The Communist Party of the Russian Federation named the probable date of Rashkin's discharge from the hospital

Communist Party deputy Kolomeytsev: Valery Rashkin may be discharged from the hospital on Friday, December 3 the hospital will probably be discharged on Friday, December 3rd. This term was named by RIA Novosti by his party colleague, deputy Nikolai Kolomeytsev. “He is still in the hospital. Maybe tomorrow they will be discharged, “the parliamentarian said. On November 30, it became known that Valery Rashkin was hospitalized due to an eye disease aggravated by nervous system, he underwent an operation. On November 25, the State Duma voted to strip the communist of parliamentary immunity. This happened after Rashkin was detained in October in the Saratov region while driving a car, in which the carcass of a dead elk was found. He later confessed to killing the animal. On Thursday, December 2, it became known that the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, opened a criminal case against Rashkin

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation named the probable date of Rashkin's discharge from the hospital

CPRF deputy Kolomeytsev: Valery Rashkin may be discharged from the hospital on Friday, December 3 the hospital will probably be discharged on Friday, December 3rd. This term was named by RIA Novosti by his party colleague, deputy Nikolai Kolomeytsev. “He is still in the hospital. Maybe tomorrow they will be discharged, “the parliamentarian said. On November 30, it became known that Valery Rashkin was hospitalized due to an eye disease aggravated by nervous system, he underwent an operation. On November 25, the State Duma voted to strip the communist of parliamentary immunity. This happened after Rashkin was detained in October in the Saratov region while driving a car, in which the carcass of a dead elk was found. He later confessed to killing the animal. On Thursday, December 2, it became known that the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, opened a criminal case against Rashkin under

Armed man detained at UN headquarters in New York

TASS: police detained an armed man at the UN headquarters in New York Police detained an armed man at the UN headquarters in New York. On Thursday, December 2, TASS reports with reference to a city police representative. According to law enforcement officers, the man was detained, there is no threat to the public. The police also advised citizens to avoid the area of ​​the incident despite the arrest of an armed man. Earlier, a video from the scene appeared. It was also reported that an armed man pointed a weapon at himself. On December 2, police received several reports of an armed man near the headquarters of the organization. All UN staff were called on to hide inside the headquarters, the complex was closed. Later, law enforcement officials said that there was no threat to employees and passers-by.

Aeroflot confirms APEX global five-star status

Aeroflot received the highest rating in the Global Airline category from APEX Aeroflot received the highest five-star rating again in the category “Global Airline” from the American Aviation Association APEX. This category includes carriers with a large fleet of wide-body aircraft and a global reach. In total, there are 23 global airlines in the world that have been assigned a five-star rating by APEX. Aeroflot is the only Russian company with a long-standing prestigious international status, which is not inferior in terms of service to premium carriers in the world. p> The results of the official rating of APEX ™ airlines for 2022 were announced at the APEX Awards ceremony. The event took place on December 1 in Long Beach, California, as part of the largest aviation exhibition and conference APEX EXPO 2021. Traditionally, the event honored the air carriers who successfully apply innovative approaches to improving the quality of

The legal leadership of the Stavropol collective farm “Russia” paid salaries

The legal leadership of the Rossiya collective farm in Stavropol paid salaries to collective farmers including – the officially appointed Acting Chairman – became: unblocking the account of SKHPK “Russia”, payment of wages and alimony for all months of delay to all employees of the farm without exception, share payments to all pensioners. This was reported by the management of the collective farm. Noting at the same time that for the first time in 9 months, funds were paid from the official account of the farm legally. In addition, share payments due to all members of the cooperative will be paid in the near future. The company also noted that at present work on the collective farm “Russia” is gradually returning to normal. The account of the Agricultural Industrial Complex “Russia” in Sberbank has been unlocked and is working, a similar process has been launched in the Russian Agricultural Bank.

