Media: online selling fake LEGO figures is militants*

Media: online selling fake LEGO figures is militants* MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. In a number of Asian countries in sale of fake LEGO sets with figurines of the fighters of the “Islamic state”*, reports RT. Sets include figures of the jihadists, as well as items such as a chainsaw, dynamite with timer and burning barrels that can launch from the catapult. In addition, appeared in social networks advertising designer, depicts a scene of execution. Counterfeit ISIS-themed Lego sets complete with beheading figurines are being produced in China. #9News — Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) 20 Jun 2017 The spread of sets deals with some Chinese firm. The representative of the LEGO Camilla Pederson assured RT that it is a fake. “It’s not LEGO products, like bricks in a set is not LEGO bricks. As a company that focuses on the inspiration and development of children, we would, of

The NATO aircraft for the second time that day, escorted the Board Shoigu

Photo: RIA Novosti The plane of Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on the way from Kaliningrad was again accompanied by fighters of the Alliance. It is reported by RIA Novosti. The incident occurred over neutral waters of the Baltic sea. NATO planes followed at a great distance from the side of the head of Department. Liner Shoigu defended the fighter-bombers su-34. In Kaliningrad, the head of the defense Ministry held a Board meeting of the Ministry. The event was dedicated to the issues of security at the Western borders of Russia. 21 Jun NATO fighter F-16 tried to approach the plane Shoigu over neutral waters of the Baltic sea, when the defense Minister was flying to Kaliningrad. The foreign aircraft was intercepted by a Russian su-27 fighter.

Putin dispelled fears about

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “Nord stream-2” is not directed against anyone. Russian leader Vladimir Putin spoke about the controversy surrounding the “Nord stream-2”. He noted that partners need to calmly explain that this project was not conceived with a purpose to direct it against someone. It is needed in order to promote the development of the energy market, concluded the President. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov announced that Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting with the head of the oil company Royal Dutch Shell. Hand, according to Peskov, should discuss the implementation of the project “Northern stream-2”.

In the suburbs at the expense of the rehabilitation of the disabled will allocate 25 million

Moscow regional Duma adopted in the third final reading the draft law on providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation. About it reports TV channel “360” Thursday, June 22. According to the document, early next year on these purposes from the regional budget will allocate 24,9 million rubles. The list of equipment provided to people with disabilities and the timing of its use will be set by the regional government, said the TV channel. In February it was reported that healthy according to the results of the clinical examination in 2016, recognized by more than 460 thousand inhabitants of Moscow suburbs. The entire survey were more than 1.24 million residents of the region.

Putin laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander garden in memory of the fallen during the great Patriotic war soldiers. It is reported by TASS on Thursday, June 22. At the beginning of the ceremony, the soldiers of the honor guard made a wreath of fir branches and red carnations, tied with ribbon colors of the Russian flag with a Golden inscription “to the Unknown soldier from the President of the Russian Federation”. Flowers at the monument were also laid by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the leadership of the Kremlin administration and Cabinet of Ministers and representatives of the Federation Council and the state Duma. On may 9 the President laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall in Moscow. In Day of memory and mourning, celebrated on 22 June, is the official

In the state Duma accused the poles of ingratitude and the revival of Nazism

Irina Yarovaya The Sejm of Poland adopted a law on the demolition of monuments to the red army, commits a crime against his own country, said the Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya. Her words leads RIA Novosti on Thursday, June 22. “It is a pity that there was not a single Deputy who would stand up and read out excerpts from the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal, which at all times has established as a proven historical fact that Soviet soldiers liberated not only their homeland, and the whole of Europe and the whole world from fascism”, — said the MP. The Chairman of the Committee of the lower house of Parliament on information policy, information technologies and communications Alexander Yushchenko (CPRF) also criticized amendments to the law on decommunization. “There is a contradiction of a personal relationship of the people of Poland and the ruling elite, which

In Ukraine detained the chief editor of “Stranja”

In Ukraine detained the chief editor of “Stranja” In Kiev law enforcement authorities detained the editor-in-chief the Internet-editions “Strenia” of the Igor Guzhva, said in his Facebook public Prosecutor of Ukraine Yury Lutsenko. “The materials [of the State fiscal service] GFS and the Prosecutor’s office of Kyiv detained Igor Guzhva, who demanded and received $10 thousand for the deployment of compromising materials on the current policy,” wrote Lutsenko. According to him, investigators have video and audiocasettes. In November 2016, it was reported that in Kazakhstan, on the facts of extortion initiated pre-trial investigation against the editor of the newspaper Central Asia Monitor and the owner of the information portal Beheld gabdullina.

Sniper from Canada set a new record for the longest fatal shot

Sniper from Canada set a new record for the longest fatal shot A soldier of an elite unit of the canadian forces killed in Iraq militants “Islamic state” (IG; organization banned in Russia) with a distance of 3540 meters, according to The Globe and Mail. The name of the sniper, setting a new record for accuracy in combat conditions, command not disclosed for security reasons. We only know that the shot was fired from a rifle McMillan TAC-50. While the soldier took no more than 10 seconds to aim and pull the trigger. According to The Globe and Mail, shot accuracy and distance when shooting has been tested with video cameras and other means. For a long time the world record for a confirmed fatal shot belonged to the British sniper Craig Harris. In 2009, he struck two militants of the banned in Russia organization “the Taliban” from a distance

In Switzerland arrested the financial guarantees of Ukraine’s Eurovision

In Switzerland arrested the financial guarantees of Ukraine’s Eurovision For the preparation and conduct of the competition in Kiev was provided by the European broadcasting Union of 15 million euros. KIEV, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. In Switzerland initiated the arrest of 15 million euros of financial guarantees of Ukraine at the Eurovision song contest, according to the website of co-organizer of the contest, the Ukrainian TV channel “First national”. This amount Kiev has provided the European broadcasting Union (EBU) to ensure the preparation and holding of the Eurovision-2017, which was held in may in the Ukrainian capital. “The international song contest was successfully held in Ukraine, therefore, the amount of the guarantee must return”, — noted in the company. However, the EBU has informed the National public broadcasting company of Ukraine (NOTE) that the Geneva office of debt enforcement have begun the procedure of arrest of these assets. NOTE

Russia is in talks about sending troops to Syria, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

Russia is in talks about sending troops to Syria, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan On the negotiations with the Kazakh and Kyrgyz authorities said the head of the defense Committee of the state Duma of the Shamans. On the possible deployment of Syrian troops from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, said representative of the President of Turkey. In areas of de-escalation in Syria can be accommodated by the military of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, reports “RIA Novosti”. As has informed Agency the head of the Duma Committee on defense, former commander of the airborne troops Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, now the Russian authorities are negotiating on this issue with Astana and Bishkek. “Now go negotiations, the issue to members of the military police of Russia took part in the task of maintaining order in Syria, also worked out the supply issues our colleagues from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. There is a study of the issue. There are