Footage of the first flight of the “Arctic” helicopter of the Russian Navy

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Crowd poles just beat two Ukrainians

Two Ukrainians, had dinner in the restaurant in the city of Rudnik nad Sanem, was attacked by drunken poles, in particular the men approached one of the locals in a state of alcoholic intoxication, and asked them to leave the institution. When the Ukrainians left the restaurant, one of them was beaten, on the street, and the second was caught in the store and also beaten, the newspaper writes   It is noted that one of the victims broke his arm, the other escaped with bruises and hematomas. The Ukrainians, who the police said the beating was not associated with hostility on a national basis.   It is known that the attackers were between 19 to 24 years if they are caught, they face up to three years of imprisonment.   Photo: Michal Fludra/globallookpress

In the South of Libya military conflict started because of a monkey

In the South of Libya military conflict started because of a monkey Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — at least 16 people were killed and 50 were injured in armed conflict, which four continues day in the city of Sabha in southern Libya, wrote on Monday to The Guardian. The cause of the war between the clans became a pet monkey. The conflict began with the fact that the animal, which belonged to the shopkeeper clan Gaddadfa, Stasia head scarf with school girls of the clan of the Awlad Suleiman. For that the relatives of the girl killed three members of a hostile family and the monkey. After that, the city started a real war with tanks, mortars and other heavy weapons. Gaddadfa and Awlad Suleiman — the most influential clans and the most powerful armed factions in the region. Besides, the Sabha is a centre of weapons smuggling. After the

Young American woman found in her closet a fugitive

Young American woman found in her closet a fugitive A resident of the U.S. state of Oklahoma saw in your closet a stranger, who was a fugitive from the law. On Monday, November 21, reports The Huffington Post. 11-year-old Presley brown (Brown Presley) can’t move away from the shock she experienced on November 14, revealing a stranger. She saw the reflection of the Flight of Coke (Race Cox) in the mirror in the bedroom. 26-year-old man was hiding in the closet, where the girl keeps her clothes. The screams of the American women ran to her parents. After a scuffle with the girl’s father Cox fled, stealing $ 100. How he got into the house, not reported. Every time you walk into your closet, your room or the bathroom, I think about it and remember how scared I got.Presley Brown It is noted that Coke was wanted by the local

Party primaries in France defeated Francois Fillon

Party primaries in France defeated Francois Fillon Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Former Prime Minister of France Francois Fillon won the primaries of the center-right held in the country on Sunday. The counting of votes is still continuing, however, Fillon is leading by a wide margin, gaining 44% of votes, according to BFM TV. In the second round of primaries that will be held on November 27, Fillon will compete with another former Prime Minister — Alain Juppe, who on Sunday was voted for by 28% of voters. #LaPrimaire @AlainJuppe “J’ai décidé de continuer le combat” lance le candidat qualifié pour le second tour — BFMTV (@BFMTV) 20 Nov 2016 Thus, according to the poll, conducted by Opinionway, the Fillon is a good chance to win. Willingness to vote for him expressed approximately 50% of respondents, while juppé was supported by 44%. See alsoSarkozy conceded defeat in the primaries

Hiding from the bailiffs behind the sofa defaulter of the alimony has issued a snoring

Evading from payment of the alimony the inhabitant of the Tambov region hid from him came the bailiffs behind the sofa, but he gave a snore. This was reported on the website of the office of the Federal bailiff service (FSSP) in Tambov region. A man owes to 485 thousand rubles for the maintenance of her child. Because the answer to the repeated warnings are not followed, it was made the administrative Protocol for non-payment of funds (part 1 of article 5.35.1 administrative code). At the hearing his case, the man has not been and during the month hiding from the bailiffs, has not yet received information about his possible whereabouts were visiting a friend in the village of Mordovo. Left at employees of the Federal bailiff service found defaulter in the yard, but he managed to get inside and close the door. The bailiffs had within the hour to

Missile systems “Bal” and “Bastion” deployed on the Kuril Islands

Coastal missile complex “Ball” © Yuri Smityuk/TASS The Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation deployed in the Kuril Islands of Iturup and Kunashir anti-ship missile complexes “Ball” and “Bastion”. According to the official newspaper of the Pacific fleet (PF) of the Russian Federation “Military watch”, now the coastal division “Balls” relocated to the island of Kunashir, a division of the “Bastions” to intercede on combat duty on the island of Iturup. These units are formed in 2014, the 72nd coastal missile brigade of the Pacific fleet. It is expected that by the end of 2016 divisions will conduct training shooting combat missiles.

Before the “Nord-OST” was planned the capture of the Bolshoi theatre

Became known new details of investigation of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka in 2002. A court in Moscow has started consideration of the case of Hassan Zakayev, who is accused of recruiting members of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka.   The Prosecutor told the court that the organizers of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka in 2002 and initially planned to seize the Grand theatre. It is reported by RIA Novosti.   The investigation found that Zakayev was responsible for the delivery to Moscow of ammunition for the militants. Almost 12 years he was on the Federal wanted list.   The tragedy in the Moscow theater center on Dubrovka occurred on October 23-26, 2002. The terrorists took in hostages of spectators of the musical “Nord-OST” and the staff of the center.   As a result of the storming of the building the terrorists were eliminated, and the surviving hostages. The attack

In Brussels from the plane landed 41 drunken bully

In Brussels from the plane landed 41 drunken bully The departure of the airline company Brussels Airlines, a flight on the route Brussels (Belgium) — Alicante (Spain) from the airport of Zaventem, was arrested because of a group of brawlers. It is reported by Le Soir. On Board the liner were removed, a group of 41 people. Some of the bullies were in a state of alcoholic intoxication. All on Board were 136 passengers. The incident occurred on November 19, however, the media learned about it only the next day. “The boarding went fine. But during taxi to the runway, the group aboard individuals start to behave inappropriately. The attempt of the captain to encourage them to remain calm had no effect, so he decided to return to the departure gate to ensure the safety of passengers,” — said the official representative of Brussels Airlines. An employee of the carrier