Russian virologist assessed the course of COVID-19 in those infected with the omicron strain

Infectionist Malyshev: to draw conclusions about the omicron strain, you need to wait 2-3 weeks

It's too early to judge how the disease is progressing in those infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus. Such an assessment of the new version of COVID-19 was given by an infectious disease specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Malyshev, his words are quoted by RBC.

“It's too early to say that the disease in those infected with the omicron strain is easy. Too little time has passed – in fact, about ten days since the appearance of reports in the media about the omicron-strain, “- said Malyshev.

The virologist also noted that the omicron-strain is still little described in scientific articles. In order to draw any conclusions about it, you need to wait 2-3 weeks. This time is needed to understand how patients carry the South African strain and in which countries it is detected.

At this stage, it is impossible to confirm the reports that this strain will be more dangerous or more infectious, concluded Malyshev.

Earlier, immunologist, candidate of medical sciences Nikolai Kryuchkov said that the new omicron strain of coronavirus was dangerous not only for the elderly, but also for children. According to him, children under 2 years old and adults from 20 to 39 years old are at risk. In addition, he noted that it is too early to talk about a mild course of the disease when infected with a new strain.

A new omicron coronavirus strain has been identified in 20 countries around the world. In total, 226 cases of infection with a new type of COVID-19 have been registered in the world. The first confirmed cases of infection were recorded on November 24. The strain was named with the Greek letter “omicron” and have already managed to recognize its danger at the WHO level.



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