Nationalist who joked about feeding Russian-speaking children with bones became a Hero of Ukraine

Zelensky awarded the commander of the Right Sector AUK Kotsyubailo with the title “Hero of Ukraine” President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy the medal “Gold Star” of the nationalist Dmitry Kotsyubailo, who joked about feeding the wolves with the bones of Russian-speaking children. This is reported by the portal “Strana”. It is clarified that Kotsyubailo is the commander of the first assault company of the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps (DUK) “Right Sector” ( the organization is recognized as extremist, banned in Russia ) … According to the newspaper, he took part in the hostilities in the Donbass. On April 20, 2021, the American newspaper New York Times published an article stating that the Kotsyubailo unit contains a domestic wolf in the city of Avdeevka. The wild animal was in a cage near the commander's office. “Commander Dmitry Kotsyubailo – Da Vinci's military pseudonym – jokes that the soldiers feed him the bones

Poroshenko urged to urgently introduce new sanctions against Russia

Former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko urged to urgently develop sanctions against Russia Former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called on the West to urgently introduce new sanctions against Russia … Interfax-Ukraine reports this on Wednesday, December 1. “The EU, the US must appoint each new representative who will urgently develop a list of sanctions that some need to be adopted now, while others – hellish sanctions for [Russian President Vladimir] Putin – when he decides on the second stage of aggression, “Poroshenko said at the Kiev Security Forum. According to him,” the price of aggression for Putin should become exorbitant and unbearable. ” “At a minimum, the West must demonstrate exactly what will happen in the event of an expansion of aggression,” the ex-president said. Earlier, Poroshenko called for “hellish” sanctions against Putin and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko because of the migration crisis on the border of the

Afghanistan predicted billion dollar loss due to women

UN: Afghanistan's economy without women's participation could lose one billion dollars i> The Taliban, a terrorist organization banned in Russia ) restrict job opportunities for women. This is stated in a UN report published by Bloomberg. A UN study notes that a ban on Afghan women from work could bring the country's economy losses of almost one billion dollars (about 5 percent of GDP). At the moment, the Afghan economy is going through a period of rapidly growing inflation and a shortage of cash. At the same time, women make up about 20 percent of the labor force in the country. In September, Afghan women were denied the opportunity to work with men in government offices, banks, the media, and most companies. Thus, women could only work where there are no men due to the fact that the Taliban decided to follow their vision of Sharia and Islamic law. “I

Russian virologist assessed the course of COVID-19 in those infected with the omicron strain

Infectionist Malyshev: to draw conclusions about the omicron strain, you need to wait 2-3 weeks It's too early to judge how the disease is progressing in those infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus. Such an assessment of the new version of COVID-19 was given by an infectious disease specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Malyshev, his words are quoted by RBC. “It's too early to say that the disease in those infected with the omicron strain is easy. Too little time has passed – in fact, about ten days since the appearance of reports in the media about the omicron-strain, “- said Malyshev. The virologist also noted that the omicron-strain is still little described in scientific articles. In order to draw any conclusions about it, you need to wait 2-3 weeks. This time is needed to understand how patients carry the South African strain and in which countries it

Nationalist who joked about feeding Russian-speaking children with bones became a Hero of Ukraine

Zelensky awarded the commander of the Right Sector AUK Kotsyubailo with the title Hero of Ukraine President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy the medal “Gold Star” of the nationalist Dmitry Kotsyubailo, who joked about feeding the wolves with the bones of Russian-speaking children. This is reported by the portal “Strana”. It is clarified that Kotsyubailo is the commander of the first assault company of the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps (DUK) “Right Sector” ( the organization is recognized as extremist, banned in Russia ) … According to the newspaper, he took part in the hostilities in the Donbass. On April 20, 2021, the American newspaper New York Times published an article stating that the Kotsyubailo unit contains a domestic wolf in the city of Avdeevka. The wild animal was in a cage near the commander's office. “Commander Dmitry Kotsyubailo – Da Vinci's military pseudonym – jokes that the soldiers feed him the bones

The Russians were told about the timing of the adaptation of vaccines to the new omicron strain

