Residents of Russian regions admire the Northern lights (photo)

In mid-December, residents of different regions of Russia observe the incredible Northern lights in the sky. In fact, this colorful atmospheric phenomenon appears in the sky from September-October, but December-January accounts for its greatest activity. Now the northern lights consistently pleases residents of the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, as well as the Komi Republic, Siberia and the northern regions of the Far East with their colors. Residents of these regions and numerous tourist groups of “aurora hunters” publish fascinating photos and videos of neon lights in the night sky on social networks. View this post on Instagram Publication from GO!Teriberka… (@goteriberka) View this post on Instagram A post by Jarek Y (@jareky) View this post on Instagram Post by Maxim Chvanov (@chvanovmaks) View this post on Instagram A post from Northern Lights (@kotosalochka) View this post on Instagram Publication by Photographer Arkhangelsk ( New Year’s sale: discounts up to –

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has registered a drug for coronavirus “Mir-19”

“Today we received the registration certificate LP-007720 dated 12/22/2021 for the highly specific antiviral drug MIR 19, the peculiarity of which is that it works at the gene (post—transcriptional) level, namely, selectively suppresses the activity of vital RNA sequences of the virus, while not affecting the human genome,” Veronika Skvortsova, head of the FMBA of Russia, said. As explained by Musa Khaitov, director of the SSC “Institute of Immunology” of the FMBA of Russia, the main components of the drug are synthetic molecules of small interfering RNAs (miRNAs), which target the pathogen genome inside an infected cell of the body and contribute to its degradation.

The head of the WHO expects the end of the pandemic in 2022

“As the new year approaches, we must all learn the painful lessons that this year has taught us. 2022 should be the end of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Mr. Gebreyesus said (quoted by Reuters). Earlier, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that countries should take urgent measures to achieve vaccination of 40% of the population by the end of 2021. In his opinion, due to the inequality in the distribution of vaccines, coronavirus variants may “get out of control.” The head of the WHO said that the new strain of the coronavirus “omicron” is spreading faster than the “delta” variant. It infects people who have been vaccinated or have already had COVID-19. In its report, WHO noted that the omicron strain carries “very high” global risks. Concerns are related to the fact that omicron has an unprecedented number of mutations in the spike protein, which makes this variant more contagious than

The British island is looking for a bartender king

View this post on Instagram A post by Tom Quinn (@tjquinn1986) The authorities of the county of Cumbria on the north-west coast, together with the Ship Inn tourist complex, have opened an unusual vacancy for the king of the island. We are talking about the tiny Peel Island, on which there is an old castle, a campsite and one pub. In order to manage all this real estate and the island itself, officials are looking for a person who is ready to be both the keeper of the island, a bartender, a tour guide, a hotelier and a king. The latter position is quite official — officials dedicate King Saw to the monarchs with a rusty ancient sword, and then pour several buckets of water on his head. The ad says that the applicant must receive, entertain and serve guests from April to September, the rest of the time he

The State Duma introduced a project to tighten control over the issuance of firearms

He & nbsp; noted that & nbsp; is the author of the bill, together with & nbsp; deputies & nbsp; State Duma and Vasily Piskarev; > “ We & nbsp; propose to check all candidates for & nbsp; receipt of weapons by the FSB and & nbsp; Ministry of Internal Affairs within the & nbsp; framework of the legislation on & nbsp; operational-search activities. In the & nbsp; case if there is information about & nbsp; involvement of a citizen in & nbsp; organized crime or & nbsp; his intentions to use weapons for & nbsp; illegal (criminal) purposes, this data will be transferred to the & nbsp; Rosguard and & nbsp; be the basis for & nbsp; refusal to & nbsp; weapons & nbsp; & nbsp; ;, & nbsp; & mdash; wrote the deputy. The draft law provides that the refusal will be valid for a year. It will

Winter Greece was shown from space

We continue our journey on our big planet! And today we have #Greece – a real tourist paradise with excellent infrastructure and ample opportunities for all types of recreation. — Anton Shkaplerov (@Anton_Astrey) December 22, 2021 In December 2021, there is still no snow on the Balkan Peninsula, but thick clouds in the north remind that winter has come into its own even in The Mediterranean. Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov shared a photo of Greece taken from the International Space Station. Earlier, Shkaplerov showed how bizarre Patagonia looks from orbit. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Anna Lysenko Even more interesting things about nature

WSJ talks about White House irritation over Scholz's stance on SP-2

Author Brett Forrest notes that & nbsp; SP-2 is becoming a potential leverage for the US. Since the United States, according to the & nbsp; journalist, wants to keep Russia from an & nbsp; allegedly possible invasion of & nbsp; Ukraine. At the same time, Forrest drew attention to the fact that Scholz refuses to politicize a private economic project, unlike Washington. With this, the journalist recalled that & nbsp; German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock & nbsp; had already stated & nbsp; the impossibility of launching the gas pipeline in the & nbsp; case of an aggravation of the situation. Earlier, on December 20 & nbsp; Deputy official representative of the German Cabinet of Ministers Wolfgang Buchner stressed that & nbsp; Scholz considers' Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' economic project. According to & nbsp; Buchner, on all issues related to the gas pipeline, the German government will

A letter in a bottle for 23 years “overcame” 29 kilometers

Anyone know this fella? Someone found this in a bottle in Dundrum. — North Belfast Lady ??????? (@NBelfastLady) December 19, 2021 Stephen Caulfield from Northern Ireland was only 22 years old when he wrote the message, sealed it in a bottle and threw it into the water. On a piece of paper, his name, age and the words were indicated: “Please write to me if you are a girl. Thank you!” The guy wanted to see how far his bottle would swim, and whether anyone would read his message, Belfast Telegraph reports. This incident happened back in January 1999, and Stephen, who is now over 40, has long forgotten about it. But recently, to his surprise, a man discovered that photos of a vaguely familiar letter were being massively distributed on social networks. It turned out that a bottle with a 23-year-old message was recently found just 29 kilometers

Scientists: nature and city parks help to fight loneliness

Specialists from King’s College London conducted a study among 756 residents of different countries living in large and small cities around the world. All the study participants answered questions about loneliness, social integration, the natural environment and living conditions. These data were collected by scientists in the period from April 2018 to March 2020. After studying the questionnaires received, the researchers found that those people who lived in more densely populated and crowded cities and districts felt more lonely than those who lived in quieter conditions of small towns. But the feeling of loneliness among people from the first group decreased by 28% if they could often see nature, including just the sky with trees. Scientists clarify that after adjusting the results for age, gender, education, profession and ethnicity, the link between the level of loneliness and nature remained. The conclusions of experts suggest that the feeling of loneliness depends not