Events of the week in photos

Events of the week in photos The editors of “news Mail.Ru” presents a collection of bright events from 19 to 25 November 2016 in the photographs of the leading news agencies of Russia and the world. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографийIn Tokyo for the first time in half a century snow has fallen in November | Source: AP 2016

Raul Castro announced the details of the funeral of his brother Fidel

Raul Castro announced the details of the funeral of his brother Fidel MOSCOW, 26 Nov — RIA Novosti. Cuban leader Raul Castro announced that his brother, Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro will be cremated on Saturday, reports AFP. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has died at the age of 90 on Friday 22.29 local time, it was announced by Raul Castro on state television. Fidel Castro — Cuban revolutionary, statesman and politician, was born August 13, 1926. Since December 1976, for 30 years, was Chairman of the State Council and the Council of Ministers of Cuba, was also commander in chief of the Revolutionary armed forces and Chairman of the Council of national defense. As a result of deterioration of their health status, 31 July 2006, Fidel Castro handed over the duties and powers of the head of state Council and Council of Ministers and his brother Raul Castro.

Stock Izhevsk supermarket there was a big fire

At the Izhevsk stock of the supermarket “Three bananas” on Sunday, November 27, there was a big fire. In result one person was killed, another four were injured. As reported RIA Novosti, the head of the Republican Department of the TFR Faith, in fact the incident started checking. “We know that the dead and injured are employees of the grocery store. Investigators work at the scene: visiting the scene and interviewing victims and witnesses”, she said. According to investigators, the cause of the fire could be electrical problem. The warehouse, where they continue to work the fire, located in an industrial area on the outskirts of the city, the threat of the spread of fire, said Filippov. According EMERCOM in the region, the fire started at 14:45 GMT with the fire of the refrigerator. 18:54 it was localized on the area of four thousand square meters. “Unfortunately, one victim (the

Prince Harry unwittingly paid tribute to the memory of Fidel Castro

Prince Harry Prince Harry during his Caribbean tour became an unwitting participant in a moment of silence for the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro. About it writes Daily Mail. Sunday, November 27, the British Prince was taken in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves during the event, recalled that Castro was a good friend of his state. And the Governor-General Frederick Ballantyne invited those present to pay tribute to Castro, honoring him with a moment of silence. Prince Harry did not object and became an unwitting participant in a symbolic ritual. Meanwhile, according to the newspaper, neither Queen Elizabeth II nor the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may has not officially reacted to the death of the Cuban leader. On 26 November the US President-elect Donald trump said that Castro was a brutal dictator. In turn, the current head of the

The deputies of the regional Duma adopted amendments to the land law

Photo: AiF Stavropol Deputies of Stavropol regional Duma adopted in two readings amendments to the law regulating land relations in the region. Now the minimum size allotment of agricultural land increases from 30 to 2 500 ha. For adoption of amendments voted almost unanimously: 39 deputies voted in favor of the new law, one abstained and one voted against the changes. That land relations in the Stavropol region require legislative action, parliamentarians began in the spring of 2016. That’s when the Duma was introduced the initiative of “consolidation” of the agricultural sector. This, according to lawmakers, to help improve the region’s economy, because the big farms always easier to be successful. Besides, it is the incentive of cooperation for small farmers and a kind of defense mechanism against the Stripping of regional farmland. ► All the news from the regions North of the Caucasus →

Became known the reasons for the detention of the Ukrainian vessel, is saved the Russian “Admiral Kulakov”

The reason for the detention of the Ukrainian vessel RS-300 No. 97, which on Friday was rescued by the Russian “Admiral Kulakov” became the cargo vessel, reports RIA Novosti, citing a statement from the coast guard of Greece. It is noted that on Board the ship was discovered several dozen tons of cigarettes, the legitimacy of the cargo is now checked.   “Cargo ship under Ukrainian flag, with seven crew members was towed due to mechanical breakdown on the eve early morning in the port of Paleochora Chania. This ship was carrying a large quantity of cigarettes, the legality of the cargo is studying the customs of Chania”, – noted in the customs Department of the country.   On November 25, the Russian Navy ship “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” spas in distress on the Mediterranean sea and the Ukrainian fishing vessel oboxious it into the port on the island of Crete.

Source: General FSO Lopyreva charged with receiving a bribe

Source: General FSO Lopyreva charged with receiving a bribe The criminal case against the General is due to the financial and economic activities. MOSCOW, November 25. /TASS/. The detainee to General FSO of Russia Gennady Lopyreva charged with receiving very large bribes. About this TASS said a source familiar with the situation. “Lopyreva was charged under part 6 St. 290 criminal code (“the Testament of a bribe in especially large size”). Charged related to the financial and economic activity and is not related to the sale of land and the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He could not specify the exact amount of the bribe, noting that the question of the sum more than 1 million rubles.See alsoGeneral FSO was arrested after an internal check In turn, the lawyer of Board “Zakaluzny, Almashev and partners” Ruslan Zakaluzny said that today the consequence intends to

SK checks is another case of failure to carry a child in a bus

SK checks is another case of failure to carry a child in a bus MOSCOW, November 25 — RIA Novosti. The investigators launched an investigation after media reports that in October, in the Saratov region the ten-year the boy was off the bus for expired ticket, according to the website of the RF IC. The Agency refers to Friday’s material “on the site of one of news agencies”. According to the report, in October in the town of Volsk bus driver “pushed” a boy of ten due to the fact that his ticket had expired. The driver took the child ticket and the cyber student card, without which he could not then get to school. The incident occurred in front of other children and passengers, the child was in a depressed condition, said SK. “In addition, subsequently, for the return of documents to the old boy’s grandmother had to pay

Died Fidel Castro

Died Fidel Castro MOSCOW, 26 Nov — RIA Novosti. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has died at the age of 90 years, reports Agence France Presse with reference to the Cuban leader Raul Castro. On the death of Fidel announced on Cuban television, according to Reuters. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “The leader of the Cuban revolution died in 22.29 tonight (06.29 Saturday GMT — ed),” announced Raul Castro on state TV, his words led Agence France-Presse. Castro will be cremated on Saturday, said the brother of the revolutionary Cuban leader Raul Castro. “Castro was from the galaxy of the Great, the world has changed. The world will remember about him,” wrote the Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov in his microblog on Twitter. Died Fidel Castro. Sorry for Cuban friends, and to the people of Cuba. Castro was from the galaxy of the Great, the world has changed. The world will remember about him. —