Russians will miss a total eclipse

Moscow Planetarium: a total eclipse of the Sun on December 4 will not work in Russia A total eclipse of the Sun will occur on December 4. However, the Russians will miss it, according to the website of the Moscow Planetarium. “On December 4, 2021, there will be a total eclipse of the Sun with a maximum phase = 1.037 at 10.34 Moscow time. The total phase of the eclipse will last 1 minute 54 seconds and will pass in a narrow strip of lunar shadow across the territory of Antarctica, “the report says. Partial phases of the eclipse under favorable weather conditions will become visible in Antarctica, southern South Africa and Namibia, as well as in the south of South America and in the southern waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. In Russia, this phenomenon cannot be observed. With a total eclipse, it is possible to see

День в истории: 4 декабря

Бойня в Париже 4 декабря 1851 года после государственного переворота, совершенного Луи-Наполеоном Бонапартом, в столице Франции произошла кровавая бойня. Переворот был совершен за два дня до этого и привел к ликвидации Второй республики и установлению Второй империи во Франции. Против самовластного поступка президента начались протесты, которые, правда, не отличались особой энергией и имели разрозненный характер. В ответ правительство приказало расстреливать без суда всех, кто окажется на баррикадах с оружием в руках. В результате 4 декабря множество людей, большинство из которых не принимало никакого участия в протесте против переворота, были убиты или схвачены и расстреляны. Верные Наполеону войска и поддержавшая их полиция зачастую убивали всех, кто попадался им на пути. Среди убитых были в том числе женщины и дети. За этим последовали массовые аресты и ссылки. С такой же жестокостью были подавлены и попытки сопротивления в провинциях. «Москвич-400» В 1946 году в этот день был создан первый образец советского легкового автомобиля массового производства. Он был создан на Московском заводе малолитражных автомобилей и получил название «Москвич 400». Внешне машина была похожа на «Опель-Кадет К38» немецкого производства, хотя имела собственные неповторимые отличия. До 1941 года в Советском Союзе изготовляли автомашины высокого класса, акцентируя внимание на дизайне и высочайшем качестве отделки

The United States found a relationship between Nord Stream 2 and the situation in Ukraine

US Secretary of State Blinken noted the “pressure” of the Russian Federation on Europe ahead of winter US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the migration crisis on the borders of Belarus with the European Union (EU), as well as the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project are interconnected. He spoke about this within the framework of the Reuters NEXT conference, TASS reports. Blinken was asked whether he found a “military threat against Ukraine”, the situation with migrants on the Belarusian border, as well as “Nord Stream -2 “by the” coordinated geopolitical strategy “of the Russian Federation, which in this way can allegedly exert pressure on Europe. “Probably yes. In other words, all these phenomena are taking place, and they are related to each other, “the Secretary of State said. ” What we see in Belarus on the border with three countries, and at the same time, growing pressure

Biden prevents US government from blocking work

US President Biden signed an interim budget and postponed the shutdown US President Joe Biden signed a law extending government funding until February 18, 2022 and thereby prevented the shutdown (blocking of work) that threatened the executive branch, as reported on the White House website. The head of state signed law HR 6119 and postponed the shutdown. The document provides for the allocation of funds to federal agencies until February 18, 2022. The money, among other things, will go to support the citizens evacuated from Afghanistan. The current funding period ends on the night of December 4. The document was previously approved by Congress. In October, Biden signed an interim budget. Then the US Senate and House of Representatives approved a bill to continue funding the federal government until December 3 to avoid its shutdown.

Biden will tell Putin about the mood for stable relations with Russia

US Secretary of State Blinken: Biden will declare to Putin his mood for stable relations with the Russian Federation US President Joe Biden will announce to his upcoming Russian colleague talk about Washington's mood for stable relations with Russia. This was stated by the United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken during the Reuters Next conference, he was quoted by TASS. There is no substitute for direct conversation and interaction between officials, especially between President Biden and President Putin. President Putin makes decisions in Russia, and it is very important that he hears President Biden directly Anthony Blinken US Secretary of State Blinken added that Washington expects a conversation between the two leaders in the near future. According to him, Biden intends to strongly warn Moscow against “any reckless or aggressive action that Russia may take.” At the same time, the United States is not threatened, but presented with a

