Criminal authority imprisoned for 10 years for extortion from prisoners

In Voronezh, a court sentenced a crime boss to 10 years for status and extortion , having found him guilty of occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy and extortion. This was reported to “” in the press service of the regional prosecutor's office. The convicted person will serve a sentence of 10 years in a strict regime colony. According to the investigation, From 2018 to 2021, using the highest position in the criminal hierarchy among convicts in Voronezh colony No. 9, he gave them orders and subordinated them to his will. Three facts of extortion of money from prisoners have been established: they were forced to pay for criminal protection. The money went to the common fund. The authority was the first in the region to be imprisoned for status, the department noted. In the Tula region, criminal authority Andrei Voznesensky, nicknamed “The Hobot”, was sentenced to 6.5

Saving the planet hit the women of an African country

Bloomberg: Senegal's Plastic Ban Threatens Women's Jobs under threat. Bloomberg reports. The new anti-pollution rule could affect access to clean drinking water and the number of jobs for women, many of whom make a living filtering, packaging and reselling tap water in plastic bags. About 30 thousand female employees may be unemployed due to new measures to save the planet. “We need time to find a solution,” the union said. The ban on single-use plastic should take effect in the African country from December 31st. Senegal's Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development says the business has had ample time to find a replacement for the packaging. Plastic water bags were supposed to be banned back in January 2020, but manufacturers were given a respite due to the coronavirus pandemic hitting the economy. Now that markets are gradually recovering from the crisis, the ban must be fully respected. Women and girls

Criminal authority imprisoned for 10 years for extortion from prisoners

In Voronezh, a court sentenced a criminal authority to 10 years for status and extortion , having found him guilty of occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy and extortion. This was reported to “” in the press service of the regional prosecutor's office. The convicted person will serve a sentence of 10 years in a strict regime colony. According to the investigation, From 2018 to 2021, using the highest position in the criminal hierarchy among convicts in Voronezh colony No. 9, he gave them orders and subordinated them to his will. Three facts of extortion of money from prisoners have been established: they were forced to pay for criminal protection. The money went to the common fund. In the Tula region, crime boss Andrei Voznesensky, nicknamed “The Hobot”, was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for extortion of 19 million rubles. He challenged the verdict. The man spent

Russian authorities have assessed the impact of the omicron strain on the economy

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov: all strains of coronavirus are unpleasant for the economy According to the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, difficulties are easier to overcome when there are a large number of vaccinated people. His words are quoted by the Izvestia newspaper. “All strains of the virus, of course, are unpleasant for the economy. But we have already gone so much, have learned to overcome all these difficulties. The most important thing is vaccination, “Siluanov said. Earlier, Presidential Aide Maxim Oreshkin named possible scenarios for the impact of a new strain of coronavirus on the Russian economy. According to him, there are three possible scenarios for the development of events. The first scenario – negative – implies that the omicron strain will spread faster, and the disease itself will be difficult. Oreshkin called the second scenario a “false alarm” and explained that new strains appeared before,

Russian authorities have assessed the impact of the omicron strain on the economy

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov: all strains of coronavirus are unpleasant for the economy According to the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, difficulties are easier to overcome when there are a large number of vaccinated people. His words are quoted by the Izvestia newspaper. “All strains of the virus, of course, are unpleasant for the economy. But we have already gone so much, have learned to overcome all these difficulties. The most important thing is vaccination, “Siluanov said. Earlier, Presidential Aide Maxim Oreshkin named possible scenarios for the impact of a new strain of coronavirus on the Russian economy. According to him, there are three possible scenarios for the development of events. The first scenario – negative – implies that the omicron strain will spread faster, and the disease itself will be difficult. Oreshkin called the second scenario a “false alarm” and explained that new strains appeared before,

Russians were given advice on the protection of personal data

Rostelecom-Solar: to protect data, you must use backup Rostelecom-Solar expert Alexei Kubarev told how protect personal data from online fraudsters. The expert gave advice to the Russians in an interview with RIA Novosti. First of all, the expert urged not to install applications from unverified sources, as there is a risk of downloading a malicious program. “The situation when a program requests access to a media library, microphone or camera, but this is not required to perform functions, should alert,” Kubarev warned. The expert also recommended setting up automatic software updates. He noted that application developers fix security problems in almost every update. “The community of hackers is closely monitoring this, because if a patch is released that covers a vulnerability, then you can attack those who did not have time to update and are still vulnerable,” he said. Kubarev explained that most cyber attacks contain phishing elements. For example,

The conspiracy of the press against Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exposed

British tabloids talked about the reasons for their dislike for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle In the new BBC documentary “Princes and the press “the British press conspiracy against Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle is exposed. Its content is described in the article “”. Related materials 15:49 – Today Porn with a princess, fake son and lost millions. How conspiracy theories help the royal family to persecute unwanted , porn Meghan Markle and William's mistresses are the main scandals of the royal family The authors of Princes and Press spoke to British tabloid reporters whom Harry and Meghan blamed for bullying, compiling compromising evidence and spreading libelous fabrications. According to their responses, there are two reasons for the flood of negative content. One of them is connected with the fact that the majority of newspaper readers are the British of the older generation, that is, precisely the group

US Confirms China Testing Partial Orbital Bombing System

Breaking Defense: In July, China tested a semi-orbital bombing system The weapons China tested in July is a semi-orbital bombing system. The statement by the Deputy Chief of the Space Forces for Operations, Lieutenant General Chance Zaltsman reports Breaking Defense. The military confirmed the assumptions about the nature of the weapons tested by Beijing, expressed earlier by experts. “I think the words we use are important so that we understand exactly what we are talking about here. I hear things like hypersonic missiles, and sometimes I hear suborbital, “said the lieutenant general. According to him, we are talking about a completely different weapon, which” can remain in orbit as long as it determines the user, after which it is reset. ” Zaltsman noted that this technology is very advanced, and the United States needs to quickly determine how it should be contained. The publication reminds that such systems were previously

The conspiracy of the press against Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exposed

British tabloids talked about the reasons for their dislike for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle In the new BBC documentary “Princes and the press “the British press conspiracy against Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle is exposed. Its content is described in the article “”. Related materials 15:49 – Today Porn with a princess, fake son and lost millions. How conspiracy theories help the royal family to persecute unwanted , porn Meghan Markle and William's mistresses are the main scandals of the royal family The authors of Princes and Press spoke to British tabloid reporters whom Harry and Meghan blamed for bullying, compiling compromising evidence and spreading libelous fabrications. According to their responses, there are two reasons for the flood of negative content. One of them is connected with the fact that the majority of newspaper readers are the British of the older generation, that is, precisely the group

US Confirms China Testing Partial Orbital Bombing System

Breaking Defense: In July, China tested a semi-orbital bombing system The weapons China tested in July is a semi-orbital bombing system. The statement by the Deputy Chief of the Space Forces for Operations, Lieutenant General Chance Zaltsman reports Breaking Defense. The military confirmed the assumptions about the nature of the weapons tested by Beijing, expressed earlier by experts. “I think the words we use are important so that we understand exactly what we are talking about here. I hear things like hypersonic missiles, and sometimes I hear suborbital, “said the lieutenant general. According to him, we are talking about a completely different weapon, which” can remain in orbit as long as it determines the user, after which it is reset. ” Zaltsman noted that this technology is very advanced, and the United States needs to quickly determine how it should be contained. The publication reminds that such systems were previously