Biotechnologist Krasilnikov: it can take up to 10 days to construct an antigen in vaccines If it turns out that antibodies are powerless against the new omicron strain, a new antigen will need to be introduced into existing COVID-19 vaccines. Igor Krasilnikov, General Director of the Biotechnology Development Company, said that such a procedure could take about 10 days. The biotechnologist shared his forecast with the Russians on the air of the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio. The specialist explained that first, scientists need to establish whether the antibodies produced after vaccination against coronavirus can neutralize the omicron strain. According to Krasilnikov, this is a quick procedure. “There are laboratory methods that will show whether this scheme works,” he said. Nevertheless, Krasilnikov is confident that the development of a vaccine and its introduction into civilian circulation will take much more time than the construction of the antigen. Earlier, immunologist, candidate of medical

Russian virologist assessed the course of COVID-19 in those infected with the omicron strain

Infectionist Malyshev: to draw conclusions about the omicron strain, you need to wait 2-3 weeks It's too early to judge how the disease is progressing in those infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus. Such an assessment of the new version of COVID-19 was given by an infectious disease specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Malyshev, his words are quoted by RBC. “It's too early to say that the disease in those infected with the omicron strain is easy. Too little time has passed – in fact, about ten days since the appearance of reports in the media about the omicron-strain, “- said Malyshev. The virologist also noted that the omicron-strain is still little described in scientific articles. In order to draw any conclusions about it, you need to wait 2-3 weeks. This time is needed to understand how patients carry the South African strain and in which countries it

Norwegian biathlete explained the words about the frightening look of Russian athletes

Biathlete Eckhoff about Russian athletes: they look scary because they are unhappy athletes. She is quoted by Aftonbladet. Earlier, Eckhoff said in the podcast “Unfinished Envelope” that the extremely arrogant look of Russian women frightens her. The only biathlete from the Russian team with whom the Norwegian communicated well was Ekaterina Yurlova-Perkht. “I thought that Russian biathletes were really Russian. I said that they look scary because they are unhappy and often angry, ”explained the Norwegian. The athlete added that the misunderstanding of her words arose due to the difficulties of translation. Russian biathlete Svetlana Mironova responded to Eckhoff's words. She told Match TV that she agreed with the Norwegian athlete. “However, this does not mean that we are evil. We just don't know English so well to communicate, “the Russian woman added. Earlier, the Italian skier Federico Pellegrino shared his opinion on the reasons for the tensions between Russian

Armenia and Azerbaijan in Moscow to discuss steps to normalize economic ties

Yerevan and Baku will discuss unblocking transport links in Karabakh at a meeting in Moscow On December 1, Moscow will host a meeting between Deputy Prime Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan Mher Grigoryan and Shahin Mustafayev with the mediation of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk. The parties will discuss a plan to normalize economic ties in Nagorno-Karabakh, the first step of which should be the unblocking of transport communications in the region. A new round of talks between Yerevan and Baku was reported in the press service of the Armenian Deputy Prime Minister, Interfax reports. “Mher Grigoryan left for Moscow, where a meeting of the working group of the Deputy Prime Ministers of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan will be held today to unblock all transport and economic communications in the region, “the message says. In addition to meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart, Grigoryan will take part in several meetings

Norwegian biathlete explained the words about the frightening look of Russian athletes

Biathlete Eckhoff about Russian athletes: they look scary because they are unhappy athletes. She is quoted by Aftonbladet. Earlier, Eckhoff said in the podcast “Unfinished Envelope” that the extremely arrogant look of Russian women frightens her. The only biathlete from the Russian team with whom the Norwegian communicated well was Ekaterina Yurlova-Perkht. “I thought that Russian biathletes were really Russian. I said that they look scary because they are unhappy and often angry, ”explained the Norwegian. The athlete added that the misunderstanding of her words arose due to the difficulties of translation. Russian biathlete Svetlana Mironova responded to Eckhoff's words. She told Match TV that she agreed with the Norwegian athlete. “However, this does not mean that we are evil. We just don't know English so well to communicate, “the Russian woman added. Earlier, the Italian skier Federico Pellegrino shared his opinion on the reasons for the tensions between Russian