Fruits prohibited for weight loss

Nutritionist Degtyannikova: bananas, watermelons, mangoes, grapes and dates interfere with weight loss when losing weight. She also named the permissible amount of these products per day, RIA Novosti reports. The specialist urged not to eat fruits with a high glycemic index: bananas, watermelons, mangoes, grapes and dates. According to her, they are prohibited when losing weight, because they interfere with this process. The nutritionist advised to eat no more than two fruits per day, sometimes this number should be limited to one. “The glycemic index is the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream in response to certain foods. The higher this indicator, the faster glucose enters the bloodstream, the stronger its jump will be. This means that the glycemic index characterizes the ability to stimulate the production of insulin – the main hormone that launches glucose into the cell, due to which we get energy, “explained Degtyannikova. The medic

A man beat children with a red-hot poker for educational purposes

In Ukraine, a man was convicted for beating disobedient children with a red-hot poker educational purposes, according to the Facebook page of the National Police of Ukraine. The incident took place in May. A 38-year-old man's concubine complained to him about the disobedience of children. After that, the father took a poker, warmed it up in the oven and beat up his eight-year-old son and six-year-old daughter. The children received burns to their buttocks, legs and back. They were removed from the family and placed under the supervision of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. The question of depriving the father of parental rights is being resolved. In addition, he was sentenced to four years in prison. Earlier it became known that in a private house in the village of Svetloye, Sverdlovsk region, a five-year-old girl died from an electric shock, grabbing a bare wire. The child was left unattended by

A man beat children with a red-hot poker for educational purposes

In Ukraine, a man was convicted for beating disobedient children with a red-hot poker educational purposes, according to the Facebook page of the National Police of Ukraine. The incident took place in May. A 38-year-old man's concubine complained to him about the disobedience of children. After that, the father took a poker, warmed it up in the oven and beat up his eight-year-old son and six-year-old daughter. The children received burns to their buttocks, legs and back. They were removed from the family and placed under the supervision of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. The question of depriving the father of parental rights is being resolved. In addition, he was sentenced to four years in prison. Earlier it became known that in a private house in the village of Svetloye, Sverdlovsk region, a five-year-old girl died from an electric shock, grabbing a bare wire. The child was left unattended by

The timing of the arrival of the Zircon missile into service in the Russian fleet has been disclosed

TASS: Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles may appear at the Russian Navy in 2025 The newest hypersonic cruise missiles may appear in the armament of the Russian Navy (Navy) in 2025. Such a timeframe for the arrival of the missile was revealed by a TASS source. In 2025, the missiles will enter service together with the first standard carrier – the Project 885M Perm nuclear submarine (nuclear submarine). “State tests “Zircon” for the nuclear submarine will be roughly completed in 2025. The first full-time carrier of the Zircons, Perm, will take part in them. At the same time, it is planned that the boat, along with the missiles, will enter service with the Russian Navy, “the agency's source said. NPO Mashinostroyenia, where the missiles were developed, did not comment on this information to the agency.

The timing of the arrival of the Zircon missile into service in the Russian fleet has been disclosed

TASS: Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles may appear in the Russian Navy in 2025 in the armament of the Russian Navy (Navy) in 2025. Such a timeframe for the arrival of the missile was revealed by a TASS source. In 2025, the missiles will enter service together with the first standard carrier – the Project 885M Perm nuclear submarine (nuclear submarine).

The Voice project will be dedicated to the memory of Gradsky

Voice host Nagiyev: Channel One will dedicate a project to the memory of the singer and mentor Gradsky , composer Aleksand Gradskiy, was told about this by the host of the project Dmitry Nagiyev on the air of the program. He recalled that Gradskiy had been feeling bad lately, but even with “unstable” health, he did not leave the team without support. According to Nagiyev, the artist considered it his duty. “And we, in turn, consider it our duty to show what the master worked on. It was not a person who passed away, the whole world passed away. We dedicate this project to the memory of the maestro, our teacher and friend, “he stressed. The presenter admitted that Gradsky turned out to be not only a mentor in the project, but a teacher in life. He called him wise, “adamant and fearless.” Filmed on November 18, the episode aired

The Voice project will be dedicated to the memory of Gradsky

Voice host Nagiyev: Channel One will dedicate a project to the memory of the singer and mentor Gradsky , composer Aleksand Gradskiy, was told about this by the host of the project Dmitry Nagiyev on the air of the program. He recalled that Gradskiy had been feeling bad lately, but even with “unstable” health, he did not leave the team without support. According to Nagiyev, the artist considered it his duty. “And we, in turn, consider it our duty to show what the master worked on. It was not a person who passed away, the whole world passed away. We dedicate this project to the memory of the maestro, our teacher and friend, “he stressed. The presenter admitted that Gradsky turned out to be not only a mentor in the project, but a teacher in life. He called him wise, “adamant and fearless.” Filmed on November 18, the episode aired

Britain warned of natural disasters due to climate

Independent: UK government braces for disaster due to climate crisis to extreme weather conditions. The Independent reports. Storm Arwen hit parts of England and Scotland this week, reaching nearly 100 miles per hour. Thousands of homes are still without electricity. Strong gusts of wind cut power lines, uprooted trees and created debris on the roads. The British government suggested that such natural disasters could become more frequent due to the aggravation of the climate crisis. Minister of Enterprise, Energy and Industrial Strategy Kwasi Quarteng said that this storm was unlike any other, and promised to do every effort to restore electricity to damaged homes before Christmas. At the same time, he also noted that it is necessary to better prepare for extreme weather. “We must be prepared for the same extreme and difficult weather conditions in the future. We need to make sure our system is sustainable in such cases,

Britain warned of natural disasters due to climate

Independent: UK government braces for disaster due to climate crisis to extreme weather conditions. The Independent reports. Storm Arwen hit parts of England and Scotland this week, reaching nearly 100 miles per hour. Thousands of homes are still without electricity. Strong gusts of wind cut power lines, uprooted trees and created debris on the roads. The British government suggested that such natural disasters could become more frequent due to the aggravation of the climate crisis. Minister of Enterprise, Energy and Industrial Strategy Kwasi Quarteng said that this storm was unlike any other, and promised to do every effort to restore electricity to damaged homes before Christmas. At the same time, he also noted that it is necessary to better prepare for extreme weather. “We must be prepared for the same extreme and difficult weather conditions in the future. We need to make sure our system is sustainable in such cases,

The Gamaleya Center named the condition for the end of the pandemic

Virologist Altstein: the omicron strain can ease the course of COVID-19 and end the pandemic Virologist, MD, professor, chief officer The Gamaleya Center Anatoly Altstein told whether a new omicron strain of coronavirus could cause a new wave of pandemic by the New Year. The specialist shared his opinion in an interview with Sputnik radio. According to Altstein, the omicron strain will not have time to spread before the New Year, since this will take about six months for the virus. The specialist recalled that the delta variant appeared in the fall of 2020, but began to be widely encountered in May-July 2021. He also named the condition for the end of the pandemic: for this, the omicron strain should facilitate the course of COVID-19. “If the mortality rate of the coronavirus is comparable to the flu, then we will already assume that the pandemic is over. The pandemic has