Polish President concerned about the placement of the arms.

Photo: RIA Novosti WARSAW, November 28 — RIA Novosti. The President of Poland Andrzej Duda expressed concern about the placement of Russian weapons in Kaliningrad region, saying it demonstrates the need to strengthen the defense capability of the region. Earlier in the Russian defense Ministry confirmed media reports on the relocation of mobile missile complexes “Iskander-M” in Kaliningrad oblast. According to the official representative of the military Department Igor Konashenkov, “the big secret of the transportation complex no one is doing”, moreover, “one “Iskander” was especially exposed under a passing American spy satellite to clarify the parameters of this spacecraft”. “Of course, I’m concerned as this concerned and Mr. President (Germany), Joachim gauck, with whom we spoke today on this topic. But it is a question of building us security environment in our region, this good cooperation in the framework of the Alliance, as well as neighborly cooperation,” said Duda,

The engineers started to work in 14 districts in Eastern Aleppo

Under the control of government troops now taken the whole of the North-Eastern part of the city. As stated at the Russian centre for reconciliation of the warring sides, the militants managed to knock out of 14 districts. Now there are engineers.   The army of Syria the last day was hard fighting, and drove the terrorists from the pumping station that provides water to a large part of Aleppo. The extremists threatened to blow up the object, but to do it they did not.   In the next day to the apartments of citizens will return to the water. Advance units of army and militia continue to break deep into Eastern Aleppo from several directions.   Photo: Eva Schröder Dora picture alliance / globallookpress

In the shopping center of the Florida shooting occurred

In the shopping center of the Florida shooting occurred MOSCOW, 26 Nov — RIA Novosti. The shooting occurred in a shopping center the us state of Florida, one person died, reports the New York Daily News, citing officials. According to media reports, one person was injured, his condition is not reported. The building of a shopping center in coral springs is surrounded. Police said that the searches opened fire not conducted, but not reported, whether he was arrested. Also not reported, what was the cause of the shooting.

Forbes named the most grossing Christmas movies of all time

Forbes named the most grossing Christmas movies of all time Forbes magazine named the most grossing Christmas movies in the history of American rental. First place in the list is the Comedy “home Alone” (1990) Macaulay Kalkin in the title role. The film grossed $285,76 million Second place went to the film “how the Grinch stole Christmas”, filmed in 2000. Her fees amounted to $260,04 million The third position is “the Polar Express” (2004), earned $183,37 million The fourth place is the Comedy “home Alone 2: Lost in new York” (1992; $173,59 million), the fifth — “Elf” (2003; $173,4 million), the sixth — “the Santa clause” (1994; $144,83 million). Completing the top 10 movies “Santa Claus 2” (2002), “a Christmas Carol” (2009), “Four Christmases” (2008) and “Santa clause 3” (2006). Top 20 Christmas movies from the Movie Mail.Ru

Trump said on “serious” violations in the elections in three States

Trump said on “serious” violations in the elections in three States The US President-elect wrote that the elections in Virginia, new Hampshire and California was committed “serious fraud”, which is not reported in the media. In his opinion, it is a “big problem.” WASHINGTON, November 28 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The US President-elect Donald trump said on “serious” violations in the elections in the three States, who won his rival Hillary Clinton. “Serious fraud in the elections in Virginia, new Hampshire and California — so why does the media not report about it? A serious bias is a big problem!” — trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday. He never gave any details. Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California – so why isn’t the media reporting on this? Serious bias – big problem! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 28, 2016 On Sunday, the Republican also said

Omsk pharmacy released a five-ruble condoms

The Omsk network “Gospace” will release a budget condoms under its own brand. About it reported in a press release the network released Monday, November 28. According to General Director of pharmacy network Igor Bogdashina, products comply with the highest European standards, but are affordable. “A stable economy will get students, large families and low income families,” he said. Portal “NGS Omsk” clarifies that the cost of condoms “Gesamtkatalog” will amount to 15 rubles per pack of three pieces. They will produce a foreign manufacturer to order pharmacy network. “Gosapteke” did not name a specific country, but assured that it’s not China. The drugstore chain said that the advent of contraceptives, its own brand does not mean withdrawal from the market of other types of condoms. In October it became known that the Russian company “Bergus” plans to build in the village of Bogolyubovo (Vladimir region) factory on manufacture of

Massacre in Ohio student was bothered by the attitude of the society towards Muslims

Abdul Razak Ali Artan In Columbus, law enforcement officials announced the name of the young man of Somali origin, attacked with a knife on the students of the Ohio state University. It turned out to Abdul Razak Ali Artan, reports CNN. As reported in social networks, he complained about the attacks on Muslims. Investigators are examining his correspondence, to determine the motives of the crime. They do not exclude that the crime can be an act of terrorism. The attacker, as it turned out, was a student of the same University. Prior to that, he moved from the located a few kilometers College Columbus state. On the pages of the local student newspaper in August, was given his word. A student told me that struggled trying to find the campus place where they could quietly pray under the open sky, but was afraid of how the media portray Muslims, like

The US has called for dialogue with Russia on nuclear security

The U.S. state Department commented on the words of the Director of the Department of North America of the MFA of Russia that Moscow supports the negotiation of new agreements in nuclear arms. As stated by the American foreign Ministry RIA Novosti that Washington was ready to cooperate with Russia on issues affecting strategic stability.   “We have to make for a more predictable, safe environment,” said the spokesman.   It stressed that the U.S. continues to urge Russia to return to compliance with the Treaty on intermediate and short range. In addition, according to the diplomat, the start-3 between Russia and America suggests that “the dialogue in the field of arms control and the fulfilment (of agreements – approx. ed.) work.”   The Treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive arms (start-3, Prague, Treaty) between Moscow and Washington was signed in 2010 and entered into force on 5 February