Lawyers reminded Russians of the need to pay taxes not only on salaries

Izvestia: taxes should be paid to owners of deposits, investment accounts, currency and real estate Lawyers reminded Russians of the need to pay taxes not only on salaries. They told Izvestia about taxes for owners of deposits, investment accounts, currency and real estate. The publication clarifies that all information on the rules for paying taxes in this material applies only to tax residents of Russia. Vice-President of the Association of Lawyers for Registration, Liquidation, Bankruptcy and Legal Representation Vladimir Kuznetsov explained that in most countries of the world the tax consequences of various investments are determined precisely by this parameter. In Russia, individuals are recognized as residents if they have been in the country for at least 183 days during the next 12 months. So, since 2021, new rules for calculating income tax on bank deposits have been earned for residents in Russia. According to Kuznetsov, from January 1, 2022,

Ukraine accused of sabotaging the situation with Crimea

Former adviser to the US Congress Cohen: Ukraine voluntarily surrendered Crimea in 2014 Former adviser to the US Congress Ariel Cohen said voluntarily gave the Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet to Russia in 2014. He wrote about this in his article published in the Newsweek magazine. According to him, corruption and incompetence prevent Ukraine “from stopping to depend on Moscow.” He called on Kiev to get rid of “the habit of voluntary sabotage.” Cohen stressed that it manifested itself “in the war with Russia in 2014, when the Ukrainian army gave up Crimea and its own Black Sea fleet.” troops “on the border of the state. Cohen also said that Moscow is using Kiev's energy dependence. Crimea became part of Russia in March 2014 after a referendum in which the overwhelming majority of voters in the region supported such a decision. Ukraine, the EU countries and the United States

Lawyers reminded Russians of the need to pay taxes not only on salaries

Izvestia: taxes should be paid to owners of deposits, investment accounts, currency and real estate Lawyers reminded Russians of the need to pay taxes not only on salaries. They told Izvestia about taxes for owners of deposits, investment accounts, currency and real estate. The publication clarifies that all information on the rules for paying taxes in this material applies only to tax residents of Russia. Vice-President of the Association of Lawyers for Registration, Liquidation, Bankruptcy and Legal Representation Vladimir Kuznetsov explained that in most countries of the world the tax consequences of various investments are determined precisely by this parameter. In Russia, individuals are recognized as residents if they have been in the country for at least 183 days during the next 12 months. So, since 2021, new rules for calculating income tax on bank deposits have been earned for residents in Russia. According to Kuznetsov, from January 1, 2022,

Глава РФПИ объяснил, почему ВОЗ не признает «Спутник V»

По его словам, российская сторона не видит особых причин, по которым ВОЗ медлит с признанием препарата, поскольку эффективность вакцины подтвердили публикации в авторитетных медицинских журналах и реальные данные со всего мира. «Минздрав России поддерживает тесные связи с ВОЗ, и мы понимаем, что на нашем пути все еще остаются небольшие препятствия, но они носят исключительно бюрократический характер», — подчеркнул Дмитриев. Руководитель РФПИ отметил, что после одобрения ВОЗ вакцинация «Спутником V» позволит россиянам въезжать в еще большее число стран. Вакцина против коронавируса «Спутник V», разработанная «НИЦЭМ им. Н. Ф. Гамалеи», получила свидетельство о регистрации Минздрава и стала первой зарегистрированной вакциной от SARS CoV-2 в мире. «Спутник V» одобрен в 71 стране с общим населением четыре миллиарда человек, это более 50 процентов населения Земли. По количеству полученных одобрений государственными регуляторами вакцина занимает второе место в мире. Эффективность вакцины составила 97,6 процентов по результатам анализа данных 3,8 миллиона вакцинированных россиян, это выше, чем данные, опубликованные ранее медицинским журналом Lancet (91,6 процентов). Как ранее сообщал РФПИ, данные о применении препарата при вакцинации населения во многих странах (Аргентина, Сан-Марино, Сербия, Венгрия, Бахрейн, Мексика, ОАЭ и других) демонстрируют,

The political scientist said about the biased attitude of the United States towards the Russian vaccine

Political scientist Lozansky about Sputnik V: in the US, everything that comes from Russia meets suspicion President of the American University in Moscow, political scientist Eduard Lozansky said that in the United States there is a politicization of the issue of vaccination and a bias towards the Russian vaccine. He told Izvestia about this. According to him, pharmaceutical giants are behind this, since it is unprofitable for them to have foreign competitors, including Sputnik V, on the American market. He added that there is a bias in the United States towards everything Russian: “Everything that comes from Russia – from vaccines to ideas – meets with suspicion at best.” At the same time, if WHO approves the Russian vaccine, the United States will not have the opportunity to further not recognize it, the expert emphasized. Earlier, the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev said that the