Aeroflot confirms APEX global five-star status

Aeroflot received the highest rating in the Global Airline category from APEX Aeroflot received the highest five-star rating again in the category “Global Airline” from the American Aviation Association APEX. This category includes carriers with a large fleet of wide-body aircraft and a global reach. In total, there are 23 global airlines in the world that have been assigned a five-star rating by APEX. Aeroflot is the only Russian company with a long-standing prestigious international status, which is not inferior in terms of service to premium carriers in the world. p> The results of the official rating of APEX ™ airlines for 2022 were announced at the APEX Awards ceremony. The event took place on December 1 in Long Beach, California, as part of the largest aviation exhibition and conference APEX EXPO 2021. Traditionally, the event honored the air carriers who successfully apply innovative approaches to improving the quality of

The legal leadership of the Stavropol collective farm “Russia” paid salaries

The legal leadership of the Stavropol collective farm “Russia” paid salaries to collective farmers As a result of the first days of the work of the legal leadership of the Stavropol collective farm “Russia” including – the officially appointed Acting Chairman – became: unblocking the account of SKHPK “Russia”, payment of wages and alimony for all months of delay to all employees of the farm without exception, share payments to all pensioners. This was reported by the management of the collective farm. Noting at the same time that for the first time in 9 months, funds were paid from the official account of the farm legally. In addition, share payments due to all members of the cooperative will be paid in the near future. The company also noted that at present work on the collective farm “Russia” is gradually returning to normal. The account of the Agricultural Industrial Complex “Russia”

Purpose of EU sanctions revealed in Minsk

Foreign Ministry of Belarus: the purpose of the EU sanctions is to strangle the republic and complicate the life of Belarusians and the deterioration of the life of Belarusians. This is stated in the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the republic, published on the website of the department. “The purpose of this entire policy is to economically strangle Belarus, to make the life of Belarusians as difficult and as difficult as possible. The pompous nonsense that is heard from the European tribunes, in this case, have nothing to do with reality, “the document says. The Foreign Ministry drew attention to the fact that the European Union, in an effort to tighten pressure, ignores the opinion of the residents themselves republics. The ministry stressed that it is not important for the EU that tens of thousands of Belarusian citizens and their families, as well as directly European consumers,

В ООН фиксируют рост мировых цен на продукты четвертый месяц подряд

В ноябре среднее значение индекса продовольственных цен FAO составило 134,4 пункта, достигнув самого высокого уровня с июня 2011 г. и на 1,2% превысив октябрьский показатель. Значение этого индекса, который позволяет ежемесячно отслеживать колебания мировых цен на наиболее ходовые продовольственные товары, оказалось на 27,3% выше показателя за ноябрь 2020 г. Наиболее значительное повышение в ноябре продемонстрировал индекс цен на молочную продукцию, который по сравнению с предыдущим месяцем вырос на 3,4%. Мировой спрос на сливочное масло и сухое молоко сохранялся на высоком уровне из‑за стремления покупателей обеспечить спотовые поставки в ожидании снижения предложения на рынках, отметили в организации. Индекс цен на зерновые в ноябре вырос на 3,1% в сравнению с октябрем, и на 23,2% превысил показатель за аналогичный период прошлого года. Цены на пшеницу достигли максимального уровня с мая 2011 г. «Такое повышение объясняется активным спросом при ограниченном предложении, особенно на высококачественную пшеницу, а также опасениями в связи с несвоевременным выпадением осадков в Австралии и неопределенностью, вызванной возможным изменением экспортных мер в Российской Федерации», — подчеркнули в организации. Индекс цен на сахар в ноябре оказался на 1,4% выше октябрьского показателя и почти на 40% выше уровня ноября 2020 г. Такой рост был обусловлен, в первую очередь, повышением цен на этанол, однако его

Armed man detained at UN headquarters in New York

TASS: police detained an armed man at UN headquarters in New York Police detained an armed man at UN headquarters in New York. This was reported on Thursday, December 2, by TASS with reference to a police spokesman. Earlier, on December 2, the police received several reports about an armed man near the headquarters of the organization. All UN staff were called on to hide inside the headquarters, the complex was closed. Later, law enforcement officials said that there was no threat to employees and passers-by.