The author of the textbook of Orthodox culture has criticized the introduction of the advanced course

Andrei Kuraev Discussed in Ministry of education project of the course “Orthodox culture” for teaching at the school from 1 to 11 classes, requires a radical revision of the whole concept of education. This point of view in interview to “” has led the author of the officially recommended textbook “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture” (OPK) archdeacon Andrei Kuraev. “592 lesson one the child’s head. It turns out that every week and a half of classes. Thus, the Orthodox culture has become the main subject of school education, there is only physical education. No geometry, no chemistry, no physics, no history is not taught in such a scale,” noted Kuraev. According to him, the drafting of a new educational course is conducted in secrecy. “If such a task is, tell about it honestly. Then let’s rewrite the Constitution and several laws,” noted Kuraev. The archdeacon said that parents, teachers and children

France initiated the convening of an emergency meeting of the UN security Council

Jean-Marc Ayrault The Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Marc Ayrault has demanded convocation of an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council because of the situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo. About it reports Reuters. “We must urgently take all measures to end hostilities and ensure the unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance [in Aleppo]”, — reads the statement of the foreign Minister of France. A French diplomatic source added that Eero and his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier to discuss the situation in Aleppo with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the meeting in Minsk on Tuesday, November 29, during the negotiations in the “channel format” to resolve the Ukrainian crisis. The operation to liberate Eastern Aleppo from militants began 21 Nov. Government troops and militia with the support of the Palestinian brigade “Liwa al-Quds” for three days broke the defense of

Abe said that Japan’s position on the territorial issue has not changed

Photo: Russian geographical society/Andrei Gorban Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said at the meeting of the upper house of Parliament that his country’s position on the issue of the four Islands of the South Kuril Islands has not undergone any changes. “What I said to President (Vladimir) Putin (on the discussion of the sharing of Kunashir, Shikotan, Iturup and Habomai, which are claimed by Japan – ed.) is related to the content of ongoing negotiations, and I will not comment on it, but as far as the Northern territories (in Japan called the four Islands – ed.), our position has not changed,” said Abe. At the same time, answering the question of another Deputy, Abe said that the question was insoluble in 70 years, one summit is not to solve “the main thing is that Russia and Japan move for the future of these island on the basis of win-win –

Complete collapse: why the US operation to liberate Mosul crumbles

Declared the operation to liberate Mosul from ISIL militants, which is supported by the American special forces were scheduled to be completed in a matter of weeks, crumbles. The Iraqi army, trained by specialists from the USA, can not reverse the course of the fighting and suffering heavy losses. Realizing that the capture of Mosul is a serious political victory, the us government and the army sent to the area of the elite unit – part of the 101st airborne and 1st infantry divisions, which will break the back of terrorists.   Know the outcome in advance   The activity of the Iraqi army and professionalism in General starting from the moment the U.S. military began to actively retrain the staff, using their own methods. About the combat capability of the Iraqi army for many years in the “polysaccharose” period legends, but nothing good and instructive about them.   The

In the Kuban opened a case due to the death of Marines on maneuvers

In the Kuban opened a case due to the death of Marines on maneuvers Moscow. 26 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Military Department of the investigative Committee opened a criminal case against the leadership of the military units in the Novorossiysk garrison in connection with the deaths of three paratroopers during a training exercise. On Saturday the press service of the Ministry. According to investigators, November 24, soldiers with arms and ammunition parachuted from the aircraft Il-76. Despite the fact that weather conditions were normal, the paratroopers did not arrive at the collection point. Later the search began and were found on their bodies. As it turned out, they died, not having to detach the parachute. Of negligence that led to the deaths of three people suspected of an officer of their military unit, who led the jumping, and soldiers who provided security for the landing. Military investigators seized documents, regulating

In Russia there is a sample letter to Santa Claus

In Russia there is a sample letter to Santa Claus Every child knows to find a gift under the Christmas tree writing Santa Claus a letter. Roskomnadzor in the eve of new year holidays has made recommendations about how best to ask the winter wizard about wish fulfillment. Colourful letter typed in Italic, the Agency has posted on his page in the social network “Vkontakte”. In particular, children are encouraged to talk about how they behaved in the past year, what grades he received in school, listened to Lee parents. You should also ask the magician about his business and be sure to ask how the weather is at its edges. Roskomnadzor recommends not to specify a surname and a patronymic, a class number, home address and phone number on the envelope before sending. It is sufficient only not to forget to sign your name and age, as “a true

Kadyrov explained the origin of the phrase about the killing of Russian soldiers

Kadyrov explained the origin of the phrase about the killing of Russian soldiers The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov in an interview with TASS said that supposedly uttered the phrase about the murder of the Russian military deliberately invented. “Never, nowhere, nobody, neither jokingly nor seriously said that Russian soldiers were killed. Never said this! These words attributed to me, they deliberately launched in a Network,” he said. Kadyrov stressed that these words circulate, but knows that “this is a blatant lie.” Yes, during the first campaign I with in arms was with his people. I was young then, and stupid, but always was near outcomesin Kadyrov Kadyrov recalled that at that time they took away from the militants and brought to Grozny the two captured soldiers and one contractor, but decided to transmit them to the headquarters. According to him, the current Minister of agriculture of the Republic of

The media learned about plans of introduction of the advanced course of Orthodoxy from 1 to 11 classes

In Russia, at the request of the Ministry of education and the Russian Orthodox Church examines the possibility of mass implementation in schools of the subject “Orthodox culture” for the duration of training — 1 to 11-th class, writes “Kommersant”. In the summer the first draft of the course received a negative opinion of experts. However, the authors made corrections, and last week, the Russian Academy of education, without advertising, launched among members of the Federal educational-methodical Association process of absentee voting, which will run until November 30. Now in the fourth grade are studying the course “Basics of religious cultures and secular ethics” (ORKSE), and parents can choose one of the modules: secular ethics, religious culture, Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or Judaism. From 1 September 2015 the Ministry of education has introduced a compulsory part of the programme the subject area of “Bases spiritually-moral culture of the peoples of

In the Bundestag, he called for sanctions against Russia over Syria

The deputies of the German Bundestag asked the Federal government and the leadership of the European Union with a call to impose new sanctions against Russia because of the situation in Aleppo, Syria. They also propose to establish an “air bridge” to this city. This writes the magazine Spiegel. The authors of the initiative made by the Chairman of the Committee on foreign Affairs Norbert Röttgen from the CDU and a representative of the Green party of Francis Brantner. They refer to the fact that, according to incoming reports, the capture of Aleppo by the government forces of Syria, “apparently inevitable.” Allegedly the Syrian army with the help of Russian troops moving further and further into rebel-held areas of the city. “Every day there are reports of dead and wounded among the civilian population, under attack be including schools and hospitals,” — says the publication. According to the authors ideas,