In a Russian city, a truck driver knocked down people standing at a bus stop to death

In Ryazan, a truck driver crashed into a bus stop, two people died A truck driver crashed into a public transport stop in Ryazan , reports on Tuesday, November 30, REN TV with reference to the regional department of the traffic police of Russia. A truck driver knocked down two people standing at the Khimvolokno city bus stop, another person was injured. He is assisted by doctors. Currently, the circumstances of the accident are being established, emergency services and police officers are working on the spot. Earlier in Lipetsk, as a result of a car dropping onto the platform of the bus station, a person died, three more were injured.

The Russians were told about the main crafts of the Urals and their masters

Ural craftsmen spoke about tiles, porcelain painting and house restoration Russians were told about the main crafts for which the Urals are famous. Rossiyskaya Gazeta has compiled a list of items with which the region can be associated, and also shared the stories of local craftsmen, for whom work is creativity. First of all, the correspondents remembered Lyudmila Antropova from the city of Sysert, located in the Sverdlovsk region. The Russian woman is engaged in painting, paints porcelain products. She began to get involved in this business as a child, and after graduating from a vocational school she went to work at the Porcelain Sysert enterprise. For 26 years, a woman has been painting and creating objects from porcelain every day: tea pairs, sets, dinner sets, and vases. Then a pottery workshop recently appeared in the Urals, where original ceramic tiles are produced. It was organized by Andrey Savitsky, specialist

The star of the TNT channel spoke about the unsuccessful casting in the cinema

Russian comedian Anton Shastun admitted that he could not pass the casting for the main role in the movie “On TNT TV channel Anton Shastun recalled in Laysan Utyasheva's YouTube show” Daring Cooking “about his unsuccessful attempt to become a film actor. The comedian said that he could not pass the casting for the main role in the full-length film. Shastun admitted that he himself is skeptical about the comedians' acting in the cinema, however, when he received a call with a proposal to pass the casting, he could not refuse. The casting took place at the Mosfilm studio. “This is the most bizarre event, but I went there only to [hear the phrase] 'thank you, we will call you back,'” the TV presenter sneers. In the office where the casting took place, there was one camera, and at the table was a director, whose identity the comedian did not

Заслуженный врач РФ предупредил о риске «твиндемии» в России

«Благодаря мерам по профилактике SARS-CoV-2 в мире, в прошлом году создалось впечатление, что как бы исчезли многие другие респираторные вирусы. Например, в предыдущую зиму у нас, по сути, вообще не было сезона гриппа. Однако большинство экспертов предсказывало возможность возвращения этих болезней в этом году. Сейчас врачи обеспокоены возможной “твиндемией”, то есть сочетанием нынешнего подъема COVID-19 и эпидемии гриппа», — сказал он. По его словам, в этом году противоэпидемические меры были ослаблены — в связи с этим выросла заболеваемость респираторными вирусами. «Кроме того, год отдыха не мог не привести к значительному снижению коллективного иммунитета к гриппу и другим ОРВИ — иммунитет к этим инфекциям не пожизненный. В октябре 2021 года во многих странах северного полушария отмечались вспышки инфекции, вызванной респираторно-синтициальным вирусом, а сейчас появились сообщения о значительном росте других ОРВИ, включая грипп. Поэтому, как никогда важно получить вакцину как от гриппа, так и от COVID-19. Эти вакцины можно вводить одновременно, они не мешают друг другу, и при этом не возрастает частота побочных реакций», — заключил заслуженный врач.

The star of the TNT channel spoke about the unsuccessful casting in the cinema

Russian comedian Anton Shastun admitted that he could not pass the casting for the main role in the movie “On TNT TV channel Anton Shastun recalled in Laysan Utyasheva's YouTube show” Daring Cooking “about an unsuccessful attempt to become a film actor. The comedian said that he could not pass the casting for the main role in the full-length film. Shastun admitted that he himself is skeptical about the comedians' acting in the cinema, however, when he received a call with a proposal to pass the casting, he could not refuse. The casting took place at the Mosfilm studio. “This is the most bizarre event, but I went there only to [hear the phrase] 'thank you, we will call you back,'” the TV presenter sneers. In the office where the casting took place, there was one camera, and at the table was a director, whose identity the comedian did not

The rise in wages in Russia is associated with migrants

Maxim Reshetnikov: wages are growing the most in the industries where most migrants are with visitors. According to him, currently salaries are growing the most in those sectors where there are many migrants. His words are quoted by the newspaper “Vedomosti”. Speaking at the forum “VTB Capital” “Russia is calling!” the minister said: “We see that we have the greatest growth in wages in the sectors where there were the most migrants, and, accordingly, the labor shortage is felt the most.” Referring to the data of the Pension Fund, the minister also noted that now 15 percent of employees receive wages below the minimum wage (minimum wage). For 2021, it is 12,792 rubles. As shown by the results of a recent study by SberCIB Investment Research, the middle class in Russia has increased wages by eight percent over the year (according to the results of the third quarter it was

Lukashenko remembered Stalin's calls in 1941

Lukashenko: Minsk has a plan and combat units to react to NATO attempts to start a conflict Belarus has a plan and combat units to react to attempts NATO to start a conflict, said the President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with RIA Novosti. “So they [NATO] and began these maneuvers in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. What should I do as commander-in-chief? I shouldn't go for provocations, but I must foresee what will happen, “the head of state said. He also recalled the calls of the USSR leader Joseph Stalin before the start of the Great Patriotic War in 1941. “Stalin told everyone: do not give in to provocations, do not give in, signals came from the Kremlin, and then the war actually began,” Lukashenko explained. According to him, Ukraine “ran” ahead of NATO troops: first closed the skies for Belarusian flights, and is now trying

The rise in wages in Russia is associated with migrants

Maxim Reshetnikov: wages are growing the most in the sectors where the majority of migrants are with visitors. According to him, currently salaries are growing the most in those sectors where there are many migrants. His words are quoted by the newspaper “Vedomosti”. Speaking at the forum “VTB Capital” “Russia is calling!” the minister said: “We see that we have the greatest growth in wages in the sectors where there were the most migrants, and, accordingly, the labor shortage is felt the most.” Referring to the data of the Pension Fund, the minister also noted that now 15 percent of employees receive wages below the minimum wage (minimum wage). For 2021, it is 12,792 rubles. As shown by the results of a recent study by SberCIB Investment Research, the middle class in Russia has increased wages by eight percent over the year (according to the results of the third quarter