“Independent course”: what Putin said in the message to the Federal Assembly

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Matvienko has commented on Putin’s message

Valentina Matvienko The Federation Council will plan for legislative provision of the instructions contained in the message of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. On Thursday, December 1, was announced by the speaker of the upper chamber of Parliament Valentina Matvienko. The Senator noted that a large part of the President’s speech was devoted to the domestic political agenda, reports the national news service (NSN). “While we slowly solved the problems of structural changes in the economy, remove barriers to business. I completely agree that banks should increase lending to small and medium business, individual entrepreneurs,” — said Matvienko. The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on rules and organization of parliamentary activity Vadim Tulpanov, in turn, called the President “message for the future.” In his opinion, all what he was talking about the head of state earlier, is performed. And current address — should be the starting point for

The new proclaimed king of Thailand Maha Vajiralongkorn

Maha Vajiralongkorn His Royal Highness crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn took the offer to become king of Thailand. Reported by Bangkok Post on Thursday, 1 December. His consent he expressed during a special ceremony. The participation in it was accepted by the Chairman of the Parliament of the country Pompet Viceconti, Prime Minister prayut Chan-OCHA and Supreme court Chairman Verapol Tungawan. The new monarch ascended to the throne as the 10th king of the Chakri dynasty (Rama X). His official name and title of His Majesty king Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodencreditbank. On 29 November, the Parliament of the Kingdom invited the 64-year-old Blunder Vajiralongkorn to take the throne. According to tradition he had to accept the offer. The new king is the only son of the late monarch Pumipon Adulyadej (Rama IX), who died on 13 October this year in one of hospitals of Bangkok at the age of 88 years. He

Published photos of Ukrainian missile firings near the Crimea

Published photos from the scene of the missile firing during the exercise of the armed forces of Ukraine near the Black sea. Pictures of the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of defence publishes the portal “Obozrevatel“.   The official statement of the defense Ministry of Ukraine is conducting maneuvers explained: “With the acquisition of combat experience in the use of anti-aircraft missile systems, quality control of the recovered munitions under test, the crews of the divisions anti-aircraft missile troops work out the practical problems with combat and simulated launches of anti-aircraft guided missiles at air targets”.     Earlier, the armed forces of Ukraine announced its intention to carry out the launches of anti-aircraft missiles in the North-Western part of Black sea. Later, the Ukrainian authorities have shifted the boundaries of threat to civil aviation areas to the West of the territorial waters of Russia. The President of Ukraine

In a plane crash in Colombia survived six people from 81

In a plane crash in Colombia survived six people from 81 MOSCOW, November 29 — RIA Novosti. Six of the 81 people survived the plane crash in Colombia, reports AFP. Earlier it was reported that the plane, on Board of which were the players of the Brazilian club “Epicoene”, crashed in Colombia. Reportedly, the accident occurred in the province of Antioquia in the area of La Unión. According to the TV channel Univision, on Board were 72 passengers and 9 crew members. The players were heading to the Colombian city of Medellin to participate in the first final match of South American Cup. #ULTIMAHORA Avión que transportaba a equipo de fútbol brasileño #Chapecoense se estrella, 81 personas a bordo, solo 6 sobrevivientes. pic.twitter.com/fiGwr8eEkc — Keko Rios. (@kekoriosmtz) 29 Nov 2016

Shows the process of the restoration of the world map of the XVII century

Shows the process of the restoration of the world map of the XVII century Specialists of the National library of Scotland was able to restore the ancient world map of the seventeenth century, whose author is Dutch engraver Gerard Valk. The restoration process maps were published on YouTube. The discovery drew attention during home renovation in Aberdeen. The relic was placed in the chimney and protects the house from drafts. As noted by the conservative books and papers Claire Thomson, the map was in a terrible state. Most of the paper was lost, and the rest strongly deformed. To rebuild the maps from the library staff took about six months and she is now in excellent condition.

In Erdogan’s administration, please do not to understand his words about Assad literally

In Erdogan’s administration, please do not to understand his words about Assad literally Earlier, Erdogan, speaking at a Symposium in Istanbul, said the Turkish army launched a military operation in Syria to put an end to the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. ANKARA, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti, Fedor Smirnov. The statement of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s intention to remove from power of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad should not be taken literally, told RIA Novosti source in the administration of the Turkish leader. “I hope that arising from that misunderstanding (with Russia) will be quickly overcome,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that the official comments on Erdogan’s statement can only give the top leaders of Turkey. Earlier, Erdogan, speaking at a Symposium in Istanbul, said the Turkish army launched a military operation in Syria to put an end to the rule of Assad. Later in the Kremlin

The Deputy head of the Ministry of Finance Maxim Oreshkin appointed Minister of economic development

Vladimir Putin and Maxim … © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, November 30. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed to the post of Minister of economic development of Russia Maxim Oreshkin, who previously held the post of Deputy Minister of Finance. “Mr Liksutov, you work not so long ago, but in General it’s a lot, and work successfully. I want to offer you the post of Minister of economic development,” he said, referring to Oreshkin.

In France there is a new level of danger

The warning system on terrorist threat in France entered a new level. It is reported by Le Figaro. New, the third and highest level is called “attack”. It will be declared in that case that the authorities know about the inevitability of a terrorist attack, immediately after its Commission or in the case that committed a massive cyber attack. When it is activated, law enforcement must immediately take a number of measures. We are talking about overlapping roads or streets, the closure of metro stations or railway stations, evacuation of homes or schools depending on the place of the attack. “It is extremely important to quickly adapt to new types of threats and rapidly respond to them,” — said in this regard, the General Director of the National centre for defense and security, Louis Gauthier. Representatives of law enforcement agencies also did not deny that the innovation is confined to

Putin thanked the Russian troops for their professionalism and courage

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