Five cases of the omicron strain were recorded in New York at once

New York Governor Hawkul: Five cases of omicron strain recorded in New York State cases of infection with the omicron strain. This was announced by Governor Katie Hawkul on her Twitter page. “Five cases of omicron variant infection have been confirmed in New York State,” she wrote. Hawkul urged residents not to take this information as a cause for great anxiety. “We knew that this option was underway, and we have the tools to stop [it] spreading,” she explained. of those infected, identified in Minnesota, attended a conference in New York. The first case of infection with the omicron strain of coronavirus in New York was recorded on December 1. He was found in the state of California. According to the American authorities, the sick patient came from South Africa and was fully vaccinated.

Poultry farmers will begin to vaccinate chickens

Kommersant: Rospitsesoyuz proposed to allow poultry farmers to vaccinate chickens against bird flu of this virus in factories. Kommersant writes about this with reference to Galina Bobyleva, general director of the Rospotitssoyuz. According to veterinarians, products from vaccinated poultry are not harmful to humans. She said that on November 30, the Rospotitssoyuz made a proposal to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to allow industry enterprises to vaccinate the breeding herd, reproducers of the first and second order against highly pathogenic avian influenza. As Albert Davleev, President of Agrifood Strategies, explained, second-order reproducers are parent flocks that produce hatching eggs for commercial fattening or for egg production. First-order reproducers supply poultry for parent farms. Now vaccination of birds is allowed only in personal subsidiary plots (PSH), and the regions themselves decide whether to carry it out or not. The Ministry of Agriculture noted that ten regions at once announced plans

Poultry farmers will begin to vaccinate chickens

Kommersant: Rospitsesoyuz proposed to allow poultry farmers to vaccinate chickens against bird flu of this virus in factories. Kommersant writes about this with reference to Galina Bobyleva, general director of the Rospotitssoyuz. According to veterinarians, products from vaccinated poultry are not harmful to humans. She said that on November 30, the Rospotitssoyuz made a proposal to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to allow industry enterprises to vaccinate the breeding herd, reproducers of the first and second order against highly pathogenic avian influenza. As Albert Davleev, President of Agrifood Strategies, explained, second-order reproducers are parent flocks that produce hatching eggs for commercial fattening or for egg production. First-order reproducers supply poultry for parent farms. Now vaccination of birds is allowed only in personal subsidiary plots (PSH), and the regions themselves decide whether to carry it out or not. The Ministry of Agriculture noted that ten regions at once announced plans

Rejection of Sputnik V vaccine by WHO explained

RDIF head Dmitriev: WHO does not approve Sputnik V vaccine due to bureaucratic obstacles Head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev, in an interview for the newspaper La Nacion, explained the delay in the approval of the Russian vaccine against the Sputnik V coronavirus by the World Health Organization (WHO) by bureaucratic obstacles. The Russian Ministry of Health maintains close ties with WHO, and we understand that there are still small obstacles on our way, but they are exclusively bureaucratic Kirill Dmitriev Head of RDIF According to Dmitriev, Moscow sees no particular reason why WHO is hesitant to recognize the vaccine, since the effectiveness of Sputnik V has been confirmed not only by publications in authoritative medical journals, but also by real data from around the world. He also noted that after the approval of the drug, vaccination will allow Russians to enter even more countries. Bureaucracy

Rejection of Sputnik V vaccine by WHO explained

RDIF head Dmitriev: WHO does not approve Sputnik V vaccine due to bureaucratic obstacles Head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev, in an interview for the newspaper La Nacion, explained the delay in the approval of the Russian vaccine against the Sputnik V coronavirus by the World Health Organization (WHO) by bureaucratic obstacles. The Russian Ministry of Health maintains close ties with WHO, and we understand that there are still small obstacles on our way, but they are exclusively bureaucratic Kirill Dmitriev Head of RDIF According to Dmitriev, Moscow sees no particular reason why WHO is hesitant to recognize the vaccine, since the effectiveness of Sputnik V has been confirmed not only by publications in authoritative medical journals, but also by real data from around the world. He also noted that after the approval of the drug, vaccination will allow Russians to enter even more countries. Bureaucracy