Russian authorities saw no benefit from possible tax cuts

Siluanov believes that the VAT reduction will not lead to a decrease in prices , says Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. He stated this at the Russia Calling Forum, broadcast by RBK. “It seems to me that it is not entirely correct to apply such temporary measures. We have other possibilities for solving this problem, both on the side of monetary policy and on the side of the budget, “he explained why the authorities do not see any benefit in this measure. ” How many times have we reduced taxes and saw that the benefits from this received, first of all, the producers of certain sectors of the economy. Therefore, as a tool to reduce prices, tax cuts, I do not think it is a good way to go. But it would be good to support our producers, ”added the head of the Ministry of Finance. Siluanov also promised to

Russian investigator was given 13 years for a bribe of 100 thousand dollars

The court sentenced the ex-deputy head of the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Yalta to 13 years because of 100 thousand dollars. Acting Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Yalta to 13 years in a strict regime colony for accepting a bribe in the amount of 100 thousand dollars. This was reported on Tuesday, November 30, to by the press service of the Crimean Prosecutor's Office. The ex-policeman was also fined 77 million rubles. He was deprived of the right to hold public office for ten years. According to the investigation, the investigator received money through a lawyer so as not to initiate a criminal case against a resident of a neighboring state, who was accused of fraud with land plots in Yalta. During the investigation, two more episodes of bribes were revealed. In June 2016 and March

Первый канал перезапустит «Поле чудес»

Разрыв в телекомпанией «ВИД» телеканал объяснил «нецелесообразностью заключения нового договора на предложенных каналу изменившихся условиях». Из сообщения его пресс-службы следует, что Первый канал заключил договоренность с американской телекомпанией Си-би-эс, которой принадлежат права на телевикторину «Wheel Of Fortune» — прообраз «Поля чудес». «И с января 2022 года в эфире Первого канала — как всегда по пятницам — начнет выходить шоу “Наше поле чудес” с Леонидом Якубовичем, народным артистом России и художественным руководителем программы», — сказано в сообщении пресс-службы. Якубович в разговоре с РБК заявил, что не знает, «какие финансовые взаимоотношения у канала с телекомпанией “ВИД”. По мнению 76-летнего ведущего, формат телешоу не изменится. Премьера капитал-шоу «Поле чудес» на ЦТ состоялась в октябре 1990 года. Первым ведущим был Владислав Листьев, с 1991 года программу ведет Якубович. «Это часть истории всей страны», — пишет пресс-служба Первого канала. Телекомпания «ВИД» была основана в 1987 году частью сотрудников главной редакции программ для молодежи ЦТ, в том числе Листьевым и Александром Любимовым. В последние годы на Первом канале осталась только одна программа ее производства — «Поле чудес». Считается, что заместитель главного редактора главной редакции программ для молодежи Анатолий Лысенко увидел американскую «Wheel Of Fortune» в 1989 году в гостинице

The EC recognized the impossibility of preventing the spread of the omicron strain

EC representative: measures taken against the omicron strain are aimed at containing the virus only for the longest possible containment of the new variant of COVID-19. This was stated by the spokesman for the press service of the European Commission (EC) Eric Mamer, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials17: 19 – 27 November A new strain of coronavirus has come to Europe from Africa. What is known about the omicron and how dangerous is it? 00:01 – September 8 ” Lack of vaccines is a shame. ”The acute phase of a pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? health care and our vaccine suppliers time to adapt, “the European Commission admitted. Earlier, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for strengthening control over the spread of the omicron strain in order not to allow the world to” close “and again interrupt economic interaction. “I urge the governments

Usyk spoke about the hardest workout in his life

Ukrainian boxer Alexander Usik: swam 10 kilometers before the 2012 Games without stopping Ukrainian heavyweight boxer Alexander Usik remembered how once during a training he swam in the pool for 10 kilometers without stopping. The athlete's story leads the Instagram account LuckyPunch. According to the Ukrainian, this happened during preparations for the 2012 Olympics in London and became the hardest workout in his life. Usyk noted that he covered the distance in five hours and three minutes. “Then I got stormy for two days. I didn’t drive, ”the boxer said. Usyk also noted that the feeling that the swim continues, did not leave him for some time, even while eating. On September 26, Usyk by unanimous decision defeated Briton Anthony Joshua and became the world champion according to the versions of the World Boxing Association (WBA ), The International Boxing Federation (IBF), the World Boxing Organization (WBO) and the International

Lavrov warned the Ukrainian authorities against repeating the fate of Saakashvili

Foreign Minister Lavrov: I hope Kiev will not follow Saakashvili's path in 2008 Russia by Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov hoped that the political elites in Kiev would not repeat the fate of former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. The minister's words are reported by TASS. “I hope that even the current Kiev regime will not follow the path of Mikhail Saakashvili in August 2008,” Lavrov said. According to Lavrov, the Georgian president in 2008 “instantly became agitated” after the intention to admit Ukraine and Georgia into the alliance was included in the NATO summit declaration. The minister suggests that this became one of the reasons for the start of Georgia's military aggression against its own citizens and Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia in August 2008. Related materials00: 01 – November 4 He played for high stakes. Saakashvili secretly made his way to Georgia and went to jail. What awaits the former president

Lavrov warned the Ukrainian authorities against repeating the fate of Saakashvili

Foreign Minister Lavrov: I hope Kiev will not follow Saakashvili's path in 2008 Ukrainian authorities have received a warning from the Minister Russia by Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov hoped that the political elites in Kiev would not repeat the fate of former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. The minister's words are reported by TASS. “I hope that even the current Kiev regime will not follow the path of Mikhail Saakashvili in August 2008,” Lavrov said. According to Lavrov, the Georgian president in 2008 “instantly became agitated” after the intention to admit Ukraine and Georgia into the alliance was included in the NATO summit declaration. The minister suggests that this became one of the reasons for the start of Georgia's military aggression against its own citizens and Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia in August 2008. Related materials00: 01 – November 4 He played for high stakes. Saakashvili secretly made his way to Georgia

Usyk spoke about the hardest workout in his life

Ukrainian boxer Alexander Usik: swam 10 kilometers without stopping before the 2012 Games Ukrainian heavyweight boxer Alexander Usik remembered how once during a training he swam in the pool 10 kilometers without stopping. The athlete's story leads the Instagram account LuckyPunch. According to the Ukrainian, this happened during preparations for the 2012 Olympics in London and became the hardest workout in his life. Usyk noted that he covered the distance in five hours and three minutes. “Then I got stormy for two days. I didn’t drive, ”the boxer said. Usyk also noted that the feeling that the swim continues, did not leave him for some time, even while eating. On September 26, Usyk by unanimous decision defeated Briton Anthony Joshua and became the world champion according to the versions of the World Boxing Association (WBA ), The International Boxing Federation (IBF), the World Boxing Organization (WBO) and the International Boxing

Climate change has accelerated the Antarctic current

Scientists from the United States and China have recorded the acceleration of the ocean current off the coast of Antarctica encircles the shores of Antarctica and passes through all time zones. The reason for the change in the flow rate is climate change. This is reported in an article published in the journal Nature Climate Change. The prevailing westerly winds are known to intensify as it warms. Models show that increased wind does not greatly alter ocean currents, but feeds eddies, which are circular movements of water. To understand how water temperature affects currents, the researchers analyzed satellite data on sea surface elevation, as well as readings from ocean buoys that track the parameters of changes in global circulation. It turned out that changes in ocean temperature causes a significant acceleration of ocean currents. including circumpolar. The current is likely to accelerate further as the Southern Ocean continues to absorb