escort

The star of “Game of thrones” Emilia Clarke will appear in kynoselen Star wars

The star of “Game of thrones” Emilia Clarke will appear in kynoselen Star wars MOSCOW, November 19. /TASS/. British actress Emilia Clarke, best known for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in the television series “Game of thrones” (Game of Thrones) will star in the new movie universe of “Star wars”. This is the official website invented by Director George Lucas kynoselen We are talking about a movie about a young Han Solo, hero of the three first paintings of the Saga — “Star wars. Episode IV: a New hope” (Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, 1977), “Star wars. Episode V: the Empire strikes back” (Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, 1980) and “Star wars. Episode VI: return of the Jedi” (Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, 1983). See alsothe Creators of “Game of thrones” have apologized for last episode In the new film, which

Saakashvili announced the creation of the movement “movement new forces”

Saakashvili announced the creation of the movement “movement new forces” Moscow. 19 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Former head of the Odessa regional state administration Mikhail Saakashvili announced the establishment of the “movement of new forces” and 27 November are going to stay in Kiev a Council of this movement. “Today about one hundred representatives of initiative groups from all over Ukraine gathered in our office. Although our meeting took place under the supervision of the SBU, all those present had the feeling that we are creating something new and very important and old political clans will not be able to stop us. We have launched the work in each region of Ukraine. Jointly decided that we — “movement new forces.” After all, the word “movement” reflects all that we do, it is a symbol of change, symbol of victory”, — he wrote on his Facebook page on Saturday. Saakashvili invited

Six people were killed in an accident on the highway “don”

Six people were killed and another three injured as a result of collision of minibus and truck on the highway M-4 “don” in the Rostov region. About it reports on Monday, November 21, the regional emergency Department. The incident occurred on the 847-kilometer road. As reports TASS with reference to GU MVD in the Rostov region, Mercedes Vito, who were in Moscow, crashed into heading in the same direction “KAMAZ”. The driver of the truck himself managed to pull two passengers and drove the van man before the Mercedes caught fire. The victims were taken to the Central district hospital of Millerovo district. At the scene working police officers and emergency, the causes of the accident are established. October 26 on the 36th kilometer of the highway M4 “don” (toll section of the road in the area of Moscow Domodedovo) is the result of a gross violation of the rules

Trump explained the intention of the wife to defer moving to the White house

The Melania Trump The wife of the elected President of the United States Donald trump Melania and their ten year old son Barron is not gonna move with him to the White house in Washington after the inauguration. As reported on Sunday, November 20, CNN, about it journalists were told by trump. He clarified that the move does take place, however, only after the end of the academic year in a private school in the Upper East side, which is visited by the boy. Earlier the newspaper reported a strong attachment of Melanie trump to son. “The campaign was difficult for the Barron and Melania really hoped to keep inconvenience to a minimum,” the source told NYP. Another interviewee noted that Melania trump will go to the White house as soon as you need it, but the focus will be given to Barron. Currently, the Tramp living in the penthouse

The APEC leaders adopted a Declaration at the summit

The APEC economic leaders adopted the Declaration at the summit in Lima. The document States that the global economy is recovering, but each time facing increasingly serious challenges.   “Today, eight years later, after Peru first for myself has carried the chairmanship in APEC, the global economy continues to gradually recover, but faced with increasingly serious and interrelated challenges,” TASS quoted the text of the Declaration.   The document also notes that APEC economies will refrain from the devaluation and manipulation of exchange rates, and to resist all forms of protectionism.   Meeting of the APEC summit held in Lima, Peru. The participation of world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin. Photo: Press service of the President of the Russian Federation

Terrorists fired missiles at a quarter in Western Aleppo, three of them died

Terrorists fired missiles at a quarter in Western Aleppo, three of them died DAMASCUS, November 18 — RIA Novosti, Yevgeny Orel. Three people, including two children were killed and another 11 were injured in a rocket attack, which the militants a residential area in Aleppo, said on Friday Agency SANA. According to him, the terrorist attack targeted the area of El Governorate, located in the Western part of the city. Further details about the incident, the Agency is not yet leading. In recent months, the situation in Aleppo, Syria, is extremely worsened in the city and surrounding area of heavy fighting. The terrorist group belonging to banned in Russia “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (“Haraket Nur-ed-DIN Al-Zinki” and “Ahrar Al-sham”), hold thousands of civilians in the Eastern quarters of the city and thwart any of their attempts to leave through the designated army Humanitary.

The who declared the end of emergency associated with the zika virus

The who declared the end of emergency associated with the zika virus MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/. The world organization (who) declared the end of emergency caused by the spread of the virus Zeke on a global scale. This is stated in a statement released by the who. “Zika virus and its associated consequences remain a significant and long-term challenge in the health field that requires intense action, but they no longer constitute an emergency of public health of international importance”, — quotes Reuters the statement of the who.

The Ministry of defence of France has promised to send 300 soldiers and five tanks in Estonia

The Ministry of defence of France has promised to send 300 soldiers and five tanks in Estonia TALLINN, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti, Nikolai Adashkevich. The French Minister of defense Jean-Yves Le Drian, in a meeting with Estonian counterpart Hannes Hanso, assured that Paris next year will send to Estonia 300 soldiers and five tanks, said on Saturday the press service of the defense Ministry of Estonia. “A Ministerial meeting was held in the canadian Halifax in the framework of the security forum. Jean-Yves Le Drian, during a meeting with Hannes Hanso, assured that Paris next year will send to Estonia 300 soldiers, five tanks Leclerc and infantry combat vehicles”, — stated in the message. See alsoNATO Officer told about the indecent gestures of Russian pilots over the Baltic sea Hanso reminded that the Estonian and French military ties, joint participation in peacekeeping missions in Africa, such as Mali. “We