The Russian woman visited Chechnya and described the trip with the words “looks intimidating”

A Russian tourist visited Grozny and called the atmosphere of the city tense looks intimidating. ” She shared her impressions of the trip to the Caucasian republic in her personal blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. As the girl admitted, the trip was spontaneous – according to her, she and her friends went to Chechnya “at random”, without blanks and experience. Therefore, at the border, when entering the republic, her fellow travelers, who were in shorts, were asked to change. In Grozny, a tourist was delighted with beautiful buildings and spacious broadband roads. Nevertheless, she described the atmosphere of the city as strict and tense. For example, she was frightened by a large number of military men with machine guns, and also embarrassed by the portraits of the president of Russia and the head of the republic that are often found on the streets. “I also noticed that there are only

The Russian woman visited Chechnya and described the trip with the words “looks intimidating”

A Russian tourist visited Grozny and called the atmosphere of the city tense looks intimidating. ” She shared her impressions of the trip to the Caucasian republic in her personal blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. As the girl admitted, the trip was spontaneous – according to her, she and her friends went to Chechnya “at random”, without blanks and experience. Therefore, at the border, when entering the republic, her fellow travelers, who were in shorts, were asked to change. In Grozny, a tourist was delighted with beautiful buildings and spacious broadband roads. Nevertheless, she described the atmosphere of the city as strict and tense. For example, she was frightened by a large number of military men with machine guns, and also embarrassed by the portraits of the president of Russia and the head of the republic that are often found on the streets. “I also noticed that there are only

Congress approves temporary funding for the U.S. government

The US Congress approved a bill on temporary government funding until February 18 a bill on temporary financing of the federal government of the country until February 18, 2022. This is reported by TASS. Thus, the Congress prevented the blocking of work that threatened the executive branch. BUT US President Joe Biden is expected to sign the document shortly. The current funding period ends on the night of December 4. Earlier, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on Congress to raise or freeze the government debt limit by December 15th. She believes that after this date, there may be a risk of government shutdown (shutdown) due to lack of funds and inability to pay obligations.

Norway opposes movements of NATO allies near Russian borders

Norwegian Foreign Minister Witfeldt: Oslo is against the movement of NATO allies near the borders of Russia that the new government of the country opposes the movement of the Oslo allies in NATO near the borders of Russia and plans to restrict them. According to Witfeldt, the military presence in the surrounding areas is important for Norway, but “it would be better if in the immediate vicinity of We will deal with the Russian border ourselves – with the help of Norwegian aircraft and frigates. “ The Minister noted that she intends to discuss this issue with the UK and the United States, since forces “. She added that the presence of US military forces in the area near the border with Russia is no greater than in other periods of the “post-war era.” a US boat made a call at the civilian harbor of Tromsø in northern Norway. Ministry

115-pound man lost 45 pounds and revealed the secret of success

A man lost 45 kilograms for the sake of playing football A resident of the Indian city of Mumbai, who weighed 115 kilograms, lost 45 kilograms in three years and gained 10 kilograms of muscle mass. The secret of his success was revealed by the Times of India. Vivek Nadimetla, 22, was overweight. In 2019, the arrow of the scales showed 115 kilograms. Due to his obesity, the Indian could not play football, although it was his favorite sport. It was difficult for him to run, and the team stopped inviting him to participate in matches. In order to be able to participate in games, the man decided to change his lifestyle. He signed up for the gym and began to exercise on his own, and also switched to a healthy diet. As a result, he not only lost weight, but also gained muscle. Related materials00: 00 – April 13,

115-pound man lost 45 pounds and revealed the secret of success

A man lost 45 kilograms to play football A resident of the Indian city of Mumbai, who weighed 115 kilograms, lost 45 kilograms in three years and lost 45 kilograms in three years 10 kilograms of muscle mass. The secret of his success was revealed by the Times of India. Vivek Nadimetla, 22, was overweight. In 2019, the arrow of the scales showed 115 kilograms. Due to his obesity, the Indian could not play football, although it was his favorite sport. It was difficult for him to run, and the team stopped inviting him to participate in matches. In order to be able to participate in games, the man decided to change his lifestyle. He signed up for the gym and began to exercise on his own, and also switched to a healthy diet. As a result, he not only lost weight, but also gained muscle. Related materials00: 00 –

Ученые открыли секрет выживания бактерий в Антарктиде

Специалисты Курчатовского института предположили, что, уменьшаясь в размерах, бактерии приспосабливаются к сложным условиям. Если это утверждение верно, то с улучшением условий микробы должны вернуться к своим обычным размерам. Чтобы проверить эту версию, ученые повысили влажность и температуру, в которых находились микроорганизмы, до максимальных для Антарктиды значений. Таким образом они запустили в среде обитания бактерий процесс сукцессии — последовательного изменения, в ходе которого одни сообщества микробов сменяют другие вследствие воздействия какого-либо внешнего фактора. Эксперимент показал, что при улучшении условий общее число бактерий увеличивается, а количество малых клеток сокращается. Процесс развивается волнообразно, а затем микроорганизмы вновь возвращаются в первичное состояние. Это показывает, что в более комфортной среде малые клетки оживают, начинают потреблять влагу, питательные вещества и увеличиваются в размерах. Однако когда доступные ресурсы подходят к концу, они снова уменьшаются и «засыпают». По мнению ученых, вполне вероятно, что кроме уменьшения в размерах в таких клетках изменяется и метаболизм, но этот вопрос требует дальнейшего изучения и новых исследований. ученые открыли секрет выживания антарктических бактерий".

Russian investigator suspected of taking bribes

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: a criminal case has been initiated on a bribe against an investigator from the Tomsk region Arefiev Tomsk region Sergey Arefiev, who received a bribe on an especially large scale. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the department. According to the investigation, an investigator from the department headed by Arefyev was conducting a criminal case on the fact of tax evasion by the management of one of the local companies. “Wanting to receive a bribe for its termination, Arefyev found an intermediary who brought this information to the founder of the legal entity,” the Investigative Committee reported. Arefyev himself also met with the executive director of the company and demanded that a bribe be transferred to him on an especially large scale … The founder of the company appealed to law enforcement agencies, further negotiations on the date

Russian investigator suspected of taking bribes

Investigative Committee of Russia: a criminal case has been initiated on a bribe against an investigator from the Tomsk region Arefiev The Investigative Committee of Russia Tomsk region Sergei Arefiev, who received a bribe on an especially large scale. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the department. According to the investigation, an investigator from the department headed by Arefyev was conducting a criminal case on the fact of tax evasion by the management of one of the local companies. “Wanting to receive a bribe for its termination, Arefyev found an intermediary who brought this information to the founder of the legal entity,” the Investigative Committee reported. Arefyev himself also met with the executive director of the company and demanded that a bribe be transferred to him on an especially large scale … The founder of the company appealed to law enforcement agencies, further negotiations

Baldwin gave his first interview after the death of a cameraman on the set of the film “Rust”

ABC: Actor Baldwin Didn't Hear About Security Issues on the Set of Rust American actor Alec Baldwin said he didn't about any security concerns, including the handling of weapons, on the set of Rust, where cameraman Galina Hutchins was killed in a shooting incident. He spoke about this in his first interview with ABC after the incident. “I have not heard that there were any problems with this. I believed that if people were hired for the appropriate positions, then they are familiar with their responsibilities, “Baldwin said. The actor added that he also had no questions about the competence of the people hired after how their predecessors decided to stop filming due to poor working conditions. According to him, a pistol was handed over to him with the words “cold steel”, which means that it is not loaded. Baldwin added that he did not expect formal charges against him.