The stage of the Russian rocket will be made a reusable drone

RIA Novosti: Krylo-SV light rocket stage will be made reusable UAV -SV “will receive a landing gear, a turbojet engine and a nose cone, like an aircraft, which will allow it to take off, fly and return to the airfield in the same way as a drone (UAV) does, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the rocket and space industry . “The timing of the tests has not yet been precisely determined, tentatively, the first atmospheric flight of the demonstrator stage should take place in the second half of 2022,” the source said. The source added that the wing of a similar The UAV will be rectangular. “The reusable stage with atmospheric flight capability will allow Wing-SV to be launched with a wide range of inclinations, since it will be able to return to the cosmodrome after flying hundreds of kilometers,” the source said. In April, the head of

Diplomats from Europe bring omicron-strain COVID-19 to Botswana

Diplomats from Europe reported the first cases of infection with the omicron strain in Botswana … This was stated by the president of the state of Mokvetsi Masisi, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials 00:01 – 25 November “Almost a miracle happened” Coronavirus disappeared in Japan. When this happens in Russia – the biologist answers 00:01 – December 1 “There is reason for panic” What is the danger of the new strain of coronavirus and what to expect from omicron to Russians? Biologist answers The first cases of infection with a new variant of COVID-19, according to the authorities, were recorded in four foreign citizens who arrived in the country on a diplomatic mission at the end of November. They left the state a few days later. “The diplomats came from a number of countries – from the countries of their origin, the countries where they work. They traveled through several

At the Sberbank seminar, ways to improve the efficiency of collection processes were discussed

The annual seminar of Sberbank “Protecting the interests of the bank in bankruptcy procedures” was held The 10th annual seminar “Protecting the interests of a bank in bankruptcy procedures” organized by Sberbank for the banking community was held. The event was attended by well-known lawyers, professors of law schools and experts in the field of collection: Professor of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Civilistics” Andrey Egorov; Kirill Nogotkov, Director of the Russian Union of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Arbitration Trustees; Roman Bevzenko, partner of the Pepeliaev Group law firm; Chairman of the Bankruptcy Club Oleg Zaitsev and other experts. Maxim Degtyarev, Vice President, Director of the Department for Troubled Assets of Sberbank, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. At the seminar, practical issues of collection were discussed: how to achieve the sale of the debtor's luxury housing and efficiently recover losses, how to

Rashkin was summoned for interrogation as a suspect in the case of illegal hunting

State Duma Deputy Rashkin was summoned for interrogation in the TFR as a suspect in the case of illegal hunting confessed to killing a moose in the Saratov region, was summoned for interrogation to the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) as a suspect in a criminal case on illegal hunting. This was told by another member of the communist faction in the lower house of parliament Sergei Obukhov, RIA Novosti reported on Friday, December 3. Part 2 of Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal hunting”). According to the investigation, on the night of October 28-29, Rashkin, together with his acquaintances, hunted a moose without permission. After killing the animal, they hid the weapon, butchered the carcass and put it in the trunk. There the loot was found by the employees of the hunting management committee of the Saratov region, who stopped the deputy's car. On

Во Франции открылся дом престарелых для слонов

Супружеская пара ветеринаров из Бельгии София и Тони Гетгебер открыли первый в Европе дом престарелых для слонов. Территория общей площадью 28 гектаров расположена в Верхней Вьенне, на западе Франции. Сообщается, что жителями заведения, прежде всего, станут бывшие цирковые слоны, вышедшие на пенсию. Одновременно в доме престарелых могут находится десять слонов, но в будущем владельцы планируют расширить территорию. Кстати, у них уже появился первый постоялец — 52-летний слон Ганди из Бельгии. Как рассказали супруги Гетгебер, слоновий дом престарелых они открыли за счет пожертвований и личных сбережений. Чтобы поддерживать минимальное функционирование заведения, там будут устраиваться мини-экскурсии для небольших организованных групп. Но посмотреть на слонов посетители смогут лишь издалека, чтобы не подвергать животных стрессу, пишет «Европульс». Новогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о животных

