Videoconferencing Russia 14 times per week had intercepted the foreign spy planes

Fighter-interceptor MiG-31 © Donat Sorokin/TASS MOSCOW, June 23. /TASS/. The jets of Air and space forces (VKS) Russia over the past week, 14 times rose to intercept foreign spy planes – less than a week earlier. This follows from a weekly infographic of the defense Ministry published in the newspaper “Red star”. A week earlier, the military reported on 18 turnovers. According to data published on Friday, Russia’s borders during the week it was done on 23 reconnaissance mission aircraft seven States. Most of these flights were performed US – planes RC-135 and the unmanned RQ-4B Global Hawk a total of 10 times closer to the Russian borders. Wednesday, June 21, the Swedish foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom in connection with the incident over the Baltic sea on Monday. Then the su-27 of Russian air force approached Swedish reconnaissance planes in the distance,

The Bundestag decided to reduce the funding of right-wing

The lower house of the German Parliament, voted to cut funding far-right National democratic party (NDP). About it reports Reuters. Decision adopted by 502 votes to 57, with 20 abstentions. In the near future there will be changes in the basic law stipulating that the party that opposes the constitutional order, not entitled to public funding, carried out with taxpayers ‘ money. The vote in the Bundestag became possible after the constitutional court verdict issued in January 2017. The judges decided that the objectives posed in front of the NDP violate the provisions of the Constitution. “The NDP intends to replace the existing constitutional order, the authoritarian national government, which is based on the idea of “national community” selected on an ethnic basis,” explained one of the judges. While the party court to ban was not because of its insignificance. Under current rules, the German Constitution, every party that exists

Fox News found out about the North Korea testing ICBM engine

Kim Jong-UN North Korea conducted another test of the engine of the launch vehicle, reports Fox News, citing two sources in American institutions. According to officials, held on Wednesday, June 21, the test was the first from the moment in March carried out a series of three tests. The sides of the channel noted that the engine can be used to develop the DPRK Intercontinental ballistic missile or space launch vehicle. On 10 June, North Korea said that the test of an Intercontinental ballistic missile can pass in the near future. Pyongyang has expressed confidence in the successful test and said that the United States will not unleash a war “with a country that possesses nuclear weapons and ICBMs”. Earlier the representative of the strategic forces of the Korean people’s army in an interview with KCNA countries have questioned the ability of Washington to intercept North Korean missiles. In this

“I do not trust the government. I have been lied to”

“I do not trust the government. I have been lied to” The history of the Muscovites, wishing and not wishing to get into a program of renovation. Issue No. 3. The project of the Moscow authorities for the resettlement of the old housing stock has caused controversial reaction of the townspeople. Some wonder why the old, in their opinion, housing is not included in the program. Others are outraged that their good house in a comfortable area will be demolished. “B” continues a series of publications, each issue of which will be two different stories. “Live and suffer” The first two floors house built in 1940. Ceiling made of wood. After add two more floors in the ‘ 60s, the house began to sink, the walls have gone, — says the Chairman of the Board Valentina ilina. We stand in the hallway, directly overhead hangs an old, dusty wiring. In

Where the world is heading? How rising inequality hampers progress

Where the world is heading? How rising inequality hampers progress The rights and freedoms of the individual are respected in the world less, and minorities have a more difficult which inhibits social development, showed the annual social progress Index. The stream of bad news seems to live in this world more dangerous and more difficult. Whether so it actually? Published on Wednesday annual social progress Index has shown that the development of society in many countries is inhibited, and the main reason for the attack on the rights and freedoms of the individual, which negates the achievements in other spheres. A study by researchers at Harvard business school and Massachusetts Institute of technology, prepared for the American non-governmental organization Social Progress Imperative, covers countries representing 98% of the world population. They note that over the past three years in almost 40 countries the situation has deteriorated with the rights and

As celebrated graduation by different generations of Russians

As celebrated graduation by different generations of Russians “News” in the framework of the project “My senior” he remembered, as pointed out by the end of school by different generations of Russians. In anticipation of the final evening we gathered in one video the tradition of celebrating five generations of seniors. Alumni of the 1970s will remember what you wore to prom flared trousers and dresses made of crimplene, as the boys wore long hair and girls were doing hair. In the 1980s, the fashion was the blazers with padded shoulders, skinny ties, and the girls — pumps and high-water-head haircuts. In the 1990s, all high school students wanted to wear to prom suits and dresses from popular fashion magazines, bought pieces of fabric and tried to copy these looks at home behind a sewing machine. In the 2000s, in Vogue dresses open, sometimes covered, and sometimes very lush, hairstyles

Putin promised to come to Brazil to visit

Photo: kremlin.EN Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay an official visit to Brazil at the invitation of the leaders of the country Michel Temer. Such an agreement enshrined in the joint statement on strategic foreign policy dialogue on the outcome of negotiations. Document published on the Kremlin website on Wednesday, June 21. “The President of Brazil Michel Temer invited the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to visit Brazil on an official visit at a convenient time will be agreed through diplomatic channels”, — the document says. It is noted that “the invitation was accepted with gratitude”. During the talks, which took place on Wednesday, the leaders discussed various issues of bilateral, regional and international agenda and determined the path of development of strategic partnership between Russia and Brazil. In particular, the sides expressed readiness to strengthen bilateral cooperation in military-technical sphere, and also to explore the possibility of extending work

Putin considers education a primary factor for full development of the person

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin considers education a primary factor for full human development, education is secondary. This opinion he expressed at the meeting with the headmasters of graduation classes of schools. “To gain knowledge is not easy, but it is still secondary compared to the education of the person, so that it properly belonged to himself and to his friends, to family, to Homeland, is absolutely fundamental things, and only on this basis that we can count on the fact that people became complete and he received satisfaction from life and the people around him would get the pleasure of communicating with him,” – said the head of state. He added that education including school teachers do. Putin congratulated all the participants, their pupils and relatives of graduates on alumni Day. He noted that everyone remembers their prom, because this event is a long and

Putin ordered to close the landfill in Balashikha

Continued: Vorobyov ordered the day to close the landfill in Balashikha President Vladimir Putin has demanded to close the landfill in Balashikha, which is in a straight line to the head of state complained. About it as transfers TASS, he said during a meeting with members of the government after the report of the Minister of natural resources Sergey Donskoy. “Listen to me, and to Vorobyev (the Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov), I heard: during the month to close this dump! (…) The documents that must be prepared… must be prepared in the shortest possible time”, — said the President. Putin also instructed Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to take the matter under control. June 15, during the direct line with President residents of Balashikha complained that Kuchinsky solid waste landfill almost came close to homes. After that arrived the Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov and stated that the

The explosion in the sewers of Moscow killed four workers

Archive photo In the West of Moscow there was an explosion in the sewers, which led to the deaths of four workers. About it reported to “” a source in the emergency services. The incident occurred near the house 4 in the street Bozhenko Thursday afternoon, June 22. On the spot we are searching for another person. The circumstances of the accident and its consequences specified. According to REN TV, in manholes occurred, the release of methane, when workers pumped out the water. One of them managed to get out, but he then died in the ambulance. In October last year, three men in Volgograd oblast died from poisoning by gases in the village cesspool. Two of them tried to pull out the third, descended earlier (to clear the toilet) and lost there minds.