The bulk and the FCO appealed against the verdict in favor of Usmanov

Alexei Navalny Representatives of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and his Fund of struggle against corruption (FBK) appealed the decision under the claim of businessman Alisher Usmanov on protection of honor and dignity. On Thursday, June 29, TASS reported. By words a press-the Secretary of the Lublin court of capital Lyudmila Morozova, a complaint was received in court. Materials on теме18:32 — may 31Distributed rolikam turned to Bulk confrontation with billionaire Usmanov Earlier, the court satisfied the claim of Usmanov and ordered Bulk and the FCO to remove and to refute statements about the involvement of the businessman for corruption and his alleged conviction for rape. Lawyer Henry Padva representing interests of Usmanov, expressed satisfaction with the verdict, but the opposition said about the fundamental failure to enforce the judgment. The controversy of Bulk and Usmanov started on 18 may. The businessman has recorded a 12-minute video, in which he denied

In Serebryany Bor drowned man

In Serebryany Bor in the North-West of Moscow while riding on the boat of the drowned man. About it reported to “” a source in law enforcement bodies. According to him, on Thursday, June 29, at 21:49 in all operational service received the message about the incident on the Second beach Silver Bor. Witnesses reported seeing a capsized boat and several men in the water. Eye-witnesses and rescuers arrived at the scene, rescued a young girl who is in critical condition sent to the intensive care unit. According to her, it was the man to discover hitherto failed. Tracing will continue in the morning, with the onset of daylight. Eyewitnesses of incident has not been found yet, so is still not clear whether the people on the boat, or just swimming. The small vessel it is also not detected. At the scene working rescuers and police. While the incident qualifies

Media: in Thailand, five people were injured in the attack dogs on two elephants

Media: in Thailand, five people were injured in the attack dogs on two elephants BANGKOK, June 30 — RIA Novosti. Four Chinese tourists and the mahout was injured on the island of Phuket in Thailand when the attack dogs on two elephants, on which they were traveling, reports on Friday, the online edition of the Phuket News. The incident occurred on Thursday morning in the Safari Park in the beach area of Chalong, the newspaper reports. Family of Chinese tourists from four people, including two minors, went for a walk on elephants in the territory of the Safari Park. 200 meters from the platform, which they left, elephants, barking was attacked by a dog. Both the elephant ran from her and in a panic I slipped, falling to the ground and dropping riders. One of the two mushers — Makhutov N. received a back injury, all four tourists escaped with

The U.S. Treasury does not need guidance from Congress on the issue of sanctions

The U.S. Treasury does not need guidance from Congress on the issue of sanctions WASHINGTON, June 30. /TASS/. The U.S. Treasury Department does not need the instructions of Congress regarding the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions. This was stated on Thursday Minister Stephen Mnuchin at a briefing in the White house. Thus he responded to a request of journalists to comment on in Congress a bill concerning restrictive measures against the Russian Federation. “No matter what will host the Congress, I can assure you: the administration and the Treasury will sanction the maximum extent the law allows, — the Minister noted. — We do not need to Congress has pointed out, the introduction [of the sanctions]. We’re going to put in more effort [in the introduction of restrictions] will indicate whether they us it or not.” Two weeks ago the Senate overwhelmingly approved a new package of tough sanctions against

Donald trump proclaimed a New U.S. energy policy

Donald trump proclaimed a New U.S. energy policy US President, Donald trump declared today the “new American energy policy”, according to Reuters. “We are gathered here today to mark the beginning of a new American energy policy,” said trump, at an event in the Ministry of energy. “We are going to export us energy to the world,” he said. Thus, according to him, such exports will be expected to reinforce U.S. influence across the globe. Trump has announced plans to expand LNG deliveries to Asian markets and coal — to Ukraine, as well as the intention to remove restrictions on the granting of American loans to foreign coal projects. The us President indicated that his administration will try to find new ways for the revival of the nuclear energy sector in the United States. It is expected to conduct a study to find out how to make nuclear energy more

