The foreign Ministry has ruled out conducting propaganda against the EU by Russia

The foreign Ministry has ruled out conducting propaganda against the EU by Russia Russia does not conduct “any” propaganda against the European Union. This was stated at a briefing the representative of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova, “RIA Novosti”, commenting on a resolution to counter the propaganda of third countries, adopted by the European Parliament on November 23. Zakharova said that the document equates “ostensibly waged against the West propaganda war the Kremlin propaganda techniques banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”. Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that. If in the European Union there are some internal problems, then the cause of these problems should not be sought in promotion of third parties, and in ourselves.Maria Saharanafrican the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry On the eve of the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry called the resolution of the EU on the promotion of “information crime” and “a

The reaction of politicians of the Russian Federation on the decision of Kiev to conduct a shooting near Crimea

© Ladislav Karpov/TASS November 25, Ukraine adopted a decision to hold rocket fire in the sovereign airspace of the Russian Federation in the area of Crimea, where flights of civil aviation. The Federal air transport Agency said that such actions of the Ukrainian side violates the requirements of Annexes 11 and 15 to the Convention on international civil aviation. The reaction of Russian politicians to the material of TASS. Attracting attention First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Vladimir Jabbarov believes provocation Kiev’s decision to conduct firing in the air space of the Russian Federation in the area of Crimea, where are the flights of civil aircraft.

The Russian government reacted to the decision of Kiev about the missile firing

The Russian government know about the decision of Kiev to conduct a missile firing in the area of Crimea. On Friday, November 25, a spokesman for Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, reports TASS. “The Vice-Premier, of course, aware of Ukraine’s initiative to conduct missile firing in the area of the Crimea, has been monitoring this situation,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier on Friday, the Federal air transport Agency reported that Ukraine in violation of international agreements, adopted a decision to hold rocket fire in the airspace of Russia in the Crimea. They are scheduled on 1 and 2 December. Adviser to the head of Federal air transport Agency Sergei Izvolsky said that to close the sky over the Crimea for flight due to the intention of Ukraine is not planned. Senator from Crimea Sergey Tsekov expressed the opinion that the warning of Kiev will not lead to real action.

White male in the US found a black teenager and shot debris

In the U.S. city of Charleston, South Carolina, a white man shot a black teenager. About it reports The Independent. According to the 62-year-old William Pulliam, he acted in self-defense. He crashed into a 15-year-old James Mins on the street then went to the convenience store. Coming out, he found that James was waiting to hear him now approaching. After that, Pulliam pulled a revolver and shot the teenager twice in the stomach. A few hours later means died in hospital. Police said Pulliam during the interrogation did not show any remorse. “I believe that thanks to me on the street just became less of garbage,” he explained. According to relatives and acquaintances of the Means, the teenager was completely harmless, was to charitable organizations and had many friends. On inspection of the database revealed that Pulliam owned a gun illegally. He was forbidden to carry weapons due to the

The Kremlin has promised to make personnel decisions by officials-academics

Photo: Manager of the President expressed readiness to personnel decisions in connection with the criticism which has sounded from President Vladimir Putin to civil servants-academics. About it reports “Interfax” on Wednesday, November 23. According to the official representative of management of Elena Krylova, the Agency “will take all the necessary personnel decisions in accordance with the instructions,” the head of state. Earlier Wednesday President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Council for science and education threatened resignation of high-ranking officials that, despite the recommendations of the Kremlin, was included in the number of academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). According to the head of the state, it is impossible to effectively combine work in the state authorities with serious scientific research. It was about the employees of the President administration, ministries and the Federal security service, as well as governors. Putin said that

Yanukovych: Kyiv does not lead the investigation into the deaths of people on Maidan

The ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych at a press conference in Rostov-on-don told reporters that he believes that Kiev is not conducting the investigation into the deaths of hundreds of people on the Maidan in 2014, breaking the country’s Constitution, RIA Novosti reported. According to the politician, that is why the current Ukrainian authorities has no future.   Also, the former Ukrainian leader said that his only desire is peace in the Donbass, at the same time he would like to preserve the territorial integrity of the country. And this, according to Yanukovych, it is necessary to create autonomy in the Donbass.   Asked by journalists about the crackdown on the Maidan, he answered that he could not sign such an order, as we understand that the country would start a civil war. It said that, having left the Ukraine, he is nothing exported and, as then, so now, no

