Leonardo DiCaprio got rid of the mansion in Malibu

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio sold a house overlooking the Pacific Ocean for $ 10.3 million luxury mansion in the prestigious Californian area of ​​Carbon Beach in Malibu. The Oscar-winner sold a house overlooking the Pacific Ocean for $ 10.3 million (772.6 million rubles), writes portal about luxury real estate Mansion Global. The actor bought a villa built in 1950 in 1998 for $ 1.6 million. In 2016, he already tried to sell the mansion, but could not find a buyer – it was decided to lease the property for 25 thousand dollars (1.9 million rubles) per month. DiCaprio decided to put the house up for sale again in September 2021. The 162 square meter mansion has three bedrooms with floor-to-ceiling doors. There are sliding windows overlooking the ocean, there are several terraces on the territory, and a separate staircase leads to the beach from the house. In August, DiCaproio decided to

Lavrov accused the West of replacing democracy with his diktat

Foreign Minister Lavrov: the organization of the “Summit of Democracies” implies the US right to dictate partners to dictate their understanding of democracy. The head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, accused the White House of neglecting the basic UN principle of the sovereign equality of states, TASS reports. 00:01 – 10 November : 02 – 13 October “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? According to the diplomat, the list of 110 countries, determined by the administration of US President Joe Biden, “raises a huge number of questions.” Lavrov stressed that the United States has effectively arrogated to itself the right to determine which country is democratic and which is not. “Before teaching others how to organize their democracy, let's talk about democracy in international relations. The West does not accept it and replaces it with

Zyuganov told the details of Rashkin's hospitalization

Leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Zyuganov: Rashkin went through the second stage of the operation, which was forced to postpone hospitalization of State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin. He is quoted by Gazeta.Ru. “Let's figure it out. He had an operation, this is the second stage of the operation, in connection with this trial he had to postpone, “Zyuganov told the details. Rashkin's hospitalization became known earlier on November 30. It was clarified that the deputy underwent an operation due to an eye disease aggravated by nerves. On November 25, State Duma deputies voted to deprive Rashkin of immunity, suspected of illegal elk hunting. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Anatoly Vyborny explained that the decision of the lower house of parliament was dictated by the public's request for openness and fairness. In October 2021, police stopped the politician's car in the

Juventus threatened with expulsion from Serie A

Juventus may be transferred to Serie B and stripped of titles due to suspicion of fraud Turin Juventus may be transferred to Serie B and stripped of titles due to an investigation related to the actions of the club's management. This is reported by TuttoMercatoWeb with reference to the head of the Italian Consumer Protection Association (CODACONS) Marco Donzelli. “If Juventus illegally gained an advantage over other teams, then the management of market competition must intervene and impose individual sanctions.” – said Donzelli. In his opinion, the Turin club will not be exempted from punishment, one of which may be expulsion from Serie A. Earlier, Juventus President Andrea Agnelli, Vice President Pavel Nedved and former sports director Fabio Paratichi fell under investigation on suspicion of fraud. Experts could have falsified the club's financial data in the amount of 50 million euros. The Turin police searched Juventus' headquarters in the Continassa

The sun turned out to be an unaccounted source of water on Earth

Astronomers at Curtin University have discovered water on the Itokawa asteroid objects of the solar system. The results of scientific work suggest that astronauts can get water from asteroids and lunar rocks in the case of a manned landing on the moon. This is reported in an article published in the journal Nature Astronomy. Researchers have found that the solar wind, composed of charged particles (mainly hydrogen ions), creates water on the surface of dust particles on asteroids that crashed into Earth in the first days of the existence of the solar system. Initially, it was assumed that water came to Earth thanks to class C astroids (dark carbon objects), but isotopic analysis showed the existence of another unaccounted source. Scientists analyzed samples of the C-class asteroid Itokawa, which were collected by the Japanese space probe ” Hayabusa “and brought to Earth in 2010. It turned out that the dust