The state Department said that the US is not concerned about possible provocations in Syria

The state Department said that the US is not concerned about possible provocations in Syria WASHINGTON, 29 June — RIA Novosti. US does not believe that the terrorists are preparing a provocation in Syria using chemical weapons, told reporters, state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. At the briefing Nauert asked whether the United States is concerned about the possibility of provocation by terrorists. She responded with an ironic expression and said, “No”, and then repeated the same answer twice. Approval Neuert, used chemical weapons to the Syrian government, and “there is no debate”. On the question of whether the United States believe that Syria get rid of chemical weapons in accordance with the Russian-American agreements 2013, the state Department spokesman replied: “No.” Terrorist groups in Syria are preparing a provocation using chemical weapons in the area of Deraa, by analogy with the situation in Idlib province in may this year, said

The state Duma and Knesset condemned the demolition of monuments to Soviet soldiers in Europe

The state Duma and the Knesset of Israel will adopt a joint statement condemning the destruction of monuments to Soviet soldiers in Europe. This was reported on the official website of the lower house of the Russian Parliament following the meeting of Russian and Israeli speakers Vyacheslav Volodin, and Yuli Edelstein. Thursday, June 29, Volodin drew attention Edelstein, who is paying an official visit to Russia, the destruction in Europe of memorials to soldiers-liberators. “The chairmen of the parliaments considered adopted by the Polish Sejm amended the law, allowing to demolish the monuments to Soviet soldiers”, — stated in the message. “The speakers have agreed to prepare a joint statement condemning such actions”. A joint letter will be sent to the parliaments of the countries of Europe and inter-parliamentary organizations. “Our peoples have suffered most from fascism in the Second world war. Absolutely unacceptable cases of desecration of monuments to

The US demanded tighter security measures at Russian airports

The American government demanded tougher security measures during screening of passengers to airlines flying to the US from Moscow airports Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo. About the Agency TASS said the representative of the Ministry of internal security of the United States. Earlier, Reuters reported that airlines that do not meet the new security arrangements, U.S., may lose their flight certificates flights over the territory of the country. The head of the Ministry of internal security of the USA John Kelly has announced tighter controls on flights to the country from abroad. The new measures will affect passengers travelling to the United States of the 280 airports in 105 countries around the world. In particular, travellers, as well as electronic devices will be thoroughly tested. In addition, enhanced control measures will be introduced in the passenger terminal. Such initiative is explained by the growth of the terrorist threat. In March, the airline

The Federation Council approved the law on the establishment of a registry corrupt

Photo: The press service of GU Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation MOSCOW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. The Federation Council approved on Wednesday the law on creation in Russia of registry officials, law enforcement officers and servicemen, dismissed in connection with loss of trust for corruption. In mid-June, the Federation Council postponed consideration of this issue prior to the preparation of the government decree, which is clearly spelled out the procedure for maintaining the registry and delisting information, including if the court took the side of civil servant and considered for inclusion in the register illegal. As noted by the then speaker Valentina Matviyenko, the law infringes on the constitutional rights of citizens, which must be followed in full. As noted in the Tuesday meeting of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation, the government provided senators with a draft resolution on the order of maintaining the

In SF has proposed to block foreign media for violations of the laws of the Russian Federation

Photo: Yuri Martianov / Kommersant “It is necessary to provide a legal framework which will allow you to adjust the Russian-language media, having an audience in Russia, even if they are registered abroad,” – said the Senator. “Failure to comply with legislation to authorize the Roskomnadzor to block such media on the territory of Russia”, – he added. In addition, the MP said, in the Federation Council discussed the question of vesting the Ministry of justice of Russia the right to conduct an investigation to determine the sources of financing of mass-media registered on the territory of the country. “If will be found the sources of foreign financing and indications of activities in the interests of a foreign state, to oblige the media to report on its activities in accordance with the law on foreign agents”, he added. This approach to the foreign press Klimov called the reaction to oppression