In Italy over the banks of the river damaged the city of Garessio

In Italy over the banks of the river damaged the city of Garessio Italian city of Garessio in the Piedmont region was under threat of flooding. Flooded due to heavy rains the river Tanaro rose so high that its waves gush over the Central bridge linking the districts of the village. A Garessio è nuovamente alluvione. .. #garessio #alluvione #visitpiemonte #volgopiemonte #piemonte #piemonte_super_pics #ig_piemonte #loves_piemonte #bestpiemontepics #ig_cuneo #vivocuneo #loves_united_cuneo #loves_cuneo #loves_united_piemonte #valtanaro #ig_cuneo_ #visititaly #italiainunoscatto #italiale_ #italiatricolore #italia_dev #italiantour #italy_photolovers #italianascosta #thehub_church #yallerspiemonte #igpic_piemonte #thehub_piemonte Photos published by Danilo De Lorenzis (@danilodld) 24 Nov 2016 5:03 PST Rescuers evacuated residents of the coastal houses, blocked all streets leading to the river. Unglaubliche Wassermassen im Fluss in Garessio Tarano, Italien nach starken Regenfällen in den vergangenen Tagen (c) Bernd März #italien #tarano #garessio #severeweather #uwradar #flood #flooding Photos published by the Deutsches Unwetterradar ( Nov 24 2016 5:56 PST In the

In Japan, organized the delivery of pizza on deer

In Japan, organized the delivery of pizza on deer Japanese pizza chain has announced that it is experiencing an unusual solution for the winter conditions — delivery of the products on the deer. In Japan this year, expect a harsh winter. Tokyo has begun an unprecedented heavy snowfalls. Warning difficulty with delivery pizza because of the collapse on the roads, “Domino” came up to use the ancient Northern mode of transport — reindeer. The company released photos and a video showing how to operate the unusual service. So, on the backs of reindeer will be installed heaters for pizza. To monitor the supply will be using a GPS tracker. While the tests are not quite smooth. Still not solved all the issues with the safety of animals and people. But the firm state that are working to address these problems. Earlier, one company set a world record by delivering pizzas

Peskov said the sensitive issue of publications data of employees of the NKVD

Peskov said the sensitive issue of publications data of employees of the NKVD Press Secretary of the President refused to comment on published data about personnel composition of the bodies of state security of the USSR for the years 1935-1939. MOSCOW, November 24. /TASS/. The Kremlin did not comment on the appearance on the website of “Memorial” directory with the names of the NKVD of the Stalinist repression of the second half of the 1930-ies. “I will leave, perhaps, to make no comment on this issue”, — said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. The topic is very sensitive, it is clear that opinions diverge here for many, there are diametrically opposed points of view, and those and others sometimes act very convincingly.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of Russia Peskov reiterated that it will not “in this case, a position to Express”. On the eve of the

Ukraine has decided to conduct missile firing in the air space of the Russian Federation in the Crimea

© EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV MOSCOW, November 25. /TASS/. Ukraine unilaterally adopted a decision to hold rocket fire in the sovereign airspace of the Russian Federation in the area of Crimea, where flights of civil and state aircraft. “In violation of all international agreements of Ukraine unilaterally adopted a decision to conduct missile firings in the sovereign airspace of the Russian Federation in the flight information region of Simferopol. November 24, 2016 Ukraine was published NOTAM (notice to aircraft) on activating the dangerous zones in the airspace in connection with the planned on 1 and 2 December 2016 missile firing,” – said TASS Rosaviation. The Russian demands to immediately revoke this decision. Identification of hazardous zones According to Rosaviation, “the first danger zone” is set on 1 and 2 December 2016 from 09:00 to 19:00 GMT at all altitudes with the seizure of the airspace over the high seas in the area