How many days do people rest for the New Year in different countries of the world

Historically, Russians usually rest for the first 9-10 days of the new year – quite officially. However, not all countries attach such great importance to the New Year. Let’s figure out how many days during the New Year holidays people usually rest in other countries. So, most of the countries in the modern world celebrate the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar, so almost everywhere — without exceptions! – January 1 is considered a holiday. However, for example, in China they celebrate the new Year according to the Chinese calendar, so the New Year’s Day changes every time, but it always falls between January 21 and February 21. The Chinese rest directly on the day of the holiday and two more days after it. In many countries of the world, Christmas and the New Year itself are considered days off.

The most impressive records among fish are named

On December 22, 1938, latimeria, the oldest fish on Earth and one of the living fossils, was caught near the southern coast of Africa. It was this catch that allowed scientists to “discover” latimeria and “bring it back to life”, because before that it was believed that it died out about 65 million years ago. Catching latimeria is certainly a unique story, but some fishermen can also boast of a rather unusual catch. The biggest fish caught on spinning On May 17, 2006, Martin Arostegui and Ralph Delpha caught a lemon shark weighing 174.6 kilograms on spinning near the Marquesas Islands (Florida, USA). The International Commercial Fish Association (IGFA) has officially recognized the shark as the heaviest fish ever caught in this way. This catch is also officially registered in The Guinness Book of Records. The largest catfish in the world On May 1, 2009, a local fisherman caught a giant

Laureates of the “Legends of Taurida” award have been announced

“When the Legend of Taurida Award, which is unique in that young masters of culture and art express their respect and recognition to masters, their mentors and teachers, is held at such legendary theater venues as the Vakhtangov Theater or the Oleg Tabakov Theater (where the first award ceremony was held – approx. TASS), this is the very careful preservation of traditions,” First Deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko said at the award ceremony. Gratitude of the young Residents of “Tavrida” thanked Olga Sviblova for the workshop of contemporary art at the forums of 2016 and 2017. Then she invited the audience to answer why they are engaged in art. The motivation she helped them find allowed them to become active participants in exhibition projects and work with the leading art institutions of the country. “The energy of those with whom I communicated on

Rainbow over lightning photographed in Israel

View this post on Instagram A post by Lucas Adler ( Not far from the Carmel mountain range in Israel, tourists witnessed an impressive sunrise on December 20. A storm was raging on the horizon, large lightning struck the ground, and right above them a very bright rainbow stretched across the entire sky. “Without further ado, I present to you the most colorful sunrise that I have ever seen in my life,” wrote the author of the photo, storm chaser Lucas Adler. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Anna Lysenko Even more interesting things about nature

The Kremlin reacted to the assignment of the park named after Dudayev in Turkey

According to & nbsp; the reaction of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, who criticized the Turkish authorities, is emotional, but understandable. p> “ This is a very and & nbsp; very emotional, but & nbsp; explainable reaction of the head of the Russian region, which has survived several wars & nbsp; & mdash; several wars that were provoked, started by terrorists who tried to take control of this region of Russia '', & nbsp; & mdash; Peskov noted, recalling that & nbsp; one of such terrorists was Dudayev. On the eve of Kadyrov, commenting on the assignment of the park's name to Dudayev, he called on Turkish President Recep Erdogan to either build transparent relations with Russia, or confess to “harboring terrorists.” The name of Dudayev in & nbsp; mid-December was assigned to a park in the & nbsp; city of Korfez in & nbsp; north-west of Turkey. Dudayev

Botox creator Alan Scott has died

American ophthalmologist and creator of the Botox drug Alan Scott died on December 16 in California at the age of 90, the Washington Post reported, citing his daughter Alison Ferguson. According to her, the cause of death was complications of sepsis. Botox is a drug based on botulinum toxin. It is a poisonous substance produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinu, which can cause muscle paralysis and death. During the Second World War, the possibility of using botulinum toxin as a biological weapon was studied. In the 1960s, Scott researched this substance for use in ophthalmology. He suggested that the purified toxin could be used in the treatment of strabismus and blepharospasm — an involuntary contraction of the muscles around the eye that causes blinking. The hypothesis was confirmed. Scott founded the company Oculinum to produce a drug of the same name from purified botulinum toxin. In 1989, the Food and

Russia introduced criminal liability for reckless drivers

The law introduces into the & nbsp; Criminal Code & nbsp; RF a new article & laquo; Violation of traffic rules by a person who is deprived of the right of administrative punishment and & nbsp; increases liability for & nbsp; those who & nbsp; deliberately exceed the speed limit or drive on & nbsp; “ oncoming lane. '' or leaving on the oncoming lane or on the tram tracks of the opposite direction, then for repeated such violation he will face criminal punishment. ; up to & nbsp; two years with & nbsp; deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for & nbsp; up to & nbsp; three years. Violators may face a fine of & nbsp; 200 & minus; 300 thousand rubles, or & nbsp; the amount of wages or other income for & nbsp; period from & nbsp; one to &

The Duma adopted an amendment to create a unified state system of biometric data

“The unified biometric system is a state information system”, & nbsp; & mdash; says the & nbsp; doc. The amendment establishes that & nbsp; the functioning of the biometric system is approved by the government of & nbsp; RF. According to the amendment, citizens will be able to independently & nbsp; visit state bodies or authorized organizations, place biometric samples in this system using & nbsp; trusted software, and & nbsp; also with & nbsp; the use of a confirmed account in the & nbsp; unified identification system and & nbsp; authentication and & nbsp; data from a & nbsp; chip on & nbsp; & nbsp; passport & nbsp; RF. In addition, mandatory accreditation is introduced by state bodies using for identification & nbsp; and & nbsp; authentication by means of biometric personal data other state information systems instead of a unified biometric system. It is also established that such

Scientists have shown a dinosaur egg with a well-preserved embryo

Researchers have discovered and studied in detail a 72 to 66 million-year-old dinosaur embryo, surprisingly well preserved inside a fossilized egg. According to experts from China, the UK and In Canada, this finding sheds light on the relationship between the behavior of modern birds and dinosaurs. The embryo, dubbed Baby Yingliang, was discovered in Late Cretaceous rocks in Ganzhou in southern China and belongs to a toothless theropod dinosaur oviraptorosaurus. It has grown to 27 centimeters, the oblong egg itself has a length of about 17 centimeters. A randomly acquired copy was stored in The Museum of the History of the Nature of the Inlian stone and caught the eye of researchers only recently. Oviraptorosaurs were feathered theropod dinosaurs closely related to modern birds. They lived in Asia and North America during the Cretaceous period. Inside the egg, the oviraptorosaur is positioned as modern chicks do. Previously, scientists have not observed such