Putin: 80% collective immunity can be achieved in the first half of 2022

According to & nbsp; he said, now this figure is 59.4%, this includes both vaccinated and & nbsp; recovered from COVID- 19. “ It's not enough. We need herd immunity somewhere & nbsp; under 80%. Hopefully next year, somewhere at the & nbsp; end of the first quarter & nbsp; & mdash; in the second quarter we will & nbsp; reach this level & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the president. “ Unfortunately, we have the same & nbsp; as many other countries have low vaccination rates '', & nbsp; & mdash; acknowledged Putin. According to & nbsp; & nbsp; 17 & nbsp; December, 76.52 & nbsp; million Russians were vaccinated with the first component of the vaccine, 70.83 & nbsp; million people were vaccinated. Putin added that in some countries there are already 90 to 95% of herd immunity. Earlier in & nbsp; December, Minister of Health Mikhail

Russian scientists will create monoclonal antibodies against Omicron

This is a recombinant (created in the laboratory) human antibody HFB30132A, which is now entering the second stage of clinical trials. Therapy based on genetically engineered antibodies will be shown to patients with moderate severity of the disease who have comorbidities, such as diabetes. “As soon as samples of the virus [the Omicron variant] are obtained, we will examine our antibody. Because it is already clear that the vaccines against it work somewhat worse—” Alexander Gabibov, director of the IBH RAS, told Izvestia. – We plan to conduct tests together with the 48th Institute of the Ministry of Defense. Their specialists, after receiving the “Omicron” strain, will check the effect of the antibody on the cells. And we have our own genetically modified mice that are 100% infected with coronavirus (COVID-19 is not dangerous for ordinary mice. – “Izvestia”). After checking the work of the antibody to neutralize Omicron in

Big press conference of Vladimir Putin (video broadcast)

About Vyatka kvass and “when will you marry?”: 7 most unusual questions at Putin's press conference Russian President Vladimir Putin holds an annual large press conference, at which he answers & nbsp; questions from more than 500 Russian and & nbsp; foreign journalists. Beginning of the meeting at the & nbsp; Manezh & nbsp; & mdash; at & nbsp; 12: 00 & nbsp; Moscow time. This is & nbsp; already the seventeenth such press conference that Putin has been holding since & nbsp; 2001. The break was made only for the & nbsp; period of his work as prime minister from & nbsp; 2008 to & nbsp; 2012. In & nbsp; 2020, due to the & nbsp; coronavirus pandemic, Putin spoke with & nbsp; journalists via & nbsp; video link from & nbsp; the Moscow region residence Novo-Ogarevo. It lasted 4 hours and 29 minutes. Then the head of state

About Vyatka kvass and “when will you get married?”: 7 most unusual questions at Putin's press conference

When will you & nbsp; get married? Personal questions addressed to the president have become traditional at & nbsp; press conferences. Putin was asked about & nbsp; health, & nbsp; his pets, & nbsp; childhood and & nbsp; parents. In & nbsp; 2018, the journalist of the Life portal asked when Vladimir Putin would finally marry after his first marriage ended and & nbsp; to & nbsp; com. The President assured that & nbsp; he & nbsp; as a decent person will do it someday. Slave to & nbsp; galleys Few people & nbsp; remember, but & nbsp; remained in the heads of many Putin's phrase “ I & nbsp; plowed like a slave in & nbsp; galleys '' also & nbsp; was pronounced at & nbsp; one of the & nbsp; press conferences in & nbsp; back in 2008. Then the & nbsp; format of the event was somewhat

The IC in Moscow began checking after Artemy Lebedev’s post about the relics of saints and Lenin

“Media information about a possible violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion in Telegram is being checked. According to the available data, a statement about the holy relics was published in obscene terms on Lebedev’s page,” the agency interlocutor said. The source clarified that the check qualifies under Part 1 of Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion”). Earlier, Lebedev spoke in his Telegram channel about the relics of saints, Lenin’s Mausoleum and expressed bewilderment, “why corpses are lying on display in mausoleums,” and so many people want to visit such places and venerate the relics.

The FSSP equated the silence of collectors in the tube to psychological pressure

A representative of the National Association of Professional Collection Agencies (NAPCA) said that since the adoption of the basic law on collection in 2016, the FSPP has never given interpretations of certain norms. As noted in the FSSP document, until June 2021, cases of violations in debt collection were considered only by the courts. Since the bailiffs received new powers this year, the service decided to make the practice of reviewing cases more uniform and convey this to employees in the regions. RBC sent a request to the FSSP. What are the recommendations to collectors and debtors. From July 1 , 2021 in Russia has tightened the rules of interaction of claimants with persons somehow related to debtors — relatives, roommates or, for example, neighbors. It is possible to contact a third party only if two conditions are met simultaneously — there is a written consent to this from the debtor,

The State Duma appreciated the benefits of the long New Year holidays

“I & nbsp; welcome a long vacation. I think that & nbsp; is a good switch, unloading and & nbsp; time to be with & nbsp; family. I & nbsp; believe that & nbsp; after the holidays, people have increased efficiency and & nbsp; general tone. It is clear that & nbsp; is expensive for the employer, but & nbsp; due to the fact that & nbsp; there are January, May and & nbsp; November holidays, people are less likely to go on & nbsp; vacations & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; told Kravchenko. According to & nbsp; he said, everyone has the right to choose how he & nbsp; will spend the New Year weekend. Earlier, State Duma Deputy Yevgeny Fedorov sent a letter to & nbsp; the name of the head of the Ministry of Labor & nbsp; RF Anton Kotyakov, in & nbsp; which proposed to extend

Hundreds of thousands of women will be put on military registration in Ukraine

According to the & nbsp; Ukrainian edition, the list contains 35 professional areas, each of which & nbsp; represents dozens of separate specialties of economic activity. So, the list of professional areas includes public catering, law, economics, publishing, printing and & nbsp; others. For & nbsp; evasion of & nbsp; military registration provides for administrative responsibility. Employers in the & nbsp; listed areas, which will not & nbsp; control whether employees have documents on & nbsp; accounting, will expect a fine of & nbsp; 5.1 thousand to & nbsp; 8.5 thousand hryvnia (from & nbsp; 187 to & nbsp; 312 dollars). Earlier, the Defense Express agency, referring to & nbsp; published by FlightGlobal, a reference book on & nbsp; military aviation of the countries of the world World Air Forces 2022, disclosed the number of combat aircraft and & nbsp; helicopters at the disposal of Ukraine. According to the published

Virologist called “Omicron” a signal for the end of the pandemic

“Perhaps Omicron is the last strain and a signal for the end of the pandemic. It is extremely contagious, but not deadly. It is likely that the mechanism will work, and the antibodies obtained with its help will help both vaccines and the immunity of those who have been ill. It seems that nature itself created such an opportunity to end the pandemic,” the expert admitted. He also agreed with the hypothesis that Omicron could act as a natural vaccine against more severe strains. According to the virologist, this is due to the property of interference of viruses: a mutant strain with the help of a system of interferon proteins suppresses precursors, pushes them out. Even more interesting things about science and technology