Russian biologist from South Africa commented on the situation with the omicron strain

Biologist Oskolsky: there is no reason to believe that the new virus is causing a more serious illness and lives in the capital of South Africa, Johannesburg, commented on the situation with the omicron strain of the coronavirus. The scientist expressed his thoughts on his Facebook page. “Nothing is really known about the new virus, and there is no reason to believe that it causes a more serious illness than other strains,” Oskolsky wrote. According to him, the discovery of a new strain of coronavirus in South Africa did not become a reason for tightening restrictions. The only problem caused by the omicron strain, the researcher named the cancellation of flights to South Africa. “I really hope that soon this panic will resolve, and planes will fly to us again,” said the doctor of biological sciences. Earlier, scientists from China named a number of dangerous properties of the new strain.

Juventus threatened with expulsion from Serie A

Juventus may be transferred to Serie B and stripped of titles due to suspicion of fraud Turin Juventus may be transferred to Serie B and stripped of titles due to an investigation related to the actions of the club's management. This is reported by TuttoMercatoWeb with reference to the head of the Italian Consumer Protection Association (CODACONS) Marco Donzelli. “If Juventus illegally gained an advantage over other teams, then the management of market competition must intervene and impose individual sanctions.” – said Donzelli. In his opinion, the Turin club will not be exempted from punishment, one of which may be expulsion from Serie A. Earlier, Juventus President Andrea Agnelli, Vice President Pavel Nedved and former sports director Fabio Paratichi fell under investigation on suspicion of fraud. Experts could have falsified the club's financial data in the amount of 50 million euros. The Turin police searched Juventus' headquarters in the Continassa

Leonardo DiCaprio got rid of the mansion in Malibu

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio sold a house overlooking the Pacific Ocean for $ 10.3 million luxury mansion in the prestigious Californian area of ​​Carbon Beach in Malibu. The Oscar-winner sold a house overlooking the Pacific Ocean for $ 10.3 million (772.6 million rubles), writes portal about luxury real estate Mansion Global. The actor bought a villa built in 1950 in 1998 for $ 1.6 million. In 2016, he already tried to sell the mansion, but could not find a buyer – it was decided to lease the property for 25 thousand dollars (1.9 million rubles) per month. DiCaprio decided to put the house up for sale again in September 2021. The 162 square meter mansion has three bedrooms with floor-to-ceiling doors. There are sliding windows overlooking the ocean, there are several terraces on the territory, and a separate staircase leads to the beach from the house. In August, DiCaproio decided to

The sun turned out to be an unaccounted source of water on Earth

Astronomers at Curtin University have discovered water on the asteroid Itokawa objects of the solar system. The results of scientific work suggest that astronauts can get water from asteroids and lunar rocks in the case of a manned landing on the moon. This is reported in an article published in the journal Nature Astronomy. Researchers have found that the solar wind, composed of charged particles (mainly hydrogen ions), creates water on the surface of dust particles on asteroids that crashed into Earth in the first days of the existence of the solar system. Initially, it was assumed that water came to Earth thanks to class C astroids (dark carbon objects), but isotopic analysis showed the existence of another unaccounted source. Scientists analyzed samples of the C-class asteroid Itokawa, which were collected by the Japanese space probe ” Hayabusa “and brought to Earth in 2010. It turned out that the dust

Lavrov accused the West of replacing democracy with his diktat

Foreign Minister Lavrov: the organization of the “Summit of Democracies” implies the right of the United States to dictate partners to dictate their understanding of democracy. The head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, accused the White House of neglecting the basic UN principle of the sovereign equality of states, TASS reports. 00:01 – 10 November : 02 – 13 October “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? According to the diplomat, the list of 110 countries, determined by the administration of US President Joe Biden, “raises a huge number of questions.” Lavrov stressed that the United States has effectively arrogated to itself the right to determine which country is democratic and which is not. “Before teaching others how to organize their democracy, let's talk about democracy in international relations. The West does not accept it and