China urges US and EU to abandon Cold War mentality

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wenbin: The US and EU should be open and cooperative the world. This opinion was expressed by the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Wang Wenbin, RIA Novosti reports. The diplomat called on Washington and Brussels to abandon the mentality of the Cold War and begin to bring more positive energy into the world. According to him, the parties must adhere to the principles of openness and cooperation in international relations. The representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry stressed that the use of ideological lines to form small groups negatively affects peace and stability on the planet. He said that such a policy is more harm than good. Earlier, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called China a constant challenge for the United States. In particular, he said, Chinese tests of hypersonic weapons destabilize the situation in the Asia-Pacific region. The head of the Pentagon

Russian military will receive unmanned target helicopters

Technodinamika holding: VM-V target helicopters will enter the troops in 2022 in 2022. The target is designed to simulate drones and helicopters. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the Tekhnodinamika holding of the Rostec state corporation. The report noted that the delivery of a batch of drones to the troops was scheduled for early 2022. An aerial target – a simulator of a helicopter (VM-V) is part of a complex with helicopter-type drones, which was developed by specialists of the Dinamika center of the Thermodynamics holding. The complex allows simulating low-speed helicopters and drones during testing of new weapons … The takeoff weight of the VM-V exceeds 300 kilograms. An unmanned helicopter can stay aloft for up to two hours, reaching a maximum altitude of 2.5 kilometers. The complex also includes a ground command post, ground support facilities and additional equipment. Earlier, the Polish

Afghanistan received $ 16 million from the UN

UN transferred $ 16 million to Afghanistan to continue humanitarian aid UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) transferred to the Afghan Central Bank 16 million dollars. This was reported on the air of the Afghan TV channel 1TV, TASS reports. According to the statement of the Central Bank, these funds should be used to continue humanitarian assistance to the Afghan population. He noted that they will be involved in the fight against poverty in the country. Earlier it became known that at least 95 percent of the Afghan population will face hunger in winter. According to the Afghan Ambassador to Russia Said Tayeb Javad, after the seizure of power by the militants of the radical Taliban movement ( a terrorist organization banned in Russia ), hard days have come for the residents of the republic. December 1 sources reported that the World Bank is preparing to unfreeze part of Afghan

Popova explained the mild course of the disease with the omicron strain

Popov: the mild course of the disease with the omicron can be explained by the absence of the elderly in South Africa there are few older people in South Africa (South Africa). The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova told about this on the air of the radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. The country's chief sanitary doctor said that South Africa, an outbreak of a new variant of COVID-19 occurred among students. “We are neither under which version of the new coronavirus we do not see a large-scale severe course among young people, “Popova said.

Russian military will receive unmanned target helicopters

Technodinamika holding: VM-V target helicopters will enter the troops in 2022 in 2022. The target is designed to simulate drones and helicopters. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the Tekhnodinamika holding of the Rostec state corporation. The report noted that the delivery of a batch of drones to the troops was scheduled for early 2022. An aerial target – a simulator of a helicopter (VM-V) is part of a complex with helicopter-type drones, which was developed by specialists of the Dinamika center of the Thermodynamics holding. The complex allows simulating low-speed helicopters and drones during testing of new weapons … The takeoff weight of the VM-V exceeds 300 kilograms. An unmanned helicopter can stay aloft for up to two hours, reaching a maximum altitude of 2.5 kilometers. The complex also includes a ground command post, ground support facilities and additional equipment. Earlier, the Polish

Самый древний фейспалм в мире? В Перу найдена мумия, закрывающая лицо руками

По мнению археологов, она была захоронена еще до возникновения на территории нынешнего Перу империи инков. Помимо нехарактерного положения рук археологов удивило то, что все тело мумии было перевязано веревками. Предполагается, что такова была местная традиция захоронения. Находка была сделана на раскопках в местности Кахамаркилья неподалеку от Лимы, столицы Перу. В месте захоронения также были найдены сосуды с различными травами, предположительно, служившие подношениями. Еще больше интересного о науке и технологиях

The Spartak footballer expressed his readiness to move to Zenit or CSKA

Spartak footballer Ilya Kutepov: ready to move to CSKA or Zenit Defender of Moscow Spartak leaving the club. This is reported by Sport24. The player expressed his readiness to move to any team, including CSKA or Zenit. “Is there a club that I won't go to under any circumstances? There's no such thing. This is my career, ”said Kutepov. He also said that he loves Spartak, but is not ready to constantly sit on the bench. Earlier on Thursday, December 2, Kutepov speculated about the level of salaries in Russian football. He noted that the amount of payments depends solely on the quality of a football player, and his citizenship does not matter. Kutepov has been playing for Spartak since 2012. This season, the defender has played four matches in all tournaments with the team.

Putin ordered to check the fulfillment of Medvedev's orders

President Putin ordered to check the fulfillment of Medvedev's instructions after the accident at Raspadskaya Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting on the situation in the coal industry Kuzbass ordered to check the fulfillment of instructions given in 2010 by the then head of state Dmitry Medvedev after the accident in the Raspadskaya mine in the Kemerovo region. The broadcast of the meeting was published on the Russia 24 YouTube channel. “I was informed, of course, after the appropriate decisions were made in 2010 that all instructions had been fulfilled. We need to see how they are implemented. What exactly was done and how it was done. Let's figure it out, “Putin said. Earlier during the meeting, he named the cause of the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine. According to the president, it happened due to a number of safety violations. Putin also demanded that the law should be

The Spartak footballer expressed his readiness to move to Zenit or CSKA

Spartak footballer Ilya Kutepov: ready to move to CSKA or Zenit leaving the club. This is reported by Sport24. The player expressed his readiness to move to any team, including CSKA or Zenit. “Is there a club that I won't go to under any circumstances? There's no such thing. This is my career, ”said Kutepov. He also said that he loves Spartak, but is not ready to constantly sit on the bench. Earlier on Thursday, December 2, Kutepov speculated about the level of salaries in Russian football. He noted that the amount of payments depends solely on the quality of a football player, and his citizenship does not matter. Kutepov has been playing for Spartak since 2012. This season, the defender has played four matches in all tournaments with the team.