Ученые открыли новый вид змей по фотографии в соцсети

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от shashwat's Herpadise ????? (@reptiles_of_world) Заинтригованная фотографией необычной змеи в соцсетях, исследовательская группа из Индии открыла ранее неизвестный вид олигодона. Снимок сделал студент магистратуры Вирендар Бхардвадж в Амритсаре, сообщает EurekAlert. Во время карантина он начал фотографировать животных, которые попадали к нему во двор, и публиковать их снимки в соцсетях. На его странице немало фотографий змей, ящериц, лягушек и насекомых. Фотография одной из змей попалась на глаза исследователю Зишану А. Мирзе из Национального центра биологических наук в Бангалоре. Он собрал коллег и связался с магистрантом, чтобы узнать подробности. Змея, которую Вирендар встретил летним вечером на грязной дороге, принадлежит к группе, известной как кукри (олигодоны), названной так из-за своих изогнутых зубов, напоминающих непальский кинжал «кукри». На первый взгляд, особь, которую сфотографировал Вирендар, очень напоминала обыкновенную кукри (Oligodon arnensis). Тем не менее, герпетологи спустя месяц смогли найти еще две аналогичные особи. Команда изучила их ДНК и выяснила, что они принадлежали к ранее неизвестному виду. Он получил название Oligodon churahensis. Исследователи говорят, что Западные Гималаи все еще плохо изучены, особенно с точки зрения герпетологического разнообразия. Они являются местом обитания уникальных

Rashkin was summoned for interrogation as a suspect in the case of illegal hunting

State Duma Deputy Rashkin summoned for interrogation in the TFR as a suspect in the case of illegal hunting confessed to killing a moose in the Saratov region, was summoned for interrogation to the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) as a suspect in a criminal case on illegal hunting. This was told by another member of the communist faction in the lower house of parliament Sergei Obukhov, RIA Novosti reported on Friday, December 3. Part 2 of Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal hunting”). According to the investigation, on the night of October 28-29, Rashkin, together with his acquaintances, hunted a moose without permission. After killing the animal, they hid the weapon, butchered the carcass and put it in the trunk. There the loot was found by the employees of the hunting management committee of the Saratov region, who stopped the deputy's car. On November

Sberbank launched its own sales house to sell advertising

SberCeller sales house will develop and sell SberCell's advertising products Index 20 ”, which previously sold display advertising for the assets of the Rambler & Co media holding. This was reported to in the press service of Sber. SberCeller entered the SberInteyment group of companies, which unites entertainment and advertising assets of the Sber ecosystem. The new sales house will focus on selling the advertising inventory of the ecosystem, and also plans to enter the external market. Among the upcoming initiatives of SberCeller are the creation of advertising tools based on the ecosystem data set and the development of products together with other subsidiaries of Sber. One of the first sales house projects will be the exclusive sale of advertisements based on the AVOD model on the Okko multimedia service. The new sales house will allow combining the multifaceted advertising capabilities of the Sberbank ecosystem to create unique product

Russia is under the threat of food shortages due to Belarus

Reuters: the migration crisis in Belarus made it difficult to supply food to Russia The migration crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border made it difficult to food producers in Russia, which is why the country was under the threat of a deficit, writes Reuters. Some companies are already suffering losses and are considering a temporary halt in production if the situation worsens. Poland has closed several checkpoints across the border with Belarus for freight traffic. The reason was the political tension between the European Union and Minsk – the West accused the Belarusian authorities of encouraging migrants from the Middle East to illegally cross the borders. Long queues of trucks formed at four of the six that remained open. At the same time, six checkpoints across the border between Belarus and Lithuania operate as usual. A spokesman for the Russian market told Reuters that lines at any time of the day

At the Sberbank seminar, ways to improve the efficiency of collection processes were discussed

The annual seminar of Sberbank “Protecting the interests of the bank in bankruptcy procedures” was held The 10th annual seminar “Protecting the interests of a bank in bankruptcy procedures” organized by Sberbank for the banking community was held. The event was attended by well-known lawyers, professors of law schools and experts in the field of collection: Professor of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Civilistics” Andrey Egorov; Kirill Nogotkov, Director of the Russian Union of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Arbitration Trustees; Roman Bevzenko, partner of the Pepeliaev Group law firm; Chairman of the Bankruptcy Club Oleg Zaitsev and other experts. Maxim Degtyarev, Vice President, Director of the Department for Troubled Assets of Sberbank, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. At the seminar, practical issues of collection were discussed: how to achieve the sale of the debtor's luxury housing and efficiently recover losses, how to