In the Kremlin commented on the words of the Macron about “Russian aggression”

In the Kremlin commented on the words of the Macron about “Russian aggression” The Kremlin does not agree with the assessment of Russia concerning the Ukrainian crisis, which was expressed by the President of France Emmanuel macron during a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko, said the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. He once again stressed that the Normandy format to settle the situation in the Donbas is no alternative site. And the so-called “formula Rules”, according to estimates by Senator Alexei Pushkov, “is an attempt to put pressure on Russia”. The Kremlin does not agree with the statement of the President of France Emmanuel Makron, who accused Moscow of aggression in the Donbass. Commented on the appointment of Macron with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. “We do not agree with our French colleagues in the language that

The Kremlin does not agree with the assessment Rules in Ukraine

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. The Kremlin strongly disagree with the statement of the President of France Emmanuel Makron, who called Russia the aggressor in the Donbass, and will continue to patiently explain the real situation, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “We do not agree with our French colleagues in the language that we heard yesterday from Mr. President, and, of course, the Russian side will continue to patiently explain the real situation and its position on the Ukrainian story”, – assured the representative of the Kremlin. According to Peskov, the President of France, “underlines the importance of the Normandy format, which is uncontested platform for discussion and continue to try and resolve this internal Ukrainian conflict.” On Monday, Paris hosted a meeting of the Makron with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, after which the French leader

The media found the connection between the blown in Kiev Colonel and killed by Voronenkova

A member of the Ukrainian intelligence service and direct subordinate of Colonel Maksym Shapoval, who was killed in a car bombing in Kiev, supervised the security of former state Duma Deputy, Denis Boronenkov. About the Agency UNN said a source in the defense Ministry of Ukraine. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, Shapoval know about the process of protection of Russian politics, who was shot dead in the Ukrainian capital on March 23. At the same time, the source did not link the two murders. The Colonel was in the Mercedes, which blew up in Solomenskiy district of Kiev on the morning of Tuesday, June 27. The incident qualified as a terrorist attack. The investigation was transferred to the chief military Prosecutor’s office. According to unofficial reports, the victim or led the special forces of the main intelligence Directorate, or was chief of the reserve Gur. The defense Ministry

IG began to give their fighters “passport to Paradise”

Terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) started issuing his followers “passports to Paradise”. Reported by the Daily Mail. The forms fell into the hands of the Syrian armed opposition during the fighting for the liberation of Raqqa. In the document executed at high polygraphic level, contained quotations from the Koran in Arabic and English. They encourage their supporters to carry out attacks using suicide vests or car bombs. The holder of the passport then promised to get to Paradise. In the forms there is no place for specifying personal data of the holder. Raqqa — the captured militants city in Syria, which has proclaimed as its capital. The liberation of the city is one of the main goals of the international antiterrorist coalition headed by USA.

The court in the Hague has acknowledged partial responsibility of the Netherlands for Srebrenica massacre

The exhumation of the remains of victims of the Srebrenica genocide The court of appeal in the Hague ruled that the Dutch government is partly responsible for the deaths of about 300 Muslim men killed by Bosnian Serb forces in the massacre at Srebrenica in 1995. Reported by the Associated Press. The judge Gepke of Dulek (Gepke Dulek) also decided to pay the families of the victims monetary compensation. The massacre in Srebrenica happened in 1995. Serbian forces blocked the declared “security zone” of the city, took it and is believed to have destroyed up to eight thousand adult men from among the Bosnian Muslims, leaving the women and children. Dutch peacekeepers who were supposed to ensure the safety of Srebrenica and refused to fight. In 2007, the international Tribunal has described the incident of mass killing as genocide. In an International court for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) considered the

Media: FCS will have access to the database

Photo: © RIA Novosti / Eugene biyatov Customs officers in the next three years will have access to information resources of “Mail of Russia” that will help them be better to find parcels of drugs, explosives and weapons, said Deputy head of the Federal customs service (FCS) Anatoly Seryshev in interview to the newspaper “Izvestia”. The publication says that in recent years the trafficking of drugs in Russia with the help of parcels has become one of the most popular ways of their delivery to the territory of the country. So in 2016, the customs officers found more than 120 kilograms of drugs in international mail, with the beginning of 2017 — more than 30 pounds. “We must effectively stop the smuggling of drugs and arms in mail order shipments. To do this, the customs investigative units must actively work with the information collections. Speech, certainly, goes about the analysis.

More than half of young Russians called themselves cynics in the survey

More than half of young Russians called themselves cynics in the survey MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Almost 60% of Russian youth consider themselves to cynical people, it follows from the results of a survey of the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM). Thus, 46% of the respondents among older people noted that the greatest degree of youth in Russia and inherent friendliness. According to the survey, 42% of the young respondents said that their main quality is sincerity, 69% — active, almost 50% said that the main quality is greed. Slightly more than half (52%) of young people aged 25-34 years, added that the main quality of the youth of Russia is the aggressiveness. In addition, 45% of young compatriots answered that they are characterized by diligence, 62% courage 25% — cowardice. However, 29% of older people said that young people in Russia tend indifference, 37%

NASA has denied the rumor about the discovery of extraterrestrial life

NASA has denied the rumor about the discovery of extraterrestrial life The American space Agency NASA has denied recent rumors about the readiness of scientists to announce the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Last week with this statement made by the hacker group Anonymous. This rumor caused a great response in the media to deny it had the head of the research programs of NASA Thomas Saraceno. “Contrary to some reports, NASA has not scheduled any announcements concerning extraterrestrial life”, — the scientist wrote in his Twitter. “Are we alone in the Universe? We don’t know yet, but we are preparing a mission that can answer this question”, — added Saracen. In his message, the hackers did not refer to any extracted documents, and in the words of Barbacena, said in April. Then he said that NASA made great progress in the search for life in outer space, including the discovery

Khimki found out how dangerous a popular component of creams against sunburn

Khimki found out how dangerous a popular component of creams against sunburn Chemists in their study showed any harmful chemicals decomposes a component of many sunscreens — avobenzone in the interaction with chlorinated water and to UV radiation. Scientists presented the results of their work in the journal chemosphere is. As the object of study, the chemists chose avobenzone derived chemical compounds dibenzoylmethane, as it is the most popular UV filter in the world. Avobenzone, was patented in 1973, and in 1988 approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. quality supervision, food and drug administration), Agency of the Ministry of health and social services, involved in quality control of food, drugs, cosmetics, tobacco and certain other categories of goods. The ability of avobenzone absorb ultraviolet light in a wide wavelength range has led to the fact that many manufacturers began using it in their products: lipsticks, creams

Medvedev will head the Russian delegation at the farewell ceremony for Helmut Kohl

Dmitry Medvedev Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will take part in the farewell ceremony for former German Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl, which will be held July 1 in Strasbourg. This was reported on the government website on Tuesday, June 27. Helmut Kohl has died on 88-m to year of life in his home in Ludwigshafen am Rhein on June 16. Kohl served as Chairman of the German government from 1982 to 1998. One of the major achievements in this position was the unification of Germany. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin, commenting on the death of nick, said that the German politician had a great influence on him. “I’ve known him since the early 1990-ies (…) we have met many times in different capacities. For me, the first conversation made a very strong impression — very strong,” said the Russian leader.