Trump called Fidel Castro a brutal dictator

Trump called Fidel Castro a brutal dictator WASHINGTON, 26 Nov — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The US President-elect Donald trump called the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro a dictator and promised to help the welfare of Cuba. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “Today, the world celebrates the care of a brutal dictator who suppressed his own people for nearly six decades. The legacy of Fidel Castro’s firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty, and denying people their fundamental rights. While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, I hope that today marks a departure from the horrors that had to endure too long, a future in which wonderful the Cuban people ultimately will live in the freedom that they so deserve,” the statement reads trump. “Even though tragedy, death and pain caused by Fidel Castro cannot be erased from memory, our administration will do everything that I can to the Cuban people could finally begin

The Deputy Director of the FSIN called the talented Dading simulator

Ildar Dading The Federal penitentiary service has denied claims by opposition activist Ildar Dading of torture in Segezha penal colony (IK-7). Deputy Director FSIN Valery Maksimenko called convict “a very talented imitator”, reports RIA Novosti. “By results of check the facts of unacceptable methods of influencing the Dading, unlawful use of physical force against the convict, in connection with which had caused harm to his health, his confirmation is not found,” — said Maksimenko. According to him, nor the doctors of the Federal penitentiary service nor the Commission of civil doctors of the district hospital nor doctor hospital in Petrozavodsk not found “a single physical damage”. Maksimenko added that human rights defenders recommended by the Professor of Russian national research medical University named after Pirogov Basil Generals during the inspection also “did not find concealed damages and injuries that would be visible to a specialist even in the absence of

Duterte declared unwillingness of the Philippines to a military Alliance with Russia

Rodrigo Duterte Philippines currently do not intend to enter into new military alliances, including with Russia. In an interview with RT said President Rodrigo Duterte. Answering the question the reporter about the current status of the agreement on military cooperation with Moscow, Duterte explained: “I’m not ready to enter into any military alliances because we are bound by the agreement signed in 1950-ies (obviously, this refers to the mutual defense Treaty signed between the U.S. and the Philippines on 30 August 1951 — approx. “Of the”). But I’m willing to cooperate with my new friends, Russia and China, for peace in the world. The United States decided to stop supplying weapons, and then I said, “I Have a friend whose arms are full””. “In all our conversations (at the APEC summit in Lima — approx. “Of the”) I have never said “I want that” or “I want this”,

Kadyrov: the non-systemic opposition in Russia has lost people’s trust

Photo: TASS MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov believes that the non-systemic opposition in Russia ran out of steam and lost the confidence of the people. He said this in an interview TASS. “In the Chechen Republic, these chatterboxes got a few fractions of a percent. Not have confidence in them. What they say in this case? “Come on, goodbye!” The opposition has already done what you could. And then exhausted. What is the place in Moscow where demonstrators gathered? Swamp,” – said Kadyrov. However, the question, whether it considers non-systemic opposition of enemies, the head of Chechnya replied in the negative. “No, they’re talkers. Such shameless people. Without honor, without conscience, without country. All they need to continue to sell the interests of the state. For 30 miserable pieces of silver,” – said Kadyrov. He did not specify who exactly of the leaders of the

42 militants in Aleppo surrendered to the Syrian army

In Eastern Aleppo, 42 militants voluntarily surrendered to the Syrian army. It is reported by the Russian center for the reconciliation of the warring parties. By the decree of President Bashar al-Assad, laid down their arms bandits fall under the Amnesty.   Extremists began to emerge with his hands raised after, as the Syrian armed forces moved into an active attack – in recent days released a further eight quarters. From these territories evacuated 2,500 people, including 800 children.   Under the guise of civilians from the second largest city of the Arab Republic of tried to escape a few extremists, but they were detained. Photo: Muhammad Juma ZUMAPRESS /globallookpress

In France arrested a suspect in the attack on the nursing home

In France arrested a suspect in the attack on the nursing home MOSCOW, November 25 — RIA Novosti. Gendarmes detained a man who allegedly attacked Thursday night at a nursing home in the Herault Department in the South of France, reports Agence France-Presse, citing a source close to the investigation. According to the Agency, the police detained on suspicion of assaulting a 47-year-old man who last worked in this nursing home. On Thursday evening the unknown in the mask, armed with a knife and shotgun, broke into a nursing home “Green oaks” (Les chenes verts) in the city Monpere-sur-Lez (Herault Department). It is home to 59 pensioners, monks, who has previously worked in various missions in Africa. According to the latest data of the Agency, the attack killed one of the nurses. To a scene there arrived the squad of police special forces. Police operation carried out not only in

Found an argument against the immutability of the speed of light

Found an argument against the immutability of the speed of light Scientists have found a way to test the hypothesis that the speed of light in the early Universe could be higher than it is now. It is suggested that the Portuguese physicist and cosmologist joão Magueijo. About it reports the edition An article by cosmologist published in the journal Physical Review D on Friday, November 25. According to the scientist, his assumption can be checked in the following way. Since galaxies, according to modern ideas, formed as a result of quantum fluctuations (oscillations), which existed during the first seconds of the Universe. Traces the fluctuations in the matter density can be detected in the cosmic microwave background, also known as relic radiation, in the form of spectral index. The latter characterizes the change of the spectral flux density of radiation with frequency change. Cosmologist, based on the theory

The Syrian army has established control over an important district of Aleppo

The Syrian army has established control over an important district of Aleppo The Syrian government army with the support of the militias have established control over the quarter Masakin-Khan — the largest and most important stronghold of the militants in the East of Aleppo. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the Lebanese TV channel “al-Manar”. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий The Syrian military were shelling the enemy positions for several days, the active operation to liberate Masakin-Khan began on Monday, November 21. In this area the government troops were confronted by members of the armed coalition “Jaish al-Fath” (also includes militants of the banned in Russia “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra”). Clarifies that are now loyal to President Bashar al-Assad’s forces intend to take control of the quarter Heidari. In the last few months, the situation in Aleppo has deteriorated. The West accuses the Syrian government and Russia bombing of civilians and armed opposition. Damascus

The defense Ministry expressed protest to Ukraine for restrictions in the airspace over the Black sea

© Vladimir Smirnov/TASS MOSCOW, November 25. /TASS/. The defense Ministry expressed protest in connection with introduction by Ukraine of illegal restrictions on the use of airspace over the Black sea. This is stated in the statement of the Russian defense Ministry, arrived in TASS. “24 Nov, 2016 to the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation was invited by attache of defense at the Embassy of Ukraine in the Russian Federation for the delivery of military-diplomatic note. Passed on to it from the document protesting the Russian defense Ministry in connection with the introduction of the Ukrainian side of illegal restrictions on the use of 1 and 2 December 2016 airspace over the Black sea to the West coast of the Crimean Peninsula to “conduct missile firings”, – stated in the message Department. As emphasized in the Ministry, “stated the Ukrainian party’s South-Eastern border of the danger zone break limit