In Germany, a migrant from Afghanistan raped and killed the daughter of an official of the European Commission

Maria Ladenburger Arrested in Germany to claim asylum, a young man from Afghanistan, he is accused of the rape and murder of 19-year-old daughter of a senior official of the European Commission. About this newspaper The Daily Mail. Trained to be a medic student Maria Ladenburger, in his spare time worked as a volunteer in a shelter for refugees, was found October 16 in the University town of Freiburg near the border with Switzerland. After the rape the victim drowned in the river. On the spot, in the bushes of BlackBerry, was discovered a strand of dark hair, partially painted in a light color. The analysis of DNA and comparison with the database of results has not brought. However, three weeks later, in footage of a local tram by a surveillance camera, found the young man with “very visible” hair — long-haired, partially painted under the blonde. The Afghan was

Russia can attack “from everywhere” – the General staff of Ukraine

Photo: TC “Star” The chief of the General Staff of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko said that Russia can attack from any side, besides the possible aggression “everywhere where there are Russian troops”, writes “Russian spring”. “The threat to Ukraine comes from everywhere where there are Russian troops. It is not only the East. We can expect the impact from the Russian groups from the North, West and South,” he said. According to military, the particular danger for Ukraine also carries the Crimea, “where Russia has concentrated a significant offensive capabilities”. And now the military is studying the possible scenarios in the case of “large-scale Russian aggression.” Muzhenko also said that now the staff is focusing on the most “dangerous” directions.

The drivers of the truck and bus in the Khanty detained

The drivers of the truck and the bus involved in the accident at Khanty-Mansiysk, which killed 13 people, including 11 children, were detained, said RIA Novosti. According to investigators, they grossly violated the rules of the road. During interrogation, they gave different readings reported in the RF IC in the region.   The accident involving a bus and a truck happened in the Khanty December 4, according to the latest data, it lost one adult and 11 children, nine, one during transportation to the hospital and one is in the hospital. The hospital is now another 22 people, including 16 children, entered into medicated sleep.

When shooting in a Finnish city on the border with Russia, killing three people

When shooting in a Finnish city on the border with Russia, killing three people In the Finnish town of Imatra, located near the border with Russia, shooting occurred. Killing three people, reports The message on incident arrived in law enforcement agencies on Sunday night, December 4. Police confirmed the attack, but the number of victims did not specify. As the correspondent of the portal, the bodies of three victims were in one of the restaurants in the city centre. After reports of the shooting shut down the remaining establishments are located nearby. The suspect is detained. The reasons crimes are not reported. #Imatra shooting: Man, who is suspected shooter was taken into police custody outside the restaurant. #finland — Nordic News (@Nordic_News) on 4 December 2016. The evening of 2 December by four men armed with automatic rifles opened fire in a cafe in the Swedish capital of Stockholm.

The Russian space Agency said the amount that was insured fallen “Progress”

The Russian space Agency said the amount that was insured fallen “Progress” Launched to the ISS cargo spacecraft “Progress-MS-04” crashed the evening of December 1 at the altitude of 190 kilometers. Its launch was insured by the company “VTB Insurance”. MOSCOW, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. Start of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U” with spacecraft “Progress MC-04” was insured by the company “VTB Insurance”, the total amount of payments is 2,135 billion rubles, said on Saturday the press service of Roskosmos. Start of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U” with transport cargo vehicle “Progress MC-04”, perfect December 1, 2016 from Baikonur, was insured by the company “VTB Insurance”. The total amount of insurance payments is 2,135 billion rubles.the press service of Accomodatie alsoLost fourth “truck” for the ISS in two years. The astronauts run out of food? Chairman of the interdepartmental emergency Committee was the Director General of Roscosmos Igor Komarov, Deputy Alexander

WP: Syrian opposition considers cooperation with “al-Qaeda”

WP: Syrian opposition considers cooperation with “al-Qaeda” WASHINGTON, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti. Moderate Syrian opposition considering the possibility of closer cooperation with “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia) and other terrorist groups, said on Saturday newspaper the Washington Post, citing its own sources in the American administration and in the opposition. The publication notes that opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are afraid to remain without American support. “Three years after the CIA began secret arms supplies to rebels fighting Assad, after the defeats on the battlefields and in connection with the concerns that (US President-elect) Donald trump will refuse aid, tens of thousands of opposition considering other alternatives,” writes the newspaper. See alsomedia: the commander of the United forces of armed gangs killed in Aleppo According to the publication, “among other options, according to American officials, regional experts and the rebels themselves, is considered a closer Alliance with the better

The head of the Ministry of health has approved the treatment of victims in road accident in Khanty-Mansiysk

Veronika Skvortsova Tactics of treatment of victims in road accident in the Khanty-Mansi children properly elected, was declared by the Russian Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova, who arrived in Khanty-Mansiysk in the night of Monday, 5 December. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “Very severe injuries, combined, virtually all, in varying degrees. There are traumatic brain injury, there is damage to internal organs, there is a skeletal injury with severe comminuted fractures” she said. The Minister also said that “it’s been five large transactions with combined injury, now comes the resuscitation period.” “Three of the babies are breathing on their own, are under anesthesia, the rest of the kids until very hard, about the dynamics to say before,” she added. “Now experts who flew in from Moscow, with colleagues from Khanty-Mansiysk again for each child look up appointments, if necessary, corrected. But in General, everything is as it should be,”

Exit polls predicted the victory of the opponents of the constitutional reform in Italy

Continued: Renzi announced his resignation from the post of Prime Minister of Italy The initiative of the government of Italy concerning amendments to the Constitution were rejected by the population — evidenced by the results of an exit poll, reports Reuters. According to research performed by the Piepoli Institute / IPR commissioned by the state broadcaster RAI, the reform project was supported by 42-46%, whereas a negative answer was given by 54-58%. Earlier, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has said he will resign if the Italians will reject his plan of constitutional reform. For the immediate resignation of the Prime Minister called on the leader of the opposition party “Northern League” Matteo Salvini, RIA Novosti reported. “If these data are confirmed, it will be a big victory for the citizens, and Renzi will have to resign in the next few minutes, to immediately hold elections,” — said Salvini at a specially

Report: sales of Russian arms manufacturers in 2015 have continued to grow

© Yuri Smityuk/TASS STOCKHOLM, 5 December. /Offset. TASS Irina Dergacheva/. Russian producers of weapons in 2015 continued to increase its sales. This is evidenced by the report on the status of military production and export in the world, published Monday by the Stockholm Institute for peace studies (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI). The largest Russian companies