Zakharova responded to the US Secretary of State who accused Russia of aggressive actions

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova accused NATO of interfering in the internal affairs of states the words of the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who accused the Russian Federation of aggressive actions. The representative of the Russian department quoted the head of American diplomacy, who said that the only aggression allegedly comes only from Russia. “Syria , Libya, Iraq, Yugoslavia – NATO's open armed aggression led by the United States. Ukraine is the leadership of anti-constitutional coups, “Zakharova recalled, stressing that in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Belarus there were” demonstrative attempts to overthrow the government using elements of a hybrid war, carried out by the United States and NATO countries. “ Also she noted that hundreds of operations aimed at interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign states and changing their political agenda is a “NATO routine”. “So, such statements by the Secretary of State are nothing more than

Gradsky's wards in “The Voice” recalled the words that annoyed the artist

Ward of the singer Gradsky on the “Voice” Kirillov: the artist was annoyed by people's pity for him Voice “told what kind of person their mentor was and remembered the artist's words, writes Despite the poor health and deteriorating health in recent years, the singer continued to work. He didn’t want to interrupt the project and didn’t like it when people felt sorry for him. The participant of the show, Viktor Kirillov, specified that Gradsky continued to demonstrate optimism. “He really didn’t like it when people started feeling sorry for him because of his well-being, it was very annoying for Gradsky,” he said. The mentor was always in touch with his charges and helped them with valuable advice. “From our last conversation I remembered his words:” Vit, you are very powerful! When I listened to how you fly up there in this song, I thought, you will simply demolish

Gradsky's wards in “The Voice” recalled the words that annoyed the artist

Ward of the singer Gradsky on the “Voice” Kirillov: the artist was annoyed by people's pity for him Voice “told what kind of person their mentor was and remembered the artist's words, writes Despite the poor health and deteriorating health in recent years, the singer continued to work. He didn’t want to interrupt the project and didn’t like it when people felt sorry for him. The participant of the show, Viktor Kirillov, specified that Gradsky continued to demonstrate optimism. “He really didn’t like it when people started feeling sorry for him because of his well-being, it was very annoying for Gradsky,” he said. The mentor was always in touch with his charges and helped them with valuable advice. “From our last conversation I remembered his words:” Vit, you are very powerful! When I listened to how you fly up there in this song, I thought, you will simply demolish

Georgia called the term for Saakashvili's transfer from hospital to prison

Head of the Georgian Ministry of Health Tikaradze: ex-President Saakashvili does not need treatment abroad -President of the country Mikhail Saakashvili. The politician receives the necessary medical care in the republic and does not need to be transferred abroad, the minister said in an interview with the Rustavi 2 TV channel. “I cannot imagine that Georgian doctors do not have sufficient competence to provide a patient with everything necessary … Proceeding from this, we did not conduct any consultations to bring the patient abroad and continue his treatment there, ”Tikaradze stressed. The Minister also named the timeframe for Saakashvili’s transfer from hospital to prison, answering a question from journalists. According to her, it depends on the process of restoring the prisoner's health. Tikaradze stressed that now the politician is not planning to be discharged from the military hospital in Gori, because, in addition to starting a meal, he needs other

Georgia called the term for Saakashvili's transfer from hospital to prison

Head of the Georgian Ministry of Health Tikaradze: ex-President Saakashvili does not need treatment abroad -President of the country Mikhail Saakashvili. The politician receives the necessary medical care in the republic and does not need to be transferred abroad, the minister said in an interview with the Rustavi 2 TV channel. “I cannot imagine that Georgian doctors do not have sufficient competence to provide a patient with everything necessary … Proceeding from this, we did not conduct any consultations to bring the patient abroad and continue his treatment there, ”Tikaradze stressed. The Minister also named the timeframe for Saakashvili’s transfer from hospital to prison, answering a question from journalists. According to her, it depends on the process of restoring the prisoner's health. Tikaradze stressed that now the politician is not planning to be discharged from the military hospital in Gori, because, in addition to starting a meal, he needs other